Chapter 188

Chapter 188, don’t bring a stool for Gu Shao soon!

A voice rang in the entire hall, and everyone looked in the direction of the door, and Gu Yan in a white suit appeared at the door.

Slowly walked in with leather shoes, with an unparalleled noble temperament on his body.

Everyone looked at him.

There were even many women who were very excited. Some people took the hand of the person next to them, wiped it lightly, and opened their eyes wide, “Hurry up and tell me, am I dreaming?”

The woman next to her gently stretched out her hand and patted her.

She jumped up suddenly.

Then he stared at the man walking towards the banquet and said excitedly: “This is Gu Yan. I have told you many times before, the most powerful Gu Yan.”

“I forgot what you said before, but the teacher is true!” The woman next to her was almost drooling, her eyes staring in Gu Yan’s direction.

Everyone’s eyes are on him.

Fang Xian looked at Gu Yan, who was walking slowly, and he was really handsome when he reached out his pocket, but he clenched his fist tightly.

Hate is full in my heart.

Because since meeting Gu Yan27, the relationship between him and Su Lixue has not progressed, and even created enough opportunities for him to get him first every time, which made Fang Xian very unhappy.


Why did he work hard to make a wedding dress for others in the end?

He is not convinced!

Of course Gu Yan saw it too, and Fang Xian, who was standing between the crowd, smiled faintly.

“It turned out to be Gu Shao!” The old man in the wheelchair stood up tremblingly under the support of his family, and then moved to the front of Gu Yan with difficulty, and said with a full smile: “Gu Shao, next time. If you want to come, let me know in advance so that I can prepare a separate position for you.”

“No, I happen to be free today, and I came when I received the invitation letter.”

Gu Yan answered slowly, and then those around him who didn’t know him were in an uproar.

Who is this young man anyway?

Why are they so respected and respected? The old man stood up to greet him personally, and his attitude was so good. If everyone was right, there seemed to be a hint of humbleness in his attitude.

There is one more to please!

“Gu Shao’s visit is an honor for our entire Yun family. Don’t hurry up and move a stool for Gu Shao.” The old man straightened up and said with difficulty, and then began to cough.

The family hurried over to help, trying to help him to sit down in the wheelchair.

However, the old man shook his head.

He smiled and said, “Gu Shao sits first, and I will go after Gu Shao sits down.”

This sentence was heard in the ears of everyone present, including Fang Xian, who raised his eyebrows lightly and continued to observe Gu Yan from the corner.

What is the identity of this person?

Gu Yan didn’t have any humility, he walked over quickly, sat down on the chair in the middle, folded his legs, and placed one hand gently on his knees, tapping little by little. knee.

It’s like a countdown to death.

“Grandpa, what is this person’s identity? Why is this impolite? You are the old man.” A young man next to the old man spoke quickly and whispered this sentence.

Fortunately, there is music, so only the old man and a few people close to him can hear it.

“To shut up!

The old man’s expression changed a bit, and then he gave him a fierce look, before he changed his cane and walked forward slowly.

“Gu Shao,” the old man stood in front of Gu Yan like a housekeeper over 50 years old, and then asked softly: “I heard Shao Gu said that the last medicine is not Atractylodes, and I hope that Shao Gu can give some advice. Second, my old life depends on this medicine.”

Everyone pricked their ears and listened.

Gu Yan didn’t seem to hear what the old man said, and he usually wrapped his fist gently, and then squeezed his bones.

The sound of clicking came out.

The people present shrank their heads. Why did they feel that the atmosphere seemed a little frozen, and they felt a hint of coldness in their bodies when they stayed in this banquet hall.

“The last medicine is not atractylodes but it is for nothing.”

Just when the old man was overjoyed and was about to let his family play a good role, Gu Yan’s words came out gently.

“But this medicine will not cure your current disease.”

In a word, it was as if the old man had been sentenced to death.

A young man in the Yun family was upset because he was young and energetic and didn’t know Gu Yan’s identity. He stepped forward and said, “Then what kind of medicine can save my grandfather’s life? What’s the point!

“Cloud change!

The old man yelled softly, and then exhausted all his strength to lift up the crutches in his hand, and hit the young man’s knee heavily.

Yun suddenly knelt on the ground. When he knelt down, he felt as if his legs were about to be broken.

Quickly circulate the aura of the whole body, but there is no effect. He closed his eyes deeply, and still raised his head stubbornly to ask the old man: “Grandpa, what is wrong with me, obviously this person is showing off! ”

Another stick hit his back hard.

Yun Ting grinned with pain.

“Gu Shao, I will let him take him down. He will never allow him to talk nonsense. I hope you have a lot of nonsense. Don’t mind my grandson’s nonsense.” After the old man finished speaking, he immediately Let someone take him down.

Gu Yan smiled with a 127 at the corner of his mouth, and no one could see what his true purpose was.

In fact, he simply came to slap her face.

Hit Fang Xian’s face.

“Didn’t the genius doctor just say it’s good? Can you ask to see if these medicines can cure your disease?” Gu Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then looked at Fang Xian’s direction.

He was taken aback.

The old man looked over, “This little genius doctor, I don’t know if what you just said is true, can this medicine really cure my disease?”

At the beginning, Fang Xian was extremely sure.

But now I took a closer look at the medicinal materials, and finally said with difficulty: “These medicines can only warm your body. Of course, it is impossible to cure your illness. It was me just now…

“It’s still called a genius doctor, it’s hilarious!

“If it weren’t for Gu Shao to say it just now, I guess you wouldn’t admit it now.”

“that is.”

The people around were discussing, and many people already knew the identity of Gu Yan from others.

This person can’t see through his strength at all, and the most important thing is that he still knows the way of medicine.

That’s a figure that everyone can’t match.

Fang Xian listened to those comments, and when he looked up, he saw Gu Yan’s face, revealing mystery, with a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth.

It seems to be mocking him for being a complete loser.

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