Chapter 310 Dilapidated castle!

“What else is in the ruins? What is the level of this treasure in the ruins?”

Li Mubai has now discovered that Elizabeth seems to have a good understanding of the remains of the Holy Roshan.

So now he simply asked directly.

“This treasure is ranked in the top three among the relics of Mount Shengluo, but it is easier to obtain than the remaining two places.

“Besides, there is only this precious place, and the clear location is known.

“Of course I don’t know, besides me, is there anyone else who also knows this place.”

Elizabeth understands that the prerequisite for cooperation is frankness!

As long as she shows enough sincerity, even if they didn’t know or cooperate before, it is still possible to cooperate.

If Li Mubai still disagrees, then she will also go to other people.

“Okay, I agree.”

In the eyes of Elizabeth’s expectation, Li Mubai finally agreed.

Otherwise, they would be blinded by the ruins.

Now that Elizabeth and others know the situation in the ruins, and if they cooperate with Elizabeth and others, they can at least guarantee the harvest due to droughts and floods, and they will not return empty-handed.

“Elizabeth, I think we are a better partner than your Excellency Li Mubai.,

At this time, a group of Eastern Warriors suddenly came over.

The leader was obviously very famous. When he saw him, Shang Jianfeng said.

“This is Haruaki Kimura, the leader of the Kimura family.”

“The Kimura family has private armies such as samurai, ninja, and onmyoji. They are very powerful.”

After Shang Jianfeng finished speaking, Li Mubai also understood.

Without waiting for Elizabeth to speak, Li Mubai spoke.


Facing this Kimura Haruaki, Li Mubai didn’t give him a good face at all.


After seeing Li Mubai’s arrogance, the other fighters of the Kimura family showed cold expressions.

“If you don’t roll, you will die.”

Elizabeth has negotiated with him about cooperation, and now these Toei Warriors came to make trouble, and they were killed by him, and they deserved it.

“Sorry, we have decided to cooperate with Master Li Mubai.”

Elizabeth also shook her head at this time. Since she is sure to cooperate with Li Mubai, no matter how high other people offer, Elizabeth will not change her mind.

Seeing Li Mubai’s tough attitude and Elizabeth’s ignorance of good and evil, Kimura Haruaki immediately left with the elites of the Kimura family.

“Master, these people will make trouble in the ruins.

“I’m not afraid of making trouble this time. If they dare to come, they will kill them directly.”

After speaking, Li Mubai also began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

After all, there is still a while before the Holy Roshan Ruins are opened.

After Li Mubai came here, he didn’t wait too long before the Holy Luoshan ruins opened.

After the opening of the Holy Roshan Ruins, warriors and supernaturalists from all over the world almost filed in.

Li Mubai and Elizabeth’s party were not in a hurry.

Now that these warriors enter the ruins, they are simply fishing in a haystack.

They are different. They have a clear goal. After entering, just go directly.

After the other warriors almost entered, Li Mubai and others also entered the ruins.

“Dispose of the tail that follows.”

Li Mubai’s sense of consciousness together, he found that behind them, a warrior of the Kimura family followed.

However, before Li Yinfeng took the lead, Li Mubai spoke again.

“No, it has been killed by Elizabeth’s men.”

Because Elizabeth did not choose to cooperate with the Kimura family, at this time, Elizabeth did not want the warriors of the Kimura family to follow them.

“Master, the fish is on the bait.”

At the same time, Tie Jun also said beside Li Mubai.

When they were heading to the treasure land, Langya and Shang Jianfeng were not in the team at the moment.

The fish in Tiejun’s mouth is of course the warrior of the dark alliance.

After a cup of tea, Shang Jianfeng and Langya also returned with a little more blood.

Elizabeth glanced here, and now of course she knew that the two subordinates of Li Mubai, Gang オ also went to kill the other warriors.

Although they are a cooperative relationship with Li Mubai, as long as Li Mubai’s behavior does not affect the cooperation, she will not interfere.

“Now can you briefly talk about what troubles will you face in a while?

Li Mubai also asked as the group continued to move forward.


Elizabeth nodded directly.

“We may encounter many monsters and dead spirits in a while.”

She didn’t conceal it. These were all the information they had, and more specifically, they didn’t know it.

Because there may be many dead souls, the group of Kimura Haruaki is very confident.

After all, Kimura Seiya, the great onmyoji of the Kimura family, is currently the world’s number one onmyoji.

Never thought that after Elizabeth first approached Li Mubai, she didn’t even consider other people.

“I see.”

Li Mubai slightly foreheaded, and then did not continue to say more.

Before him, Su Xinran came to the relics of Shengluo Mountain. After they came, they didn’t see Su Xinran.

Li Mubai was also curious about what Su Xinran and others were doing.

When everyone was moving forward, they also encountered other warriors along the way.

After seeing the terrifying strength of Li Mubai and Elizabeth, these warriors all left one after another.

In the ruins, encountering warriors who are stronger than oneself is a dangerous thing.

From the moment he entered the relics of Mount Holy Luo, Li Mubai had a feeling in his heart 717.

In the remains of Shengluo Mountain, the suppression of Tiandi Jujue seems to have eased a lot.

This feeling is not nothing but real.

He is now the pinnacle martial artist of the fourth stage of ancient martial arts, and he continues to practice upward exercises. Others don’t have it, but he does.

As long as the heaven and earth in this place are really small, he might be able to break through the fifth stage of Guwu in this place!

The fifth segment of Guwu is the first division standard. According to the previous division standard, the fifth segment of Guwu is the strong man above the innate!

‘No, the suppression of heaven and earth in this place has indeed been reduced, but it is necessary to find a special area in order to achieve a breakthrough from Guwu 4th to Guwu 5th. ”

After experiencing it for a long time, Li Mubai suddenly had a guess.

That is this place, maybe there is an opportunity to break through the fifth stage of Guwu!

Because he discovered that although the suppression of the heavens and the earth in the remains of Saint Luoshan has been reduced, the suppression of the heavens and the earth in different regions has been reduced to different degrees!

If his guess is correct, then there must be a place where the suppression of heaven and earth is the smallest, and that place is the perfect place for breakthrough.

When there is no breakthrough, he will be subject to the limit of heaven and earth, but after breaking the limit, even if the limit of heaven and earth exists, he just can’t continue to break upward.

His strength will not be affected in the slightest.

Thinking of this, Li Mubai also continued to move forward. .

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