Chapter 113

Chapter 113 First give Xiao Tiance a slap, and then give Gu Yan a cool

Han Yafei took a brush, stained it with some black ink, and spread the rice paper on a piece of original calligraphy and painting, copying it one by one.

That is the word “Fu”.

The original print in block font has a delicate stroke, vigorous and powerful, and it is everyone’s work at a glance.

But even if Han Yafei portrays, it is quite laborious.

Brush writing is very particular. The strength of the brushstroke and the speed of the outline will affect the beauty of the entire font, and even the artistic conception.

The speed is different, the ink left by the brush stroke is also different, and the quality of the finished product is naturally different.

Han Yafei has scrapped several pieces of rice paper.

The fourth picture is currently being traced.

She has made some progress. At least she can ensure that the outline of the font is drawn. Once she leaves the tracing book, she will find that the font is skewed and skewed. In some places, the ink is heavy and almost penetrates the rice paper.

In some places, the ink is so light that there are almost no traces.

Today is the 60th birthday of Han Mu.

Han Yafei, a daughter, had a whim and wanted to give his mother a set of calligraphy written by herself.

It’s just that the more he writes, the more Han Yafei finds that his skills are not good…

She wanted to give up.

Seeing Man Tiance approaching.

Han Yafei raised his head and glanced at him faintly.


Man Tiance smiled.


Isn’t this hitting your own gun?

I think he has become famous overseas for only a few years. In his spare time, he will use some performance art to pass the boring time.

Whether it is Chinese or Western, all the characteristic arts would not have been possible without his full strategy.

Let alone calligraphy!

My calligraphy skills, even the calligraphy master saw it, and he was shocked!

After returning to China, Xiao Tiance kept thinking about how to let Han Yafei see her own changes and excellence without revealing her identity?

Now, the opportunity is here!

Thought of this.

Man Tiance stepped forward, with both heads behind him, smiled softly, and said, “Mr. Han, you are very talented and clever, but you just lack a little bit of spirituality.”

“It’s better to do this, I will write a picture myself, and you will watch it by the side. If you are satisfied, use my old lady to wish you birthday.

“If you are willing, I can give you everything and let you learn calligraphy.

“But well”

“Zero Forty-Seven” At this point, Xiao Tiance smiled, “My request is, can I stop calling Mr. Han in the future? We are all a family, and this title is a bit…


Before Xiao Tiance’s words were finished, he felt Han Yafei’s cold eyes look over.

“You are sick?”

Han Yafei looked at Man Tiandi with a suspicious and disgusting look, “Who is in the family with you?”

“Mantiance, I tell you, I would rather not describe than let you help!”

“Even if you really know how to calligraphy, what does it have to do with me?”

Just then.

The dignitaries also entered the house. First, they followed the ceremony on the wedding stage at the door of the house. After greeted father and mother Han standing at the door, they filed in.

Gu Yan also walked down from the second floor and sat comfortably on the sofa.

“Gu Gongzi, you are down.”

When Han Yafei saw Gu Yan, there was a subconsciously beautiful smile on Qiao’s face. At the same time, she was a little shy. She dodged her eyes and dared not look at Gu Yan.

But she didn’t reach the point where she didn’t dare to talk to Gu Yan.

She knew it in her heart.

A good man like Gu Yan, I don’t know how many girls like him.

I only have a little bit of beauty, and I am lucky enough to be able to enter Gu Yan’s eyes. Where can I dare to think about other things?

It’s just a little shy.

“I will describe another one at the end. If it doesn’t work, I will just cook.” Han Yafei said again.

Gu Yan responded softly and ignored it.

He just heard what Xiao Tiance said, and now he sees what Han Yafei is doing.

Smiled in my heart.

In fact, in accordance with the normal development of the plot, Han Yafei is only strange to Man Tiandi, not annoying.

Xiao Tiance took the initiative to ask him to write a calligraphy and painting. Han Yafei didn’t believe it at best, but he would never justly refuse.

In that case, Xiao Tiance can naturally show his hand in front of Han Yafei, show his hand in front of the owner, and complete the pretending to be slapped in the face!

A big “Fu” character, full of pen and ink, strong on the back of the paper, fresh and elegant, vividly on the paper!

It is more elegant and vivid than Han Yafei’s tracing book just now!

The key is!

This word fortune was written by Gu Yan with Han Yafei’s handwriting!


A certain powerful person exclaimed subconsciously, which immediately caused a chain reaction!

Everyone looked at Gu Yan’s calligraphy and painting, and this time they did not have any enthusiasm and favoritism. They were completely appraised by the guest officials.

“Absolutely, absolutely absolutely, done in one go, without any muddle, Gu Gongzi’s calligraphy can be called a hallowed calligraphy!”

“I’m not talented, I usually like calligraphy and painting. I have talked with many calligraphy people. They all said that this kind of single-font brush calligraphy is actually the most difficult to write. It is not like couplets and sentences. Relying on pen strength and details to highlight the mood, Gu Gongzi did it!”

“Gu Gongzi is young and promising, but also versatile, so good!”

Not only that.

There are also many wealthy daughters present, who are all Bai Fumei when they are released. Now they all look at Han Yafei with envy and jealousy.

They are so sour!

They also want to be handled by Gu Yan!!

Gu Yan looked calm, let go of Han Yafei’s hand, and sat back on the sofa again.

And this time.

Man Tiandi, who was standing in the corner, had a shallow scarlet in his eyes. He looked at Han Yafei’s admiration and exclaimed his face. He looked at the word “Fu” on the table and only felt breathing. It’s not smooth, and the heart hurts like a needle!!

Gu Yan put his woman’s handwritten calligraphy in front of her face!

Not only that!

Why didn’t Han Yafei resist?!

Why doesn’t she resist?!!

“Trash! This word is trash!!!”

Man Tiandi is already a little delirious, and he has no basic logical thinking. He stepped forward and pointed to Gu Yan’s calligraphy and painting, and shouted: “I can too, I can write better than him!!”

“Yafee, if you let me come, I can teach you the same way, I…


The words are not over yet.

Han Yafei turned around, looked at Man Tiandi coldly, and slapped it up with a slap.

“Xiao Tiance, how far are you rolling!

She has a cold tone and her beautiful eyes are angry.

Han Yafei is really angry this time!

Man Tiance’s arrogance, the heart of a villain, and he even said Gu Yan in front of his own face, Han Yafei really can’t stand it!

Han Yafei is not stupid. She could see that Xiao Tiance said this because he was jealous.


Why?I have no name and no part with him, so why should he attack the people around him because of his own opinion?

What’s wrong with Gu Yan?

Besides, Han Yafei can see it completely, Gu Yan really wants to teach herself to write calligraphy, and she has really learned something!

In that case, why is he full of plans?!

Han Yafei has had enough!!

Thought of this.

Han Yafei couldn’t help turning her head back and looked at Gu Yan on the sofa.

At this time, Gu Yan moved his finger. This is a small detail, but Han Yafei caught it.

Thinking of what had just happened, Han Yafei was still very shy.

But now she can’t help but start to replenish her brain, a little distressed.

Did Master Gu get tired because he was teaching his brush calligraphy?

Yes, Gu Yan manages everything every day and has to spare time to visit the Han family.

And all this is because of his invitation to Gu Yan downstairs in the Imperial Hotel last night.

She took a deep breath and pressed her red lips lightly. A firm look appeared on Qiao’s face. Under Man Tiance’s gaze, she walked behind Gu Yan and said softly: “Gu Gongzi, your hands are tired, let me help Do you press it?”

“I have learned some massage, and I often give it to my mother.”

Not on a whim!

There is another reason, Han Yafei just wants to show Man Tiandi!

For whatever reason, allow him to torture himself and the Han family.

Can’t I return the color?

Han Yafei figured it out!

Moreover, giving Gu Yan a massage is also a true thought from her heart!

Gu Yan didn’t speak, but casually stretched out his right hand.

[Ah! Man Tiance’s mentality has collapsed, reaching the highest level in history, rewarding 20,000 villains!”

[Ding! Mantiance’s protagonist’s aura is reduced by 10% and rewards 30,000 villains!][Ding Ding Ding!]

Gu Yan enjoyed Han Yafei’s weak boneless jade hands and massaged herself, but Han Yafei did not cook.

Seeing Xiao Tiance standing in place, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, he trembled amid the sarcasm of the powerful and powerful around him!

Listening to the pleasing sound in my mind like a mountain spring.


The Turtle Man’s Man Tiandi, it seems that I really broke the tortoise shell by myself this time.

The ten percent completeness of the protagonist’s aura really surprises Gu Yan.

A faint smile in his heart.

have to say..

This occasionally cut non-vegetable feeling, really has -3.5 kinds of different kinds of refreshing feeling.

Twenty minutes later.

Father Han and Mother Han walked in from the door.

Han Yafei was a little tired from pressing, but she didn’t stop, changed her hand, and continued to press Gu Yan.

The dignitaries also stopped mocking Xiao Tiance, and one after another they took out the gifts they had prepared long ago, and stepped forward to Han father and mother.

The gift-giving link is here!

The rich and powerful are not so much as giving gifts to the Han family as they are giving Gu Yan face.

If the Han family had not been acquired by Gu Yan, it is estimated that no one would attend the Han Mu’s birthday. It is so realistic.

Man Tiance, who had been standing still on the spot, seemed to be alive at this time.

He first took out a piece of toilet paper from the table, hung it on his mouth, his throat was sweet, and he spit out blood.

Then, Xiao Tiance glanced at Gu Yan calmly, without saying anything, walked to the corner and picked up the inconspicuous black plastic bag, the blue and white porcelain he had prepared long ago!

The time has come!

Xiao Tiance forcibly calmed himself down, and continued to comfort him in his heart, Gu Yan would die soon, and he would be killed by the people of the Dragon King Palace, so he must be steady!

Han Yafei is his own sooner or later, so that the Han family’s impression of himself is the most important thing, Gu Yan is not important!

What he has to do next is very simple.

Keep everything you have arranged and follow along!

Seeing this, Gu Yan also looked at his watch.

There is still half an hour before the decipher is successful.

Enough time…

If he guessed well, next, Xiao Baiwen’s most classic plot will be staged.

I don’t know what Man Tiance will look like when he finds that everything he has arranged with confidence has long been subverted by Gu Yan?

He gave three hundred yuan of imitation antiques to Han Mu. What will happen to him?

There is also the character arranged by Man Tiance to help him pretend to be a face.When this person sees Gu Yan, will he still follow the script of Zhu Tiance?

Thought of this.

Gu Yan smiled, then…

He held Han Yafei’s jade hand in the palm of his hand!

ps: 5000-character chapter.

The author has updated less recently because the company is working overtime, alas

It’s very painful. By the time of May 1st, I will see if I can add more changes. It is too busy and is threatened by the boss every day. .

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