Chapter 114

Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen: I have admitted the wrong person, please don’t blame Gu Gongzi!

Han Yafei’s hand was held by Gu Yan, her pretty face flushed, she was struggling completely subconsciously.

“Don’t be nervous, Miss Han.


However, soon.

Han Yafei not only heard the man’s nice voice, but also felt that several acupuncture points on her right hand were gently pressed, and the previous fatigue disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

In short, it is very comfortable and relaxing!

She gave her beautiful eyes and stopped struggling.

He tilted his head to look at the handsome and extraordinary profile of the man, with a calm expression.

Seeing him “playing with her right hand, Han Yafei only felt her heartbeat speed up, her thinking stagnated, and a strange feeling gradually rose in her heart.

Gu Gongzi…

It’s so gentle.

In fact, in Han Yafei’s mind, the most ideal man is the one who can stand alone by himself and is admired by all.

But when she got along with Gu Yan, she found out that a man who was so powerful and so powerful could be so elegant, so noble, and so gentle.

It was simply poked in her heart.

Compared with Xiao Tiance, it is more than one grade stronger!

But Han Yafei has never experienced this.

You know, there are still so many powerful people watching…

She lowered her head in embarrassment and turned her body, but her right hand was held by Gu Yan honestly, motionless.

Today’s birthday banquet.

In fact, to some extent, Gu Yan is the center point of the audience today.

Therefore, this scene was seen by everyone.

When Father Han and Mother Han saw them, they looked at each other and smiled, and there was comfort and joy from the heart in their expressions!

The rich and powerful have different expressions, but most people are marveling and marveling!

Han Yafei is famous for her beauty, and her staunchness is also famous. Her attitude towards Mantiance over the years has been seen by everyone.

but now.….

Han Yafei also fell in front of Gu Gongzi?

She even blushes?!

The rich and beautiful ladies, all of them have beautiful eyes with anger, and the expressions in their pretty faces are full of jealousy and hostility, but they dare not express this emotion, secretly and hatefully looked at Han Yafei.


Why? Why can Han Yafei be so valued by Gu Gongzi? 27

Why can’t I do it myself?!

Why is the gap between people and people bigger than the gap between people and dogs?!

Among all the people, only Man Tiance’s expression was almost distorted!

He was about to break his teeth and crush his fists, but what can he do?

It is this feeling that Gu Yan is extremely unhappy, but there is no way to take Gu Yan for a while, which makes Xiao Tiance almost collapsed!

In his heart, it is like a looping playback, looping the name Gu Yan!

He can’t wait to leave Gu Yan here forever!

Han Yafei’s non-resistance, her shy profile face, and a style after the iceberg thawed, is so beautiful.

Man Tiance’s heart hurts even more!

This is my own woman!

He wants to kill Gu Yan, let Gu Yan kneel in front of him, begging!


I can’t do it now!

Can’t do it!!

[Ding! Man Tiance’s mentality collapsed again, the protagonist’s halo integrity was reduced by 5%, and 40,000 villain points were awarded!]

Wait until the reminder of the system sounds in my mind.

Gu Yan also let go of Han Yafei’s hand.

The skin was crystal clear, and there were some crimson jade hands, and there was no home, and he was stiff in the air for a while.

I don’t know if it is because of sluggishness, or nostalgia and reluctance.

Then, it was quickly withdrawn.”Gu Gongzi, thank you.”

Han Yafei placed her left hand on her right hand, feeling the slight temperature remaining on it, and her whole person seemed to be in a blank state.

She didn’t know what to do.

I don’t know what I think in my heart, I don’t know anything.

I can only be shy and at a loss…

at this time.

A powerful man picked up a box of ginseng in his hand and walked to Han Mu with a smile.

Someone started.

In this banquet, the most critical link from a certain point of view, the gift-giving link has also begun.

Giving gifts is not only a gift, but also affection and affection. At the same time, it can show a person’s strength and how the relationship between him and the recipient is, who is the dominant position in this relationship.

I don’t know how many words are said in the simple gift-giving word, it is very particular.

The host today seems to be the Han family.

In fact, it is Gu Yan!

The rich and powerful are all rushing to Gu Yan!

Therefore, the gold content of this gift, and the extent of their magnanimity, have all increased dramatically!

The dignitaries stepped forward one by one and presented the gifts in their hands to Han Mu.

“This is the ginseng that I have collected for several years. It is big and has been certified by an authoritative institution. Twenty years! I will send you to you today, and you will replenish your body!”

“Huh, I don’t have much to know, old lady, am I not a real estate agent? Although your house has a face in the Imperial City, I will give you a more face-to-face, a small courtyard south of the third ring road. ,how?”

Old Taijun “Look at me again, the official kiln of the Ming Dynasty, handed down from the ancestors, can sell for more than one billion!”

There are so many different kinds of gifts!

Both Han’s mother and Han’s father burst into laughter, and even the tears filled their eyes, and they accepted them all.

Of course, they are not happy for the value of these gifts.They will not move all of these gifts. They will be sent to the Review Group intact and sent to Gu Yan!

Their doors are clear, they want faces!

Know who gave all this today.

They are just happy for the Han family, and happy to finally get rid of so many years of shame and humiliation!

It’s all from Gu Yan!

Han Yafei watched this scene, her beautiful eyes flushed slightly, she had walked by herself for so many years, this was a sight she had never seen before.


Although this kind of respect was not obtained by her herself.

But because of this, Han Yafei’s current mood is extremely complicated.


What should I use to pay back Gu Yan?

Gu Yan’s expression was flat, low-eyes blowing tea, as if he was out of the way, not interested in everything that happened around him.

His eyes flashed across the sky occasionally.

Gu Yan could see the flickering expression on Man Tiance’s face.

Mantiance will pay attention to the gifts given by every powerful and powerful person, and prick up his ears to listen to the value of those gifts.

Whenever a gift is given.

The anger and resentment remaining in his expression will lose one point and turn into a wicked smile.

the reason is simple…

None of the gifts that everyone gave out was worth more than 500 million Kowloon dollars!

Not as good as him!

In Man Tiance’s opinion, if this is the case, then he will be a blockbuster next time!

Gu Yan smiled in his heart.

Looked at the watch.

There are only fifteen minutes left before the deciphering is successful.

I am afraid that Man Tiance will never think of it.His plan, everything he has confidence in, has long been seen through by Gu Yan and used it!

It’s like a lost ant.

I thought that the road ahead was extremely correct, but while walking, he fell into the abyss and broke his bones!

ten minutes later.

The gift-giving process has almost gone on, and all the expensive gifts have been given away, and they have all been seated.

Han Yafei went up to help Han father and Han mother count the gift list, and noted everyone’s name.

They don’t accept these gifts, but they have to remember them.

Love must be paid back.

And at this moment.

Man Tiance turned his head and glanced at the wall clock on the wall.

The corner of the mouth evokes an arc of evil charm!

According to the agreed time that he ordered to his subordinates, and there are five minutes left, the Patriarch of the Qian family of the four major families in the imperial capital will arrive at the Han family on time!

This is an actor specially arranged by him!

Numerous foreshadowings before and after are just for the purpose of transferring my image in the hearts of the Han family at this moment!

Thought of this.

Without saying anything, Xiao Tiance picked up the black plastic bag in his hand, took two steps forward, looked around the audience, and said loudly: “Mother-in-law, today is your birthday.”

“My son-in-law has nothing to give you, the orthodox king of blue and white porcelain of the Tang Dynasty, give it to his mother-in-law!

After speaking, he walked directly to Xitai and put the black plastic bag in his hand on the table.


There was a dull noise!

There is something in it, it’s not light yet!

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was silent!

Blue and white porcelain “king?”

Father Han glanced at the black plastic bag, stared at Man Tiandi sternly, and said solemnly: “My son, you uttered wild words on such a grand occasion!”

“The blue and white porcelain king of the Tang Dynasty was auctioned at the Imperial Capital Museum three days ago. It was auctioned by a mysterious buyer for 500 million kowloon coins. Is it possible that this buyer is you?!”

“Man Tiandi, are you endless?” Han Yafei took a deep breath, her beautiful eyes filled with anger, staring at Man Tiance!

The wealthy people present also looked sideways, and their eyes were full of joking smiles when they looked at Xiao Tiance.

This superfluous son-in-law…


“Ha ha.

The sky smiled first, he now enjoys the way people look at him!

Contempt, laugh!

When the established facts are in front of them, the more they laugh now, the better the effect will be!

As long as the Patriarch of the Qian family comes, everything will be solved!

He knows that Gu Yan is more powerful than himself!

But what about it, what Xiao Tiance wants is to let the Qian Family Patriarch himself respect him!

I am also the Dragon King anyway, and the Qian Family Patriarch will give myself this face no matter what!

Reach out and raise the black plastic bag!

A blue-and-white porcelain with a uniform texture and a height of more than 30 centimeters appeared in front of everyone!

It’s just that the color of this porcelain is dull and rough for some reason.

Many people have noticed, but more people have noticed the style of this blue and white porcelain!

“Really a bit like?

The authority spoke out in doubt, but quickly denied, “Impossible, how can this wasteful son-in-law have so much energy?”

“Is there anyone who knows how to do it, go up and see?”


Mother Han couldn’t help it!

The round slapped his face and slapped Man Tiance’s face directly!

“Your son-in-law, you are crazy!”

Mother Han slapped the table and scolded Tiandi angrily, “You are a waste thing that has not succeeded but failed. What day is it today? You used a broken vase to pretend to be the king of blue and white porcelain, and you gave it to me!”

“Aren’t you just slapping me in the face so that everyone present can watch my Han’s joke?!”

“Master Gu is still here, you are too presumptuous!!”

Xiao Tiance was slapped indiscriminately, covering his face, lowering his head slightly, panting heavily, and squinted Han Mu with a smile.

In his heart, four words appeared at this moment.

Eyes but no beads!

“The Qian Family Patriarch is here!

At this moment, the servants of the Han family said loudly.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a Chinese tunic suit with a solemn face, holding a walking stick, and walking into Han’s house surrounded by black bodyguards.When this person walks in!

The scene was silent!

Patriarch of the Qian family, Qian Demeng!

The Qian family is the family with the strongest strength and the highest market value among the four great families of the imperial capital.

“Patriarch Qian.”

Mother Han’s tone softened, but she didn’t bow down to the point, she was just simple and friendly.

After all, Gu Gongzi is still here, and her attitude must not lose 047 face to Gu Yan.

Han Yafei, Father Han, also greeted Qian Demeng.

But at this time, everyone, including the Han family, was amazed and shocked.

How could Qian Dejia come?!


Is it also because of Gu Gongzi?

If it’s because of Gu Gongzi, it makes sense.

No matter how strong the four great families in the imperial capital are, who will score in front of them.

In front of them, it was a giant.

In front of Gu Yan, it doesn’t matter..

“President Qian, the family is unfortunate, so you laughed.” Mother Han looked at the sky and said with a smile at Qian Delei.

Just then.

Man Tiance raised his head, looked at Qian Dejia, and took off a necklace from his neck!

The necklace is a secret silver cross with a lifelike dragon head carved on it!

Qian Dejia stared at the garden when he saw this cross.

He vaguely remembered that a few months ago, the Dragon King of the God of War had shown this cross when he held an online meeting with their four great families!

Dragon King token!

Seeing this thing is like seeing the dragon king!

Mantiance is the Dragon King?!

This Han family’s trash son-in-law is the God of War Dragon King?!

Qian Deji couldn’t believe it at all, but now that the facts are in front of him, he can’t help but believe it.

Between the thoughts surging!

Qian Dejia dropped his hand, bowed slightly, clasped his fists, and said respectfully to Man Tiandi: “You are…


The evil smile at the corner of Xiao Tiance’s mouth slowly expanded.

The dignitaries are silent.

When the Han family was dumbfounded.

A bodyguard walked behind Qian Delei, lowered his voice, and said hurriedly: “President Qian.”

“Master Gu, the magic capital, asked me to bring you a word.

“If you want to be the head of the four great families, don’t say anything!”

Gu Yan!

Hear the name!

Qian Dejia shuddered, his brain seemed to wake up in an instant, he just remembered

Everything that happened in the Imperial Hotel, Xiao Tiance was Gu Gongzi’s enemy!

do not know why!

He forgot just now, and he just wanted to pay homage to the Dragon King!

Following the gesture of the bodyguard, Qian Delei looked deep into the living room.

A tall, handsome and handsome man was sitting on the sofa comfortably, looking at himself with a pair of deep eyes.


Man Tiandi’s smile was stiff, and the whole person was like a lightning strike.

The scene that made everyone dumbfounded happened!

Chan Teck took a deep breath, and said with a smile to Man Tiandi, “I’m sorry, I have admitted the wrong person.

Then, he directly faced Gu Yan, clasped his fists, and said in a very respectful tone: “I have seen Master Gu!”

“I overslept yesterday and I was not in good spirits. I didn’t see Master Gu being there just now. Please

“Don’t blame Master Gu!”

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