Chapter 165

Chapter 165 is to be exciting enough

“Hurt you?”

Ye Tian stood in front of Old Man Li, and said with a smile, “How could I harm you? I’m here to help you. You haven’t seen the attitude of Old Man Yang towards you today. If your family It’s the first Furutake family, does he dare to speak to you like this?”

“Since ancient times, people who are aware of current affairs have been outstanding. I believe that the old man should understand this truth.”

Ye Tian was standing opposite.

Had it not been for Li confessed his identity early tomorrow morning, he would not appear here now.

Originally, I wanted to make a good plan today, at least to hurt Gu Yan a little bit. I didn’t expect that he would have expected everything a long time ago, standing in the center of the ring, and finally showing off.

Everyone felt that his strength was unfathomable.

Overturned all Ye Tian’s plans.

Therefore, he can only speed up the progress and control the entire Li family first, and then take people to the San Regarding Zone to find the spirit grass there, and try to improve his strength as quickly as possible.

After the increase in strength, there will be the capital to fight Gu Yan.


The old man is not the kind of person who is easy to fool, turned his head and snorted coldly.

Then a dissatisfied 080 said: “You Xiao Xiao, if you have the ability, you can come out and talk to me openly. What is the ability to start with my grandson?”

What he hates most in his life is these people who make small tricks behind their backs.

“Since the old man didn’t intend to compete with them for the position of the first ancient family, then I also left. Those two pills were regarded as my gift to the young master.” Ye Tian said to himself and left. .

As he walked, he said, “I really don’t know if I should say you are stupid, or what?”

“I don’t want to fight for the position of the first inspiring family, but I always want others to step on my head and pee.”

“What an idiot!”

He cursed and walked to the door of Gang, the old man said: “Wait.”

Although Old Man Li didn’t like to do things behind his back in his entire life, he felt angry when he thought of the attitude that Old Man Yang treated him today.

Isn’t it because the Li family’s current status has improved, but it still has reservations?

That being the case, we have to compete with Lei Family.

There is also the old man of the Lei family, who only knows to be a good person forever.

The secret conversation started over there, and Gu Yan on the other side returned to the big house. As soon as he entered the living room, someone took her coat. He walked over and sat on the sofa with his legs folded.

The noble is like a king who controls the world.

Just sitting on the sofa, a dark shadow walked out of the hallway, the demon burning body twisted and twisted.

It’s Tiandong.

He quickly entangled him, like a snake, hooking his neck seductively, and his red lips lightly opened: “Why didn’t you just let someone do it? People like that should solve it directly instead of leaving troubles.”

Although I don’t know what Gu Yan wants to do, I can’t control my emotions when I see others want to hurt him.

Gu Yan smiled slightly.

He straightened up holding Tiandong, looked at the cup on the table, and blew a fly in front of him, and then said to himself: “I am not afraid of anyone, I just want to play games.”

The game “Well, it has to be exciting enough.”

After speaking, his eyes flickered slightly.

Tiandong understands.

Gu Yan has always had the ability to control the overall situation. The main reason for letting Ye Tian take action just now was to let him relax his vigilance.

Continue the game.

This man is indeed the best in the world. Fortunately, she met, or else I don’t know if I will meet such a person again in the future?

No, Tiandong quickly overthrew that idea.

In this life, her heart and body belong only to Gu Yan.

Lingering for a while.

After discussing with Old Man Li, Ye Tian gave them another small bottle of pills, which contained 30 pills, and told them that they could improve their strength if necessary (chdf). It is best to take someone there within three days, and don’t care. zone.

He can help gather elixir for the entire Li family, and secretly improve their strength.

When Old Man Li asked what Ye Tian wanted, he said he wanted the life of the Lei family because he had accepted grievances before.

This is just a gimmick.

More importantly, he wanted revenge, but he didn’t say for this purpose, and didn’t want Old Man Li to think he was unpredictable.

Now the strength has not improved, so we can only cooperate first.

He will definitely think of a solution in the future.

After listening to the purpose he said, Old Man Li finally felt a little relieved. A ruthless and unrighteous person is true and false. On the contrary, it is better to contact with purpose.

Their cooperation was thus officially settled.

He also immediately went to discuss with the old man of Lei’s family, and immediately led the team to the Sannoi area, and must seek some justice for the people who died that night.

Until now, the old man hadn’t thought that everything was the ghost of his grandson.

Everything became confusing and confusing.

But when Ye Tian went back to the villa that Li was living in tomorrow, he found that there was an extra thing on the table.

It’s a painting when I was young.

The moment he saw the painting, his eyes jumped, and he looked around, shouting loudly, “Who the hell is it, please come out quickly, don’t pretend to be a ghost nearby.”

However, after shouting several times, there was still no response.

He quickly picked up the painting and searched for it several times upstairs and downstairs, trying to find someone to prove his guess.

But in the end he found that there was no one, not even a trace of entering the room.

Who on earth sent the things?

Ye Tian sat on the sofa and carefully explored the painting, which he and Ye Liuli used to create together when they were in the orphanage.

Ye Liuli?

Thinking about it, Ye Tian locked all his targets on Ye Liuli’s body.

Only she, others should not be able to take out these things.

Quickly dialed a call, and the person on the other side just got through, he said urgently: “I want a treasure from you, as long as you agree to give me that thing, I am willing to do the best for you. The tricky thing.”

The person opposite didn’t know what he said, Ye Tian’s face was slightly ugly.

But soon gritted his teeth and agreed.

The other side laughed heartily, “As long as you can accomplish what I just said tonight, I will send you that thing to the old place, and you can pick it up by yourself.”

Ye Tian hung up the phone, then went upstairs with a solemn expression. After changing into black clothes, he went out when it was getting dark.

He knows that there is a treasure in a certain world, and he can find the owner of something based on the smell of something.

The necklace sent last time, and the painting sent this time, made him vigilant and guarded, and he must check it out.

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