Chapter 167

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Seven

Gu Yan agreed slightly, and Ye Liuli sat down in his arms, and the two of them had a warm posture.

Gently squeezed Ye Liuli’s nose, Gu Yan still liked the girl very much, after all, she had stayed with her since the beginning, and would take her with her no matter what she did.

She is not only very efficient, but also well-behaved and sensible.

Gu Yan likes it.

“Brother Gu Yan, people think.”

Ye Tian entered the forest, and then quickly ran in a certain direction. After running for a while, he took out a map from his hand, studied it carefully, and then moved on.

Although he encountered some difficulties along the way, he has never been stumped.

Quickly settled those people, all the way to the center of the forest, there is a treasure.

But “Zero 80” knew that someone had been following him all the time.

I quickly reached the center of the forest, where there is a lake with a large rock standing in the lake. It doesn’t seem to be much different from the usual scenic spots, but in fact there is a lot of article here.

There is a spirit beast guarding the baby in this lake.

If you can get that treasure, your strength will be greatly increased, and you will be able to increase your defensive capabilities.

No one can hurt him in the future.

He looked at the big rock standing in the center of the lake with a smile on his face. The baby he had been looking for for a long time finally appeared in front of him. The most important thing now is to deal with the spirit beast inside.

But he is not strong enough.

After thinking about it carefully, I suddenly thought of an idea to take advantage of the effort.

I took out a flare I had just now from my pocket and put it in the sky suddenly, exploding like fireworks.

Someone will come to support soon.

However, they were all small shrimps, and they could only be solved. Three or four flare flares were released again.

As soon as the three or four flares were released, everyone felt that there must be a particularly difficult thing here, and they rushed over to support them immediately.

It was Yang Hai, the old man of the Yang family.

When he arrived here, Ye Tian had already led out the huge spirit beast in the water, just like a flood dragon, but also had a pair of wings, which looked terrifying, with a big mouth covered in blood. A lot of people have been eaten by him just now.

Many of those juniors in the family were directly shocked.

Only people like them of the older generation have seen a lot of blood and blood before. Although their legs are trembling, they can only bite the bullet now.

If you run, you will definitely be caught up in a while.

All of them are going to die.

Yang Hai swallowed his saliva and said to the children behind him: “I will put two more signal flares. I can’t deal with this retailer alone. Let the two old men come and join me.”

The children nodded, and Ye Tian hid in the dark, watching all this happen.

Even if everyone died, he wouldn’t feel a little guilty in his heart.

As long as you can get something.


The Lin Queen yelled, Yang Hai jumped up from it, and then hovered in the sky, indeed possessing the kind of ability in the book.

Waving what was in his hand, he said loudly, “Niezha, see if I won’t drop you today!

After a few rounds, the strength of the flood dragon was so powerful that it hit the tree with a single claw, and when it fell from the tree, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and he clutched his chest in horror.

This spirit beast has been cultivating for too many years, and they simply can’t beat it.

Ye Tian looked a little anxious while watching, didn’t these old men think they were very powerful? How could it be so difficult to balance the two spirit beasts.

It’s just waste.

I cursed secretly in my heart, and heard some footsteps.

It must be someone again.

Sure enough, Old Man Lei and Old Man Li also appeared here to watch Yang Hai have been injured. The two looked at each other and rose into the air.

“Good cooperation!”

After yelling, the old man Lei pushed the aura group water chief out, and the defensive aura on the other side was also quickly opened, and they were teaming up to deal with the flood dragon.

The younger generation of children in the family saw this scene, some people were shocked, and some people joined the battle with high spirits.

However, as soon as the dragon’s tail flicked, they were beaten into the air, and many people were killed on the spot.

Seeing more and more people die, Lei Hongshen hesitated a bit.

“Old man Li, otherwise we’d better take someone to evacuate as soon as possible. Your defensive aura should be able to protect everyone from leaving here first. We can’t offend this dragon…”

If this continues, more than half of the people brought by the family will be killed or injured. .

Will damage the vitality of their entire Chinese market.

What’s more, they clearly came to trouble people in the three-regardless zone this time, but they have injured more than half of the people before they can find them, and there are some wounded soldiers everywhere.How can this compete with others?

Old man Li shook his head.

“When Yang Hai recovers his vitality for a while, come with us, can the three of us still be unable to defeat this flood dragon?”

“Moreover, this flood dragon must be guarding the baby, so it is so arrogant. When we go round by round, I don’t believe it. We can’t settle this flood dragon until dawn tomorrow.

Old man Li still wanted the treasure guarded by Jiaolong.

So stay stubbornly.

Lei Hongshen. There was really no way, only one round after round, and the two people were injured in the end. The three old men sat together and blocked them with defensive spirit weapons.

They must regain their vitality as soon as possible.

Ye Tian watched these three old men sit in a group to recover, and couldn’t help but fell a tree. They noticed that they suddenly opened their eyes, and the three looked at Ye Tian’s direction: “Who?”

He immediately hid his breath, and the three of them looked around, but they didn’t notice anyone.

“I think we should withdraw at 3.5. If we don’t get to the place of residence in this way, we will probably be dead.”

Lei Hongshen is considering the overall situation.

What they brought this time were all young children in the family. If they all died, they would only be the old men when they went back. What else would they talk about promoting the family.

Sit together and play chess until the day you die.

“I think you are timid!”

Old man Li jumped anxiously, and then pointed to the dragon, who was still watching them with his teeth and claws, and said, “There is such a big baby there. If you can get us, you won’t be afraid of being bullied by others.”

The problem is to take it for life.

Yang Hai also agreed with what Lei Hongshen said, and after considering it for a long time, he said: “I also think we should withdraw first, and then find a helper.”

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