Chapter 308 Guwu nine dan points!

Xia’s military headquarters is very large and various regulations are very strict.

Especially the addition of a department like is not a trivial matter.

In addition, the power of Tianluodiwang is very large, except for ordinary people who cannot interfere with the inner strength warriors, the East China region, the warriors above the inner strength, must accept the management of the Tianluodi net.

“Lao Li, the second good~ what’s the news?”

Although I don’t understand why Xia Guo’s military department approved so quickly, Li Mubai continued to inquire.

“The second piece of good news is that Central China, West China, South China, and North China will also set up their own nets of heaven and earth.

“However, you don’t need to worry about the sky and earth nets in the four regions, there are others who will be responsible.”

After hearing this news, Li Mubai couldn’t help but smile.

Sure enough, there is no such cheap thing, in order to prevent him or’s power from being too large, was directly divided into five departments.

The Tianluodinet in each region is responsible for the high-level warriors in the region.

“In addition, there is another news to tell you.

“The World Budo Summit will be held soon.”

“The martial arts powerhouses everywhere will go.

“The location is on Mount Shengluo, which is the eighth relic on the stargazing map, which is about to flash.”

As soon as Mr. Li said this, Li Mubai’s complexion finally changed slightly.

Sure enough, there are many strange men and strangers under these old guys. Now someone has calculated that the next relic to be opened is the relic of Shengluo Mountain.

Mount San Ro is on an island in the Atlantic Ocean, which does not belong to any country or region.

The World Martial Arts Summit chose to be held in this place. It can be seen that not only Mr. Li, but also some other guys also know that the next relic to be opened is the relic of Shengluo Mountain.

“I’ll be there.”

After Mr. Li finished speaking, Li Mubai nodded immediately.

To Li Mubai’s answer, Mr. Li was naturally very satisfied.

He told Li Mubai of the news in advance, hoping that Li Mubai could go to the relics of Shengluo Mountain and continue to improve.

After leaving Lao Li, Li Mubai and Su Xinran returned to Jingchu Tianya Haige Villa.

“We have to go this time, but I can’t act with you, I have other tasks.

Without waiting for Li Mubai to ask, Su Xinran took the initiative to say.

At the same time, the four congenitals under Su Xinran’s command obviously have to go.

“It’s okay, you have trouble in the ruins, remember to ask me for help.

Li Mubai raised his hand to pinch Su Xinran’s pretty face.

Never thought, Su Xinran’s eyesight was quick and he took the lead and scratched his nose.

“You too, have trouble in the ruins, remember to ask sister!

Li Mubai and his party have not left yet, but Su Xinran and the five have already set off.

“Master, when shall we go to Saint Luo Mountain?”

Li Yinfeng and the others also looked at Li Mubai expectantly at this moment.

“Can you find such twelve warriors in the net of heaven and earth now?”

Li Mubai did not say when to go, but handed a form to Li Yinfeng.

This form has requirements for strength, skill, birth date and so on.

“Can find it.

Li Yinfeng knew all the members of, and after reading it carefully, he immediately nodded.

There is no problem at all if you want to find these people in the net of heaven and earth.

“Well, find twelve such warriors out.”

Li Mubai immediately asked Li Yinfeng to help this matter. He was a little passive in the previous relics.

Always waiting for the dragon group, the blood stab, and the warriors of the dark alliance to come and ask him for trouble.

This time Li Mubai did not decide to counterattack passively, but decided to take the initiative.

Taking the initiative is definitely not an easy task.

Not only is it difficult to find the warriors of the dark alliance, if you find it, if you can’t kill them quickly, the warriors of the dark alliance are likely to escape!


In a short time, Li Yinfeng brought the twelve elites of heaven and earth nets requested by Li Mubai.

“Get swords and exercises. Starting today, you will earnestly cultivate the meteorite sword formation.

“Meteor Sword Array is composed of twelve warriors. You were all warriors who practiced swordsmanship before, and some even learned simple swordsmanship.”

“In the exercises I gave you, there are completed swordsmanship.

“After you learn the sword, continue to learn the formation, the sooner you learn, the better.”

“After you have learned the Twelve Extreme Heavens Meteorite Sword Formation, we will set off for Shengluo Mountain.”

Li Mubai went to Sacred Luo Mountain in no hurry, this time he decided to make enough preparations to go again.

Anyway, he didn’t have much interest in the World Martial Artist Summit on Mount Shengluo. What he was interested in was the remains of Mount Shengluo.

0……Look for flowers……

“Yes, Master!”

These twelve martial artists are all martial arts masters.

There is even a great master.

When Li Mubai arranged for them to practice sword formation, he spared no effort to provide support in all aspects.

With the support of massive training resources, the twelve people also entered the territory at a rapid pace.

After half a month, all of them are the ultimate masters, half a step innate.

Of course, the cultivation resources they consume are also very scary.

Even if Li Mubai made a fortune in several ruins before, this time he consumed one-third of his resources.

Even though it’s only one-third, it doesn’t sound like much.

But in fact, ordinary martial arts families, with so many training resources, would have to empty out the entire family to get it out.


Li Mubai did not attend the World Budo Summit, but the influence of the World Budo Summit has spread all over the world!

In this world martial arts summit, except for Xia, the top martial artists from many other countries have basically participated.

At the Budo Summit, consensus was reached on many things.

For example, pill medicine, talisman, formation method, spirit weapon, monster beast, etc., have all made a new unified standard.

Of course, this unified standard was not formulated by the warriors of the Budo Summit, but the information obtained from various relics, after sorting out, was unified and perfected.

The cultivation world has always been divided in this way, but I don’t know why. There have been several major faults in the cultivation world, and many things have been lost.

Therefore, the current martial artist has dark energy, or external energy, internal energy, Huajin, innate and so on.

These divisions, as the world gradually recovers, are no longer practical!

The new classification standard now uses Guwu’s nine-segment standard.

The previous external force warrior was a warrior from the first section of the ancient martial arts.

As for the inner strength warrior, it is the second dan warrior of Guwu, and the master Huajin is the third dan warrior of Guwu.

The congenital warrior is the fourth dan warrior of ancient martial arts!

In the division of the ninth dan of Guwu, the warriors of the seventh dan are called King Wu, the warriors of the eighth dan are called Wu Zun, and the warriors of the ninth dan are called the Emperor Wu.

Corresponding to the ancient martial arts system in the east, there are also corresponding classification standards for the western supernatural powers or martial artists who have both abilities and ancient martial arts. deficit,

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