Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Competition, Ye Tian who began to panic

Yang Qi raised his eyebrows disdainfully.

While preparing for the action, he said, “I don’t even care about you, the little master who is eating, drinking and having fun everywhere, what do you think you can achieve?”

Hearing these words, Li will be particularly upset tomorrow.

Quickly ran towards him, and before Yang Qi could react, he hit him hard with a punch in the stomach.

Yang Qi’s face changed slightly.


He didn’t think about the strange thoughts in his heart, and he swept his kick again. He flew up and fell to the ground, feeling that his whole body was painful, even his heart was cracked.

How did this person become so powerful?

The legendary Li Tomorrow is a young master who eats, drinks and has fun. He doesn’t do anything and doesn’t like to practice.

Why has it suddenly changed now?

Do not!

Looking at Li Ming’s eyes scarlet, Yang Qi shouted towards the sidelines: “This person must be cheating. Everyone must not let him go. How can his strength grow so powerfully in 27th.”

Because Yang Qi shouted loudly, the game could only be suspended.

“What’s wrong?”

The old man of the Li family and Lei Hongshen both gathered around, and the two were the main persons in charge of organizing this competition.

After the two came over, Yang Qi said with a horrified face: “This Li tomorrow, it is clear that there is a ghost. How can he be so powerful in the past, he was flat on the ground in minutes, but today he attacked twice in a row. Me, and his eyes are red”

Before he finished speaking, Li over there turned his head tomorrow.

Where are the red eyes?

Li Tomorrow’s face was normal, and his breathing was very steady. Looking at them with his eyes, he said with a smile: “Yang Qi, if you can’t afford to lose, you can just say it.”


Yang Qi was panicked. When he looked at Li Tomorrow just now, his eyes were obviously scarlet.

Just like a loved one.

Why did it suddenly change now? He started to panic and his eyes widened. As a result, Old Man Li and Old Man Li looked like they were okay, and continued to say: “Since there is nothing wrong, your game will continue.”

Yang Qi stepped back step by step, but he didn’t dare to continue.

He always felt that if he continued, it would be a dead end.

Gu Yan sat in his seat and watched all this.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. All of this was Ye Tian’s plan. He hoped that Li Mingming could become his puppet completely, and then control the entire Li family.

So as to get revenge.

He had already seen Ye Tian hiding in the crowd.

From the beginning, Gu Yan pretended not to see it, the purpose was only to hope that he could carry out his own plan, and then he intervened in it, and finally made Ye Tian fall into an endless abyss.

It is called not every day, and the earth is not working.

It would be more interesting to push a person completely into the darkness, and then put some mental pressure on him.

With a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, Ye Tian saw Gu Yan in the human form, and his hatred deepened.

Holding his palm tightly, he suddenly remembered something.

With the help of a baby, Gu Yan can be slightly hurt, and then proceed with his own plan step by step.

After thinking of this, a deep smile appeared on his face, the kind of smile with a little calculation.

Backed out quickly.

Gu Yan looked at Ye Tian, ​​knocking on the table in front of him as if in the crowd, two very rhythmic sounds.

The others didn’t pay attention, but Tian Dong, who was hiding in the dark, kept up with Ye Tian.

“Just follow him, don’t do it for now.”

Gu Yan raised his hand and gently pressed the thing on his ear. After speaking, he continued to watch the game on stage.

Yang Qi didn’t want to compare it anymore, but Li did not intend to let him go tomorrow, so he rushed to the words he said just now, and he must be killed in this ring today.

In the end, Yang Qi fled around the scene like crazy.

“no no!”

The clothes on several parts of his body have been torn, there is still a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and the bones of his right hand are also shattered.

Yang Qi was scared.

This Li tomorrow must have used improper means, so he quickly improved his strength and made him so terrible.

When he was about to escape, Li jumped up tomorrow. Everyone saw his movements and made it clear that he wanted Yang Qi to die!

The old man of the Yang family jumped up from the stage at once, and before he jumped to the center of the broadcast station, he watched Li Mingming’s fist hit Yang Qi’s back hard, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then He fell into the ring in an instant, unconsciously.

When he landed on the ring to check, he found that Yang Qi, who was lying on the ring, had been killed.

“Li’s child!

The old man of the Yang family pointed at Li Ming and laughed out loud, and then said fiercely: “He has already given up, why do you still want to kill him? Your heart is too cruel, I must do it today. Revenge for my grandson.”

After speaking, I am ready to do something on Li tomorrow.

Old man Li is a short-term protector, and Li gave him a sigh of relief tomorrow today.

From now on, he doesn’t need to be pointed and pointed when he walks, and his grandson is also a useful person.

Now how could it be possible to watch the old man of the Yang family act on his grandson, and immediately went on stage and took the fist of the old man of the Yang family, and then said: “Old man Yang, are you trying to tear your face with me? 080”

Ripped face?

Yang Sheng was so angry that his beard straightened up, and then pointed to Yang Qi on the ground and said, “Your grandson killed my grandson directly. You actually asked me if I was going to tear my face.”

“I want to ask you, do the Li and Yang families no longer need to be friends?”


Elder Li didn’t know what to say, so he heard Yang Sheng speak directly: “If the two families have to get along in the future, you will hand over your grandson to me, and I must let him pay for his life.”


Lei Hong sighed deeply as the two stood there persistently confronting each other.

Going forward to check, Yang Qi has indeed died of breath.

“Old man Li, this matter is indeed the fault of your grandson. This is just a competition and it does not need to hurt people’s lives, and you have also seen the last scene.

Although Old Man Li also knew the truth, this time he was determined to protect Li Ming.

Immediately he said with a straight face, “So what, it can at most show that my grandson accidentally hurt Yang Qi, can’t our family lose money?”


Old man Yang sneered, then quickly jumped up, with a cloud of spiritual energy in his palm, and said loudly: “Since you want to protect him, then our two families will no longer be friends. Take the trick.”

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