Chapter 168

Chapter 168 Heavenly Helper?

“That is, if we don’t find a helper, we all have to die here today. It’s not all because of you!”

People from other small families also scolded.

“Originally, we thought that you encountered some difficulties and came to support, but we did not expect you to bring us into such a situation.”

If they hadn’t had the defensive magic weapon of the Li family, they would have been killed long ago.

The flood dragon outside has been guarding them, as long as the spirit weapon is put away, it will immediately attack them.

When this happens, everyone doesn’t worry about the treasures in the lake anymore, they just want to survive.

Everything is alive.

If you die, there will be nothing left.

“One more time, if it is still unsuccessful this time, then we will withdraw.” Old man Li bit his mouth tightly. They have dealt with this dragon for so long. If the people who do not care about the area pick up the bargain, then Not bad.

People who don’t care about the area must know the existence of this dragon.

I also know that there are treasures here, and the reason why they didn’t come here was because they were not strong enough.

It’s impossible for them to hurt this dragon, so let people who don’t care about it come to pick up the bargain.

“All right.”

It just so happened that Old Man Lei and Old Man Yang were about to recuperate 27, and they were going to do it again.

This time Old Man Yang also joined the battle. The three people stood in a triangle, suspended in mid-air and used their own stunts to surround the dragon and dragon group in the middle.

At this time, some small families were also asked to evacuate with their young children as soon as possible.

If the three of them really don’t have the power to fight, then they can still leave.

But these young children can’t run fast when they come, so they can only become food for those dragons.

The three of them exhausted their utmost strength and only slightly injured the dragon, shaking their heads and tails in the air, and finally became even more angry, flapping their wings to attack them.

Seeing all this, Ye Tian was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

It seems that the strength of these three old men is not very good.

When I was struggling, watching the dragon slowly start to grow bigger, as if it was about to transform.

Ye Tian remembered that the person told him that once the dragon transforms, it will kill countless deaths. With a flash of his eyes, he quickly disappeared into the center of the forest.

That baby can think of a way, but people must live.

The three old men didn’t know this. They thought that a flaw had finally appeared. When they were about to attack the dragon’s stomach, they found that a powerful aura enveloped them, making the three of them immobile.

“It’s hit!”

Old man Lei yelled something like this, and the other two people were also struggling quickly.

It turns out that struggling doesn’t work at all.

And the aura that enveloped them was like a rope. The more struggling, the tighter they were bound. In the end, even a little aura could not come out, as if they were wrapped in a palm.

“It’s over!”

Lei Hong took a deep breath.

“It seems that this spirit beast has already cultivated and will soon be transformed into a human form in a hundred years. This time we angered him.

Yang Hai didn’t expect to be able to see this kind of spirit beast in this life. He closed his eyes and said, “If this is the case, then the three of us will have to die here. I admit it.”

All three of them closed their eyes. After all, they had only a dead end when facing a spirit beast of this level.

When Old Man Li closed his eyes for the last time, he was still thinking, if he didn’t listen to Ye Tian, ​​would he not encounter such a thing?

Blame him.

However, just when the three people closed their eyes, the flood dragon suddenly uttered a roar. The three quickly opened their eyes and saw Gu Yan appear in front of them.

It took almost two rounds to level the dragon, and he quickly fell into the bottom of the lake with a roar, and the baby at the bottom of the lake immediately appeared.

It’s the Spirit Orb of the Flood Dragon.

After serving it, it can improve the spiritual power for a hundred years, and once it merges with the strength of the dragon, it will also have some of his abilities.

The three of them were reborn, and immediately smiled at Mimi. They didn’t have the guts to worry about what Gu Yan was holding.

Instead, all three of them knelt on one knee and said, “Thank you Gu Shao for saving our lives.”

I thought they were dead, but I didn’t expect Gu Yan’s appearance to really rescue the three of them. I was very grateful.

Gu Yan’s expression didn’t change much, just staring at the spiritual bead in his hand and replied, then disappeared before the eyes of the three of them.

Yang Hai patted his chest and said with a frightened face: “I was scared to death. I thought I thought I was going to die here in this life. I really didn’t expect Heaven’s helper.”


Old man Li also followed, and after regaining his life, he didn’t believe what Ye Tian said in his heart.

Not only is a little skeptical, but also wants to find him and give him some hardship.

“Let’s go first, and don’t come to confront such a behemoth in the future. There must be someone who wants the fox’s baby, otherwise, how could it anger this dragon.”

Lei Hongshen’s mind began to become dense.

Maybe since they entered this three-regardless zone, someone has been calculating everything about them.

Will the purpose be to let them all die here?

He was thinking of a way. The two old men next to them had different ideas. If he said his ideas, they would definitely meet their unanimous opposition.

080 So I can only take a step and look at it one step at a time.

The other side.

After the infusion quickly escaped, I thought that the three old men would be dealt with by the dragon. In this case, Sun said that he didn’t get the treasure, but he could clean up the enemy.

If only the younger generation, he can control it.

But before he ran far, he heard the roar of the dragon, and in the end everything was calm, as if the dragon was killed.

He hurried back quickly and saw that Gu Yan was standing there like a king, receiving thanks from the three people, still holding the bead he dreamed of, emitting a faint light.

The brain buzzed.

It was like being stimulated, and I couldn’t believe the fact in front of me at all.

Why does Master Gu always take away what he wants every time?

The former Ye Liuli, now the Dragon Ball.

Is Gu Yan born against him?

There were more and more thoughts in his mind, and in the end he could only give up temporarily, and as a result, while wandering in the forest, he saw the Li family and his party.

“Ye Tian, ​​where do you want to go!”

Old man Li still had wounds on his body, but he quickly arrived in front of Ye Tian and looked at him and said, “You deliberately asked me to persuade Old Man Lei to bring people to San Regal. It shouldn’t be your intention to bring us all here. Kill it?”

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