Chapter 189

Chapter 189 Fang Xian is a little crazy

“Young man,” the old man’s face changed slightly after hearing what Fang Xian said, and he said faintly: “It is better not to do things that you are not sure about in the future.

The implication is to say that such a person still has a line.

It’s a shame.

Of course Yang Shengli knew that the old man was talking about him, touched his face, and then said in a nonchalant manner: “Master, this little brother has indeed cured my illness. I was also taken by the spirit beast when I went to hunt the spirit beast in the big forest. hurt.

This is the truth, because no one in the entire cloud does not know.

Yang Shengli was badly injured and has been in poor health.

But he still insisted on running his own business, but Yamaguchi has suddenly healed recently and no longer festers like before, so he dared to push people down to the old man.

I also wanted to lead Fang Xian.

If the person recommended by his own cures the old man, then the old man will definitely remember what he wants after the work, and the baby may be easier.

Most of them who use spiritual energy to cultivate, need pills and spiritual weapons, so that they can improve their own strength.

And those small families generally can’t afford the better-quality medicinal pill.

We can only rely on the foundation of a big family to develop our own power.

But in this case, the entire family will be driven by those in the big family.

The Yang family where Yang Shengli is located is now precarious.

“But this little brother said that tonight is not the case. If it weren’t for Gu Shao’s arrival, you would have harmed my father!” It was the father’s only son, Yun Manan, who was full of colors and his chin. There is a handful of moustaches.

At a glance, Gu Yan had the most impression of this person.

It should be a man of integrity.

Although “This medicine can only warm the body, but it can also heal the old man’s injury. After all, he was injured like this because of the spirit beast. As long as the toxins in the body are removed, it will definitely get better, so what I said is not complete. mistake.

Fang Xian said these words gently, hoping that those present could change his opinion.

When he was in the hospital, he knew that maybe the path of medical skills would not work, so he wanted Yang Shengli to help with the line.

Then I saw this respected old man and got some benefits from it.

Expand his power from other places, and then return to the Su family.

Let Su Lixue change her opinion.


At this critical moment, Gu Yan unexpectedly appeared again.

“Completely wrong.” Gu Yan had an indifferent expression on his face. He watched the people present and popularized a few words casually, and the people at the scene seemed to realize it.

I almost worshipped him as a god.

“Gu Shao said a few words casually, and I actually understood it.”

“This is Gu Shao’s charm.”

“I heard that he destroyed the entire Dragon King Hall by himself. Now it is the new Dragon King. The people on the Demon City respect him very much.”


The people at the banquet started talking again, and finally, because some people still couldn’t bear it, the indifferent breath exuding from Gu Yan’s body.

So leave early.

Only the people of the Yun family and Yang Shengli and their friends were at the scene.

Now this scene is extremely embarrassing.

“Okay, the time is up.” Gu Yan stood up, glanced at everyone present, and then put one hand in his trouser pocket, as if he had just arrived, he was about to go out under everyone’s attention.

However, before the person left, something happened to the side.

Yang Shengli is down!

“Hurry up, don’t you, that young man, said that you saved Mr. Yang’s illness? Come and have a look.” Someone shouted and helped Yang Shengli to the side of the sofa.

Fang Xian walked over quickly with a serious expression.

After checking, he immediately said to himself, “How can this disease recur? I obviously retreated the wound according to the master’s request.”


The one closest to them heard this and suddenly repeated it loudly.

All the people gathered around to watch.

Even Gu Yan came over with interest, everyone gave way to him, it seemed that he was the protagonist of the audience.

“Hurry up and save people!” Yun Monan shouted and Fang Xian reacted at once, and then took out a roll of white cloth from his suit pocket.

After slowly opening it turned out to be silver needles of different sizes.

There are all kinds of them.

He quickly picked up a silver needle and pierced one of Yang Shengli’s veins, followed by the second one, one by one, and Yang Shengli’s dark complexion slowly became better.

Those people I saw around me all raised their throats.

Gu Yan was still like that, smiling inexplicably.

He is watching a good show.

“Okay,” Fang Xian turned his head and explained, “Mr. Yang’s illness is only a temporary relapse, mainly because the spirit beast that attacked him is a spirit beast that releases venom, so this accident happened. , I also express my regret.”

Fang Xian finished speaking and looked at the people around him with mixed reviews.

Then he could only speak again: “I will take full responsibility for Mr. Yang’s illness from now on until he is completely cured.”

This way of doing things is okay, everyone nodded.

Just when the old man was about to invite Gu Yan to go inside and talk in detail, let him give himself a prescription, suddenly someone shouted.

“Mr. Yang’s face has changed again!”

Everyone gathered around again and saw that Yang Shengli’s face had become black again from the white moment.

And the whole person became painful. He grabbed the position of his heart with one hand, and grabbed something with the other hand randomly, and the spiritual energy in his hand came out.

Shatter everything around.

Because he was afraid of hurting others, everyone around was far away.

“Fang Xian, you tell Laozi, what the hell is this (have Zhao), the situation is still there!”

A good friend of Yang Shengli grabbed Fang Xian’s collar with one hand, and then swiped a punch to his face.

Immediately after the spiritual energy came in, it directly flew him a long way.

Fang Xian, who stood up from the ground, squeezed his fists tightly, his eyes were a little bit fierce, and he couldn’t be angry for the time being, so he could only endure to maintain a good image.

These people will be needed to serve him in the future.

After wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, Fang Xian’s hair was slightly wet.

Sticking to his head one by one, he used it lightly, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and watched the person rushing over.

He shrugged and smiled like a demon.

Yang Shengli “I’ve always treated my illness. If you beat me to death, he will die here tonight. It’s good to be accompanied by a master on Huangquan Road.”

After speaking, he laughed at himself.

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