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Chapter 483: buy vibrating gold

"As small as the energy shield technology used by individual soldiers and as large as fortresses; ship-borne energy guns; ship-borne torpedoes used by space battleships... As long as you can come up with equivalent things, I can trade them to you, anyway, I It’s useless to keep it, and it’s not a waste to replace it with some good things.” Yue Si said very calmly, even if Nick Fury talked about it and talked about it later, he still kept throwing his price. : "I heard that the Cree people are constantly chasing and killing the Skrull people. You have taken in a group of Skrull refugees. It's hard not to attract them. This is a necessary measure for my stable life."

"These things, let's stop here." Nick Fury did not continue to talk to Yue Si in this regard, because he was afraid that he could not control his emotions, those things were too tempting.

As for Charles Wu Yuesi's alien identity, it's actually nothing.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. was not yet S.H.I.E.L.D., but a Strategic Science Corps, the U.S. Emperor absorbed a large number of Hydra technical experts through the ‘Paperclip Project’ and transferred a large number of technical experts and high-level researchers to the U.S. Emperor.

The term "paperclip" is still used today.

Those who work for the enemy, his predecessors can use it, what happened to him Nick Fury cooperated with aliens, didn't the infamous Skrull in the universe befriend him?

"Are you interested in becoming a technical advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Nick Fury suddenly asked. Yue Si's identity and technology cannot be compromised, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is in charge.

"Are you full-time?" This is a matter related to his welfare. Of course, Yue Si needs to ask a few more questions. Although he really works with S.H.I.E.L.D., the things he has researched are likely to be taken away by Hydra. In fact, as long as The salary is sufficient and the treatment is good enough. He doesn't mind who he works for, whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra.

"If my standard of treatment can follow the standards of Hammer Industries, then I agree." Yue Si said casually: "I came to Earth to live a stable life for myself, not to work for others."

This time, Nick Fury hesitated. He could give Yue Si the benefits, but Yue Si can be regarded as the number two person in Hammer Industries. Although he only has the name of a project manager, he No one in Hammer Industries can control him, and he is thankful that he can be on the job for two hours on an eight-hour workday (including lunch and afternoon tea).

And in Hammer Industries, no one can instruct Charles Wu to do anything. It was Charles Wu himself who suddenly became interested and did some research and inventions, and Hammer Industries scientists learned something along with them.

If Nick Fury is the boss of Charles Wu Yues, let alone the eight-hour workday, eight hours of rest every day is humane enough, and strive to give this alien's mind as soon as possible. Squeeze dry.

Therefore, Charles Wu Yuesi will definitely not be allowed to work full-time in the central science and technology department of SHIELD.

"It's fine to work part-time. Ours are in trouble with some technical issues. You can take the time to solve it, and you can pay by the hour." Nick Fury said.

"The question of your identity and background has been asked, and now the question comes back to your personal identity." Nick Fury continued to ask: "As an alien, do you have any special abilities?"

Yue Si spread his hands and said, "I don't know?"

Before Nick Fury could continue to ask questions, Yue Si said, "The special abilities you are referring to are judged by the standards of people on Earth. For us, some things are accustomed to, and everyone has them. In the eyes of human beings, it is very unique, for example, the body is stronger, the strength, and the reaction speed are better than those of the earth people.

"Moreover, we are also very surprised by the people of the earth. It is incredible that there are creatures that can reproduce throughout the year."

As far as the results are concerned, the meeting between Yue Si and Nick Fury was quite good. Both parties were very satisfied, and one could flicker vigorously, although nothing was said about anything that was actually useful.

Nick Fury got some information from Yue Si, whether it is useful or not, at least it is much better than the previous two-eyed smear, and there is a cooperation agreement, although the blueprint of the star destroyer, and the The blueprint of a space battleship that can be produced with the current technological level of the earth has not been obtained, but there is hope.

After leaving the coffee shop, Nick Fury and his party went straight back to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the black marinated egg returned to his high-rise office by himself. The appearance of another person, and Nick Fury is sitting in the office waiting.

The Nick Fury that Yue Si met was actually a Skrull pretending to be the real Nick Fury. The real Nick Fury had been busy with other things, and the Skrull agent reported what he had analyzed: "I exposed that day because of Transformed into someone that Charles Wu knew, he was aware of, and he couldn't tell the Skrull's disguise to someone he hadn't met."

Nick Fury turned off the tablet in his hand, and Agent Scrooge had a miniature probe on him. He monitored the conversation between the two, so Agent Scrooge didn't have to repeat the conversation, just made his own. Just judge.

After the Skrull agent left, Nick Fury took out a clear zip bag from a drawer of his desk, which contained shell casings collected outside Charles Wu's rented apartment.

Originally, he wanted to let Agent Skrull hold this thing and let Yue Si explain it, but he changed his mind again, some things, it is better not to pierce it.

Of course, one of the reasons for him to leave this thing is not just this. Not long ago, an archaeological group rescued an Indian monument, and found a group of high-tech, but unreliable Knowing the specific functions of man-made objects, the historical age of these man-made objects can be traced back to several thousand years BC, which corresponds to the Shang and Zhou dynasties, but with today's human technology, it is impossible to figure out the role of these man-made objects at all.

The smelting technology of the Indians is very bad, or even not at all. As a symbol of the Indians' military force, the jaguar warriors are equipped with tiger skin armor, and the weapon is a kind of obsidian called 'Marquawit', which is glued with turtle dung. A sharp-edged wooden stick, but those unearthed cultural relics are alloy creations, and their material strength far exceeds the level of the aviation gold-titanium alloy used in Tony Stark's steel battle suit. Through testing methods such as carbon fourteen, it can be There is no doubt that it was created in BC.

On these creations, there are the same double-headed eagle emblems of the Empire and the sacred skull mark with wings as those on the bullet casings, so the origin of these bullet casings is worth investigating.

It was originally just a simple S.H.I.E.L.D. attack. At first, it was suspected that the object was the Hydra that has long disappeared in the passage of time. Now that it involves ancient civilizations, the incident has become confusing.

Isn't Hydra built by the Red Skull John Schmidt during World War II? How did you get involved with the lost Indians again?

In fact, on closer inspection, there is really a relationship between the two.

The original purpose Hydra was actually an organization created to welcome back the exiled Inhuman King Hive, and the origin of Inhumans was created by the Kree who carried out Terrigan mutation experiments on the ancient earth, in order to make Super soldiers come to war, and the hive is the first experiment of this experimental project.

Before being captured by the Kree, Hive was actually a Mayan warrior, so the two are related to a certain extent... A shit, those artifacts were created by Yue Si's body, not from Shang and Zhou, but from last week. The specific material is just a copper-nickel alloy with a little lead, the kind that is not too long when touched.

But how strong the main body Yue Si is now, he does not have a standard for judging himself. Even if he picks up a little thing, it is a material manipulation at the beginning molecular level, so the physical properties of those things are very outrageous, and under deliberate forgery, With the current level of human technology on Earth, it must be detected that they are cultural relics with a history of thousands of years.

Making these things, burying them in the soil, and letting the archaeologists dig them out, Yue Si didn't do it on a whim. He did it for fun, but to be famous.

The Anglo-Saxon gang is a very indifferent existence. They have no morality, courtesy and honor, and they don't hide their bandit and pirate nature. As a civilized person, Yue Si has a reason for everything, and bury these things in the ground. , it can prove that this land has been our site since ancient times, but we left temporarily for something, and when we come back, we can justifiably take back our land.

It's like, your family goes on a trip, and a group of gangsters sees that there is no one in your home, so they swagger in, eat your food, use your things, and when you come back from the trip, seeing these gangsters, of course It is to get their things back from them, and to beat them to vent their anger, the necessary compensation is also necessary.

Although those are fakes, concocted by Yue Si, but when the truth comes, it is true that it is true, we have evidence, and the physical evidence of Tie Zhengzheng is there, who can say that it is false.

With those few inconspicuous things, the righteousness is taken over, and no matter what you do, you can be called "a famous teacher".

As for the deity of Yue Si, after making those things and burying them in the soil, he set off for Africa. If you want to get vibrating gold, you must go to Wakanda. If you want to go to Wakanda, you must find a key person, Ulysses K. labor.

As an arms dealer, Ulysses Crowe can be said to be quite thoughtful. Yuri Orlov in "Lord of War" transports goods, whether cargo ships or planes, are leased, and also At risk of being investigated by Interpol, Ulysses Crow directly obtained a cargo ship to use as a base.

Although most of his subordinates are black uncles, their educational level is extremely low, and they do not know how to maintain ships at all. Operations that make the security officer's scalp tingle—such as sparking welding when the cargo hold is full of ammunition, blocking fire escapes in order to transport more ammunition.

A freight ship made by modern technology, in the hands of Ulysses Crow, has been reduced to a pirate ship in the era of sailing ships, with all kinds of messes.

However, the arms business, especially the downstream arms dealers like him, is unavoidable, because the need for weapons, especially large-scale weapons, must be a place of war. Once a war occurs, the social order will collapse. In this regard, our old friend Yuri Orlov can still serve as a typical example, in a country where a quarter of the population suffers from AIDS, people do not Consider yourself a disease that will die in ten years, because maybe you won't be able to open your eyes tomorrow.

I originally wanted to open a yellow accent here, but I felt the rhythm was wrong, so I deleted it.

If nothing else, even Tony Stark, the tycoon of the military industry, the head of the dignified Stark Industries, had to go to the Middle East in person when he was selling his Jericho missiles. He had a neat suit. go to eat ashes.

Although suffering is a bit hard, making money is really making money.

Ulysses Crow welcomed the arrival of Yue Si. As an arms dealer, he and Tony Stark could be regarded as old acquaintances. As a superior supplier, Crow brought Tony Stark's character has been thoroughly understood.

But Tony Stark's announcement of the closure of the weapons research and development department will not only affect the US stock but also various arms dealers. The vacated share was quickly divided up. Channel providers also have to re-select suppliers.

After Stark Industries withdrew from the military weapons industry, Hammer Industries was undoubtedly a good choice. They sent a special person to contact them, and Ulysses Crowe did not welcome them.

However, seeing Yue Si coming alone, Crowe still showed a hint of surprise: "My friend, you are born to be an arms dealer, and you must be bold in the first place!"

"By the way, Hammer Industries seems to have come up with something good, mechanical exoskeleton armor, right, you are really geniuses, you can invent that kind of weapon, and the way of future warfare will be rewritten because of you."

There is no more sensitive news in the world than an arms dealer. As for the new products of Hammer Industries, Crowe can be said to understand the first time - although his information is outdated, Tony Stark also took out the steel battle suit , but Stark will never sell it here.

"Claude, I'm here to make a deal with you, not to sell you anything, but to buy from you." Yue Si didn't say such polite words, and came up to the point and said: "I want Zhenjin, How much vibration gold is needed."

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