Chapter 164

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Four

It seems that it is time to do it, otherwise it will become more and more boring, this Ye Tian will only lift a rock and hit himself in the foot.

After Yang Qi was taken away, the Yang family followed, and they continued the next game.

In the next game, Li looked like invincible tomorrow. He rushed to the end. In the last game, Mr. Li called to stop.

“Today Li has already fought for several rounds tomorrow. Let’s leave the last match for tomorrow, and create some suspense for tomorrow. What do you think of Shao Gu?”

With Gu Yan here, he is the boss.

Old man Li had to ask his opinion before daring to call the shots.

Gu Yan replied indifferently, listening to everyone’s ears, like a signal to death.

Immediately afterwards, the last game was changed to tomorrow morning, and then everyone left the scene one after another.

Everyone was watching Gu Yan when they were leaving. After getting in the car until they watched the car leave their sight, everyone took a deep breath and became a little more relaxed.

When Gu Yan was there just now, the atmosphere didn’t dare to breathe.

I was afraid to upset him.

As soon as people leave now, Li will feel that depression disappears tomorrow, and while pulling old man Li, he said, “Grandpa, go home.”

At this time, Old Man Li felt that this grandson really seemed to have changed.

He returned home quickly. The old man frowned. Before he could speak, Li knelt on the ground with a plop tomorrow. He looked up at him and said, “Grandpa, I want to confess one thing to you.” .”

After speaking, he told Old Man Li about Ye Tian’s affairs.

Old man Li was stunned with fright.

“I’ve heard that the kind of thing you said can temporarily improve a person’s strength, but it is very harmful to the body. That person has made it clear that it is harming you. Tell me his contact information. I will now Go find him to settle the account.”

Old man Li was about to go out angrily.

As a result, the voice rang as soon as he arrived before he went out.

“Old man, are you trying to find me when you go out in such a hurry?”

Old man Li returned to his senses. Ye Tian was already standing in the living room with a smile on his face and a hat on his head. He couldn’t see his eyes clearly.

“Who are you? Why do you harm us?”

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