Chapter 190

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety What a Scourge!

“Save people!”

The man pulled him over, and then pressed his head in front of Yang Shengli, “If you can’t save him, be careful of your dog’s life!”

After speaking, the spiritual energy flame in the palm of that person suddenly appeared.

Some people around took a deep breath.

Spiritual energy flames, under normal circumstances, can only be cultivated until they reach the late Dacheng stage, and it still depends on each individual’s physique.

Even if some people have reached that realm, there is no way to cultivate spiritual energy flames.

So when they saw this, the people around couldn’t help but screamed softly.

They are all envious eyes.

Fang Xian squeezed his fist tightly, tonight for a while, and tomorrow he will make this person pay the price.

Checking Yang Shengli’s condition carefully, he found it strange.

He came from the mountain to learn medical skills from his master for more than ten years, and basically gave him all his life-long learning, and what he learned was ancient medical skills, and some of them used true energy to save people.

When Yang Shengli was getting a needle just now, he deliberately poured a trace of real energy into the silver needle.

It stands to reason that this will not happen.

Fang Xian checked for a long time, and the sweat on his forehead fell down.

127. It’s here that the connection is not done.

“Take this to him.” Suddenly, Gu Yan said slightly, Yun Manan who was standing next to him immediately took the pill, gently opened Yang Shengli’s mouth, and put it in.

After putting it in, everyone watched.

“Bring the people back first, and they will be cured early tomorrow morning.” After Gu Yan finished speaking, the old man immediately invited him into the room inside, and the banquet ended here.

The Yang family carried Yang Shengli back.

In the end, only Fang Xian was left on the scene.

He sat on the ground with a face, his ears were all talking about those people just now.

“Obviously, it is not the genius doctor who is here to send anything, but he actually caused the relapse of the patient who has been cured.”

“People are the great gods, he is nothing but rubbish.”


“I have to come here to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf, now it’s alright, the tail is exposed, I see who else in the whole city will dare to look for him in the future.”

“What a scourge, Fang Xian!”

The words of those people are like a sharp sword, deeply plunged into Fang Xian’s heart (chdf).

The fist was squeezed tightly, and the blue veins in his hand burst. When he raised his head again, Fang Xian’s expression became terrifying. He squeezed the black bead in his pocket and his eyes were stained with scarlet red.

From then on, he didn’t allow anyone to look down on him again.

After sitting in this hall for a long time, Fang Xian slowly straightened up. When he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a familiar laugh from the room inside.

It seems to be Su Lixue.

A ghostly messenger, Fang Xian quietly walked to the door of the room, and then gently opened a gap. All this happened to be seen by Gu Yan who was sitting on the main seat.


Born since childhood, Gu Yan stared at the gap in the door, where Fang Xian’s eyes were matched. He suddenly retracted when he saw his eyes, as if he saw something that he didn’t look at, and felt special. horrible.

After returning, Fang Xian swallowed saliva.

That expression was like a brand, which was deeply engraved in his mind, and could not be waved away.Although he wanted to open the door again to make sure that the person sitting inside was Su Lixue, he didn’t Did not dare to touch that door.

Inexplicable fear.

This made Fang couldn’t help but wonder, what kind of identity does this person named Gu Yan have?

Why is it so?

After seeing Fang Xian withdraw, Gu Yan quickly gave the old man a pill and said lightly, “This can heal your injury.”

The old man was overjoyed, and his eyes widened. The son Yun Manan next to him knelt on one knee and said softly with both hands: “From then on, our entire Yun family has listened to Gu Shao’s orders.

Su Lixue on the side smiled lightly.

Her father had a better relationship with the old man. I heard that there was a business coming to see the old man tonight, so he asked him to come and have a look.

When she came, everyone was gone, and the butler brought her to this room and waited.

Then, she saw Gu Yan.

This man just met two sides and made her think about it.


Gu Yan didn’t say much, but stood up and walked out. Su Lixue also stood up immediately, and then softly said goodbye to the old man, “Grandpa Yun, I will also leave first, and I will see after two days. you.”

The old man is such a shrewd man, of course he knows the mind of this grand niece.

Yun Manan stood up and sent two people out.

“Thank you Gu Shao.” Yun Monan lowered his head slightly. If this scene was seen by those in the mall, he would definitely be surprised. The young master of the Yun family who was talking about, the general manager of the Yun Group, how could it be like this Humble?

Gu Yan waved his hand slightly and got into the car gently.

“Gu Shao, I didn’t drive when I came just now. I came by taxi. Can you take me for a ride?” Su Lixue has always been very decisive in dealing with emotions. After understanding her heart, she does not plan to change. This opportunity.

When Yun Manan heard this, he became a little worried.

Originally thought Gu Yan would refuse, but he did not expect that he agreed. Su Lixue got into the car excitedly, and the car galloped past Yun Manan’s eyes, and gradually disappeared at the end of the road.

Fang Xian, hiding in the dark, witnessed all this!

Do not!

The look in his eyes became vicious again, as if he had completely forgotten the look in Gu Yan’s eyes that he had touched just now. He was like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

His eyes lowered slightly, and he laughed at himself: “Even so, I will definitely be able to kill all the people who are disrespectful to me with one palm.

Afterwards, he was like an evil, talking to himself, madly saying: “Xiaoxue, you must wait for me, I will be able to give you happiness, I will give you the biggest wedding in the world, for you Unparalleled diamonds and treasures.”

No one could hear his self-talking voice.

[Ding, the protagonist Fang Xian’s mentality has changed, Blacken’s value is 52%][Ding, the protagonist Fang Xian’s mentality has changed, and the value of Blacken is 55%]

Hearing the two voices in his head, Gu Yan shook his head slightly. It seemed that the crit attack just now wasn’t enough. It would have been a bit of excitement if I knew it.

“Mr. Gu,” Su Lixue has been more restrained after getting in the car, gently pinching the corners of her skirt, and saying after a long time, “Thank you for sending me back. I will invite you to dinner tomorrow.

“Another day.

I don’t know why, after hearing Gu Yan’s answer, Su Lixue always felt a little bit lost in her heart.

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