Chapter 115

Chapter 115 Three slaps, interrupt the relationship between you and my husband!


The Patriarch of the Qian Family really came for Gu Yan!

The dignitaries are just subconsciously shocked, but they are not surprised, after all, all this has long been expected.

What interests them is actually…

Xiao Tiance!

All the people present could see everything in the sky just now.

He first took out a cross, then the head of the Qian family changed his face, clasped his fists and arched his hands at him, then saw Gu Yan and personally said that he had confessed to the wrong person.

This is linked to what happened one after another.

Doesn’t it mean that Xiao Tiance just now wanted to impersonate Gu Yan?

This wasteful son-in-law is mad!

Look at Mantiance again.

At this time, his expression was full of shock and unbelievable emotions, his eyes widened, his eyes were constantly patrolling Yanhe Gu Qian Dejia’s body, and finally,

Frozen on Qian Dejia!

Staring at him tightly!

“You. Man Tiandi spit out a word with difficulty, moving forward uncontrollably.


what is this?!

Man Tiandi can’t understand it!

He knows that Gu Yan is more powerful than himself on the bright side, and this can already be seen from what happened at the Imperial Hotel yesterday!

On one side is myself, on the other side is Gu Yan.

Even if you have a showdown of the Dragon King identity, more people will still choose to help Gu Yan instead of helping themselves!

This is reality!

Man Tiance is not a fool, he also knows this!

But now, because of the hostile relationship between Gu Yan and himself, those powerful and powerful, let alone helping themselves, they don’t even dare to recognize themselves, for fear of getting involved with them?

What did Gu Yan say to Qian Delei?

“With a little care, I am Qian Demeng, and I wish the old lady a sixtieth birthday.”

As if he hadn’t seen Xiao Tiance, Qian Deji directly took out a gold card from his handbag, put it on the table, turned around and left without looking back.

He is scared!

Because Gu Yan is too cruel!

In other words, Qian Delei never thought that Xiao Tiance and Gu Yan had such a big hatred.

What did Gu Yan just say?

If you want to be the head of the four great families, don’t say anything!

If Gu Yan talks about cooperation with the other three big families, talks about the channels, and allows the other three to develop, he will naturally fall down, Gu Yan can do it!

Although Xiao Tiance is the Dragon King and God of War, he is powerful and has a lofty status.

But the Chandler is still less willing to offend Gu Yan.

Offended Man Tiance, he and Gu Yan stood on the same line, and he was almost unaffected by his own identity and status.

But if you offend Gu Yan, this is a big deal!

Do you still recognize Xiao Tiance?

Qian Demeng now hopes that the birthday banquet is over, so he goes home quickly, and runs as far as he can!

He really regrets agreeing to Man Tiandi to come to the banquet today, and his intestines are all regretful!

Inexplicably participating in the battle between these two horror figures, and being forced to stand in line, Qian Delei is really wanting to cry now, and I don’t know where to go to reason!

But he has one and only one way!

That is Gu Yan standing in line, offending the whole world!

At this time, a nobleman took a sip of red wine and smiled.

“A toad at the bottom of the well also pretends to be a real dragon in the sky. It is really disgusting.”

“This Han family’s son-in-law can do such a shameless thing, you said he took out this so-called blue and white porcelain king, can it be true?”

As soon as this remark fell, it immediately aroused the unanimous approval of the people around!”I’ll take a look!

During the dinner, an old man in sixties volunteered and stood up.

He is a shareholder of Antique Street in the Imperial Capital. He has a hobby in this area. He is quite proficient in calligraphy and painting in antiques.

Just now he wanted to see what this Man Tian strategy has, whether it is true or not.

However, Qian Delei’s appearance was a little sudden, and he had no chance to play for a while.

Now Xiao Tiance is disgusting, and he also sees this Han family’s marriage rather uncomfortable, and it is the best time for him to appear!

“Old Madam, why don’t you let me see the origin of this blue and white porcelain?” The old man in sixties walked to the Xitai and laughed a few times.

Upon seeing this, Man Tiance took a deep breath and grabbed his mind!

After all, as long as you have the goods in your hands, everything can’t be out of your grasp!

It was just an episode just now!

Now, the people who know the goods finally come.

The effect is still there, just have the effect!

“Okay, then I will bother you to analyze it, and see what kind of heart my precious son-in-law is in”! “Mother Han didn’t forget to give Xiao Tiance a look at the end.

The sixtieth old man didn’t talk nonsense, holding the blue and white porcelain with both hands, and began to look up and down.

Soon, he froze.

“If you are short of props, I will find someone to send it to you now.”

Mother Han looked at the face of the sixtieth man and added a word.

Appreciation of antiques is not so simple. If you want to make the results accurate, you must need professional instruments to assist.


The old man shook his head and sighed. The sluggish expression in his expression turned into absurdity. He laughed. He looked back at Man Tiance and said meaningfully: “My son, you are really interested!”

He deliberately bit the word “hearted” very hard!

Man Tiandi saw that something was wrong with the latter, but he was now full of confidence and smiled: “Of course.”

The old man suffocated a smile, turned around, motioned the blue and white porcelain in his hand, and then…

Pour down, pour out a pile of dust!

The blue and white porcelain was directly smashed in front of everyone, and a fragment printed with an anti-counterfeiting code and a manufacturer’s label was picked up!

“Look, everyone, this is the blue and white porcelain king of our Han family’s son-in-law, the blue and white porcelain worth five hundred million kowloon dollars!”

“I won’t say if it can come out and pour soil, there is an anti-counterfeiting code in the bottle!”

“But my son-in-law, you can be considered deliberate. Although the imitation product you bought looks cheap, but it is made in a good way. Don’t say it, you really can’t tell at a glance!”

The old man couldn’t help laughing a bit now.

He took out his business card and handed it to Mother Han, “I said that the old lady, our big business, what antiques do you want, come directly to me, I will take you around the whole street, Take whichever in the photo!”

“In addition, let me give you another piece of advice.

When the old man said this, instead of lowering his voice, he raised a few words and said in a loud voice: “The Han family is now backed by Master Gu. Some people and some things should lead by example.

“If it doesn’t, if it chills the heart of Young Master Gu, cough cough…

He didn’t finish what he said, halfway through speaking, he turned around and sat back in his position!

The audience was silent.

The dignitaries are all stupid, looking at Man Tiance with an incredible look.


It’s amazing!

Using imitation antiques, confidently posing as the king of blue and white porcelain, and giving it to Han Mu in such a stately manner?


I don’t know who can’t hold it anymore, and he chuckles.

The laughter was like a locust crossing the border, infecting the audience!

Even the Patriarch of the Qian family hid his face and sighed.

I don’t know why, he is a little grateful now, fortunate that he didn’t stand with Xiao Tiance just now.

Is this shameful?!


The old lady’s voice suddenly rose by eight tones, and he stepped forward and picked up the fragment with the anti-counterfeiting code.His face was instantly pale, and his heart attacked, and the whole person directly froze on the chair!


Han Yafei exclaimed, and quickly stepped forward, but was rejected by Han’s father.

Father Han hurriedly pinched the mother of Han, patted her back, and directly dialed the number of the hospital to call an ambulance!

“Man Tiandi, you bastard!!”

Han Yafei only felt as if something was broken in her heart, she quickly turned her head and looked at Xiao Tiance!

If it is said, the eyes that she looked at Xiao Tiance before were disgusted and disgusted.

So now, there is a little bit of hatred!

That’s right!

What the old man said just now is correct!

The Han family is now backed by Young Master Gu. Today is still such a grand occasion, Gu Yan is here!

Xiao Tiance repeatedly made untimely behaviors. On the surface, this face was lost on their Han family, but in fact, Gu Yan would be ashamed!

What will other people say when this incident spreads out?

Saying that their Han family’s cartilage can’t solve a small waste and expensive son-in-law, it makes Gu Yan feel cold, I don’t know what it is!

Their spine will be bent!

If Gu Yan really lost hope for their Han family because of a little Pu Tiance, then what should be done?

Han Yafei is so scared!

I don’t know if I am afraid that Gu Yan hates the Han family more or that Gu hates herself more, anyway, she is afraid!


Han Yafei had a pretty face with anger, and slapped it in front of everyone.

“With this palm, you have eyes but no beads, you don’t know the general, black and white!”


“This palm hits you regardless of good and evil, arrogant and shameless!”


“This palm, interrupting the relationship between you and my husband and wife, you and I are meaningless and meaningless. Starting today, I announce that I will unilaterally abolish the marriage contract with you. The Han family has you but me, and I do not have you!!”

Han Yafei’s words and sentences, her voice is extremely cold, and her expression is firm!

These three slaps were also palms to the flesh, and they all hit Xiao Tiance’s face fiercely!

Han Yafei’s eyes were red, and she wanted to say this a long time ago.

Now, she can’t help it anymore!

Even if the marriage contract did not expire, she didn’t want to see the sky at first glance, not even at a glance!!

The sky was stunned.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of her, watching the anger and disgust in her beautiful eyes, and feeling the fiery pain on her face, every word Han Yafei said is like a silver needle, pierced into the nail. It’s painful!

The sarcasm and sarcasm of people around.

The biggest culprit, Gu Yan, the man behind the scenes, is located in the center of the audience, and the scenery is magnificent!

The failure of the plan, all the things that happened before and after, were all weighed down in Man Tiance’s heart!


There seemed to be something broken in his heart.


Man Tiandi’s throat was sweet, and his face was as pale as paper.

He calculated confidently and thought that after forbearing, he could reap the results.

But what he has gained is greater despair!

It was Han Yafei’s words weeping blood, it was those three slaps that interrupted the relationship between husband and wife and broke completely!!

It was the blue and white porcelain king that he bought for 500 million yuan, and he was replaced with rubbish waist products!

It’s a showdown of his own identity, but he still feels weak and desperate in front of Gu Yan!

Gu Yan..

All Gu Yan!!!

[Ding! Man Tiance mentality collapsed, his original personality changed slightly, he entered a persistent negative state, and his mood was languid. ”

[Ding! Han Yafei’s impression of Xiao Tiance has fallen to a freezing point…)

[This villain’s behavior, reward calculation is in progress. ”

[The calculation is successful. “[This villain’s behavior reduced the integrity of Mantiance’s protagonist’s halo by 30%, and gained a total of 150,000 villain points!]

In my mind, the pleasing beeps of the system sounded one after another.

“Grandpa, I was wrong just now. I apologize to you.”

The Patriarch of the Qian family looked at Gu Yan, holding a wine glass in both hands. He had been through the Shanghai for half a lifetime, and he had seen strong winds and waves. When facing the handsome man in front of him, he could not maintain a trace of stability.

“Patriarch Qian, just remember it.”

Gu Yan smiled inexplicably, picked up the goblet, and clinked glasses with the head of the Qian family, and then…

Drink it all in one go!

And it was at this time.

The paramedics came to the house and first took Han Mu away.

At the same time, in the hysterical shouts of Mantiance, he was directly framed by several bodyguards of the Han family, punched and kicked, just like a bereavement dog, and was directly thrown out of the Han family!

“Gu Gongzi

After a while.

Han Yafei, with red eyes, came over. She was extremely cold just now, and now she looks like a little daughter-in-law who has done something wrong.

“I’m sorry, I will take care of Xiao Tiance’s affairs!”

Gu Yan smiled softly, did not speak, but stood up directly and walked towards the second floor.

Only when passing by Han Yafei.

He put a note in her hand.

This is part of the plan.

What Gu Yan will do next is very simple.

Then (Zhao) is to take the deciphered document, check the distribution of the Dragon King Palace, and then

Wait for the other heroines of the magic city to enter the city!

The banquet continued.

But Han Yafei was not in the mood, went to her bathroom and opened the note.

There is only a short line of words on it.

“The next night, on the outskirts of the imperial capital, come alone.

Half an hour later, the Gu Group branch.

Gu Yan turned on the laptop, and immediately popped up dense text, photos, and web links.

Just prepared.

Ding Dong!

The phone made a soft ring, Gu Yan opened it and saw that the sender of the text message turned out to be…

Zhao Chuning!

“I’m here, where can I find you?”

Gu Yan did not immediately reply to Zhao Chuning’s message, because he also found that under this message, there were other text messages sent to him by the hostess.

I haven’t seen it before, just because Gu Yan muted his mobile phone when he was in the Han family mansion.

Ye Liuli: “Brother Gu Yan, I’m in the imperial capital.”

Su Qingyue: “My husband, miss you so much, where are you?”

Tiandong: “Gu Yan, my sister is here. The weather in the Imperial City is a bit hotter than Moto. It’s a little hotter when I wear a long skirt. Attachment.jpg.”

Fanchuan picks up the snow: “Ouni sauce, long time no see, I will be there soon.

Looking at these text messages, Gu Yan couldn’t help laughing.

Now that the intelligence has been obtained, it is time to execute the next step.


Wouldn’t it be troublesome to assign tasks one by one?

Thinking of this, Gu Yan directly asked Ju Xia to find a quiet and private restaurant in the Imperial Capital, and directly sent the address group to the hostesses!

Then, turn off the phone and look at the computer screen.

This look.

Even Gu Yan had to sigh.

It is worthy of being the strongest trump card of the son of the god of war and luck in Xiaobai’s essay.

This Dragon King Palace is with.

It’s really a huge treasure!

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