Chapter 309 Elizabeth!

The classification standard of Western supernatural beings is from F level to SSS level, and F level corresponds to the first section of Guwu.

After this division, even if it is not a martial artist in the martial arts world, it will not be divided by various grades and get confused.

Simply put, the higher the grade, the stronger. Just like now, Li Mubai is the existence of the fourth stage of the ninth stage of Guwu, and it is almost the ceiling of the cultivation level on the face of the current world!

As the world gradually opens up and the world gradually recovers, he will definitely become the first existence to be promoted to the fifth level of Guwu.

“How did the World Summit come about, and how did you divide the martial artist into nine dans of ancient martial arts?”

“Is it necessary to divide it into Guwu 9th dan?”

“Although there have been many strong people in the martial arts world a long time ago, the current cultivation environment is difficult to cultivate to the innate, that is, the fourth stage of ancient martial arts.”

“Yes, in the division of the nine sections of Guwu, every three sections is a “seven zero” chasm.

“Three dans are promoted to four dans, and six dans are promoted to seven dans.”

“I heard that the world is about to open gradually, and now the world is gradually recovering.”

“As the world continues to recover, the strength of warriors will become stronger and stronger in the future.

After the World Martial Arts Summit, martial artists all over the world were all talking about it.

Everyone felt a little awkward at first, but gradually began to accept it.

At the same time, many warriors are yearning, what kind of existence are the legendary Seventh Duan Wuwang, Eighth Duan Wuzun, and Nine Duan Wuhuang?

Can one person be the enemy of one country? One is the nuclear weapons of the imperial empire?

No one can answer these questions, maybe only when the first Qidan Wuwang, Badan Wuzun, and Nine Duan Wuhuang appear.

All warriors can understand how powerful these ranks of warriors are.

Li Mubai has now finished watching the motion of the World Budo Summit.

To put it simply, it is to re-enable the ancient martial arts system that was broken in the past.

Divided according to this system, he is the pinnacle warrior of the fourth stage of ancient martial arts.

In the Guwu system, the division is very detailed.

In the entire training stage of the martial artist, each stage is divided into nine ranks.

He is the pinnacle of the fourth grade of Guwu, and Li Yinfeng is the fifth grade of Guwu.

Langya and Tiejun both existed in the fourth stage and sixth grade of Guwu.

At the end of the World Martial Arts Summit, the relics of Mount Shenglu slowly appeared.

All warriors who have a stargazing chart will find that on their respective stargazing chart, there is now another star, which starts to flicker.

When this star began to flicker, warriors from all over the world went to the Holy Luo Mountain one after another.

The remains of Mount Shengluo are on the high seas, not in any country.

Therefore, there are a lot of warriors going to the relics of Shengluo Mountain this time. These warriors are from the Guwu Section to the Guwu Section 4.

Li Mubai and his party, at this time, also set off.

Behind Li Mubai, there are Li Yinfeng, Shang Jianfeng, Langya, and Tie Jun, a master of Guwu Fourth Duan.

After that, they are all three peak masters of Guwu.

After this period of training, the twelve-pole meteorite sword formation is already very powerful in the hands of these twelve warriors.

Even a warrior like Li Mubai at the pinnacle of the fourth stage of ancient martial arts can be trapped or even beheaded.

Of course, Li Mubai has too many methods and too strong strength, even if the Twelve Sword Sovereigns trap him, there is nothing to do with him.

The Twelve Sword Sovereign of Tianluodiwang is currently the name of these twelve people.

Li Mubai has always been very random in naming, but now he thinks of something and just named it directly.

“There are so many people.”

After Li Mubai and his party came here, Tie Jun spoke.

Compared with the relics of Saint Roshan, the other relics are simply Moncoroque.

Outside of the relics of Shengluo Mountain, people who don’t know thought that this was the May 1st scenic spot, crowded with people.

“Although there are no restrictions on entry to the Saint-Luoshan ruins, these warriors from the first section of the ancient martial arts may be useless to enter the Saint-Luoshan ruins.

Tie Jun looked around now and found that there were a lot of warriors from the Guwu Section this time.

“Master, look.”

When Tie Jun felt that there were many weak warriors here, Li Yinfeng suddenly discovered that now there is a guy who is riding a huge mutated shark.

The shark didn’t know what was going on. At first glance, it looked like a smaller whale.

“This is similar to Yu Beast Jue’s method by a person with supernatural powers.”

After taking a look, Li Mubai immediately understood what was going on.

The ancient warriors cultivated physical energy and blood, and their inner strength was true energy. What they pay attention to is fierceness without casting, sweeping invincible, and there are not many fancy methods.

The person with the supernatural power is different. The fighting ability of the superb man may not be very good, but all kinds of bells and whistles are directly emerging.

“A group of people came towards us.”

Langya is always paying attention to the surroundings, and he is now more interested in hunting down the warriors of the dark alliance.

The strength of the warriors of the dark alliance is very strong, and he can continuously improve in the battle when hunting the warriors of the dark alliance.

However, what is coming now is a group of warriors from Europe and the United States, not warriors from the dark alliance.

“Who are these people?”

Li Yinfeng has some doubts, he knows a lot about things in Xia Kingdom.

But this group of warriors in Europe and the United States, he did not know at all.

“Li Mubai, hello, this is Elizabeth.

The head of this group of European and American warriors is a beautiful white woman with blond hair.

Her eyes are azure blue, very beautiful.

“what’s up?”

Li Mubai asked casually.

“I want to cooperate with you. We have important information about a treasure in the ruins.”

“We can provide you with information for free, and the gains in the treasure land will be distributed according to the contribution minus 10%.

“In other words, you have contributed 50% of the power in the treasure land, and you can only get 40% of the income.

After Elizabeth finished speaking, she looked at Li Mubai with some expectation.

The place she knew was very dangerous, and people like them would definitely not be able to harvest treasures in the treasure land.

If you want to harvest treasures, you must find a strong 2.6 big ally to divide the cake.

“What’s in there?”

Li Mubai did not agree, but directly asked what was in the treasure land.

He is at a very good level now. Ordinary objects may be treasures in the eyes of others, but in his opinion, they may be just ordinary.

“There are a lot of energy stones, and then there are a lot of elixirs, elixir, weapons, etc.

Elizabeth thought for a moment, then said so.

“Aren’t you afraid that I will get upset when I take the treasure and kill you after taking the treasure, so I can swallow the treasure?”

Li Mubai gave a chuckle.

“We have considered this issue before, so the allies we are looking for must be of comparable strength.”

“Even if there is a conflict between the two sides, no one will suffer.”

Elizabeth was very frank, and directly told the worst.

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