Chapter 166

Chapter 166: Destroy one by one and eat one by one

The next day.

Two major events occurred in Shenshi. Wang Xiaolin, a real estate tycoon, died at the hands of a man in black last night, and his family is in grief.

The second major event was the Li family and Lei family’s Yang family. The three large families led young people and other family leaders to the Sanshi area to seek justice for the young masters who died in the entertainment club that night.

Lead the team and set off.

All thirty cars were lined up, each of which was black off-road, and everyone went there with confidence.

They not only want to take revenge, but also want to go to the Three Regime Zone, looking for materials for making aura, those elixir and the elixir to enhance their strength.

That place was originally a treasure land. Later, because some villains appeared and people from the family fought against them, but their strength was never as strong as them, they assigned that place to them, called the three-regardless zone.

The people there are spurned by the family.

Many people had an epiphany after they went there, and then they began to enter the road of cultivating immortals. Now they are very powerful.

Some people are children abandoned by their families.

Some are orphans whose families have been wiped out since childhood.

There are all kinds of people.

Just when everyone was about to set off, a black big plan drove forward and stopped in front of everyone. The father and the others had not seen the car, and there was a deep doubt on their faces.

When the car door opened and saw the long legs and the face, everyone was stunned.


Smiled slightly, charmed all beings, full of pressure.

“Master Lei, let’s go.” A commanding tone said to Lei Hongshen, he shuddered, and then quickly led the way, smiling while walking: “Gu Shao, please come ahead.”

The other two old men glanced at each other, and they also felt very stressed.

Just with a big wave of Gu Yan yesterday, he was able to block the strong light of the aura, which shows that this person’s strength is unfathomable, and they can’t afford it.

They can only bow their heads in front of people who can’t afford it.

Soon they drove the car, and they had just entered the Sannoi area. A lot of small shrimps stopped them along the way, and some even started with them.

But this is clearly a dead end.

After entering the hinterland, their car can no longer drive in. There are three large forests in front of them. Passing through this forest is the old nest of the three-regardless zone, and over there is their living area.

There are all kinds of spiritual plants and elixir in these three large forests, and of course they are also very dangerous.

There are spirit beasts, and there are organs made by people who don’t care about the area.

Everyone, “get off first!”

Called everyone down, there were hundreds of people gathered together, and the three old men stood in the middle and analyzed it before speaking.

“Everyone must pass through these three large forests and be divided into more than 20 teams, each with five people, carrying a signal flare. Once they encounter the three-regardless zone, the strong people will send a signal, and the nearby people will immediately reinforce. ”

“If the strength is not strong, we will destroy them one by one, and finally we will enter their residential area in one fell swoop.”

Lei Hongshen has just finished speaking, everyone is divided into teams and is preparing to set off.

Old man Li called everyone to stop again, and then said with a smile: “Everyone’s main purpose this time is not for revenge. I believe that everyone is here to find what they want, and they should also want to be in this blessing. Practice on the ground.

“One by one, as long as we can level all the people here, this piece of land will be ours in the future, and young children can come here to practice.

Listening to what Old Man Li said, Lei Hongshen frowned slightly.

The purpose is too strong.

Moreover, it seems that these people must be taken down to guide these people, which will increase their danger.

Isn’t it too good?

While hesitating, those people already cheered. Their most powerful slogan is to take the people here and then take back this land.

Lei Hong thought for a long time, but in the end he didn’t say a word.

Seeing that those people had been divided into teams and set off, they were about to go to the car to invite Gu Yan, and found that the people in the car had disappeared.

“People are so good, you shouldn’t need you, the head of the first family, to serve you in a hurry, you are not a foot washing girl.” Old man Li smiled disdainfully.

The old man Yang next to him also laughed.

I always feel that this Lei Hongshen has really become less and less courageous in the past two years. Although the strength of the employees is really unfathomable, they are also the heads of the Guwu family.

…For flowers…

It shouldn’t be so humble.

“Then the three of us will lead the people from each family to act separately.” Lei Hongshen didn’t want to be too long-winded with them.

The reason why he treats Gu Yan like this is because he knows how powerful it is, and the Lei family can’t afford it. This person also knows how easy it was for him to take down the entire Dragon King Palace when he was in the Demon Capital.

He didn’t want to, or it wouldn’t be a problem to win the entire Shanghai city.

These people are really ignorant.

Regardless of them, they quickly walked toward the forest in front, while walking, and at the same time greeted the children of your own family and said: “You must hug the group, or when the spirit beasts and those people come, they will definitely only be attacked. Break down one by one.”


Everyone nodded their heads, and then proceeded carefully toward the forest.

After they had both entered for three years, a person appeared in an open area, leaning against the car, with a piece of grass in his mouth.

Self-consciously said: “Things that don’t know whether they live or die, dare to attack aggressively. We don’t care about the zone. It seems that we are going to tear up the contract of the year. If this is the case, then we can’t blame the people who don’t care about the zone are merciless.”

After speaking, a charming smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

With a wave of his sleeves, he disappeared in place, and he wanted to go in and set up a game for those people.

It’s best to play them to death.

The talent had just disappeared, and Ye Tian walked out from the back of the car again. He deliberately concealed his breath just now, so no matter how strong the person was, he didn’t notice it.

“The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.”

“Gu Yan, since you are here, don’t blame me for doing it to you this time.” After he finished speaking, he also walked into this large forest with dark eyes, and he was going to look for his chance.

Gu Yan in the other place sat on a wicker chair and watched everyone walk in.

These people thought that they had taken control of the whole situation, but they didn’t expect that the person in charge of it was actually quite talkative.

Disappear first, appear last.

These people are really getting more and more interesting. Since Ye Tian was reborn, even the game has made him look forward to it.

“Brother Gu Yan, I have already done what you said. Today during the day, I will go into the big forest and give him a big gift.”

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