Chapter 307 World Budo Summit!

The roles between the hunter and the prey are often interchangeable.

Advanced hunters often appear in the form of prey.

These three dark alliance guys were quickly killed by Li Mubai.

“You did it right.,

Li Mubai originally thought that Su Xinran wanted to overflow with sympathy, and felt that he shouldn’t kill all of the other party.

Never thought, now Su Xinran actually agrees with his approach.

“If the enemy kills one, one will be lost, and the bad guy will sanction one, and the good will be harmed.”

“What to do next?”

Although there is still a faint smell of blood in the air, Su Xinran is not a pampered eldest lady. She has even fought in the peacekeeping battlefield outside of Xia.

“ will handle it.”

Li Mubai didn’t care about the subsequent finishing work.

He never needs to confess this kind of thing, and Tian Luodi will handle it very well.

“It’s just that there is no good measure for how to deal with these warriors.”

“What if I meet someone who is not guilty of death?”

Su Xinran nodded, and then asked.

“If you encounter a crime that does not die.”

After Su Xinran said this, Li Mubai suddenly thought that he had obtained a very useful piece of information in the remains of Nongshen Mountain.


That is in the depths of Nongshen Mountain, source stone ore veins.

The source stone is not a spirit stone, nor is it an energy stone, but the source stone is an important material for the synthesis of energy stone!

The energy stone is to compress the heaven and earth aura and pour it into the source stone. According to the degree and the aura contained in it, it becomes the energy stone of various levels.

“If you catch those who are not guilty of death, they will be sent to the depths of Nongshen Mountain for mining and labor reform.

Thinking of this, Li Mubai also called and arranged for Shang Jianfeng to do this.

After begins its operations, this kind of guy who does not die will definitely appear.

Even those who have committed crimes and meritorious service do not necessarily have to be killed. They can be sent to the depths of Nongshen Mountain for mining.


Su Xinran’s beautiful eyes were full of weird looks. She obviously did not understand what Li Mubai said about mining.

“Yes, it’s mining.

“In the depths of Nongshen Mountain, source stone veins.”

“The source rock veins are very difficult to mine, and it is easy to damage and pollute the use of scientific and technological equipment. It is obviously the best choice to let these warriors who are not guilty to die to mine.”

After Li Mubai finished speaking, Su Xinran gave him a thumbs up.

In Su Xinran’s opinion, Li Mubai is too thick and dark.

Actually arrested these warriors as mine slaves!

However, this method is obviously much better. Many warriors have done a lot of evil deeds, and it is a pleasure to kill them directly.

But letting them work in the mining area day and night is obviously the real punishment.

At the beginning, when Su Xinran came to Jingchu, Li Mubai thought that this was a careful opportunity for Mr. Li.

The purpose is to prevent him from overweighting his power and not let Tianluodiwang become his speech.

I never thought that Su Xinran and him were in good tune with him. These tactics are very thick and dark in the eyes of normal people.

Su Xinran directly likes it and expresses his agreement.

“Let’s go and continue playing.

After killing these dark alliance guys, Li Mubai continued to swim with Su Xinran.

“Just now the warrior said that there are a lot of warriors in the Jingchu Dark Alliance.

“What are you going to do?”

After Su Xinran asked, Li Mubai said casually.

“The warriors of the dark alliance generally hide deeply. We took the initiative to find them, but we couldn’t find them.,

“However, if we don’t look for them, we will find these guys easily when they come out by themselves.”

Su Xinran also understands Li Mubai’s words.

Just like the killers of the three dark alliances just now, they came directly to die.

“What do you think of the few words on the back of the stargazing chart?”

At this moment, Su Xinran suddenly spoke to Li Mubai again.

“The general meaning of those few sentences is that as the world continues to recover, more and more crises will appear.”

“The meaning of this sentence is not (ahcg) often ambiguous, but it is still to the effect that there will be constant dangers in the future.”

“It’s just that I don’t know where these dangers come from various relics or where.”

These words, Li Mubai has not talked with anyone else before.

Many things have not reached a certain level, and it is impossible to communicate by itself.

Whether it is Yun Yi, Ling Yue, Nong Qiaoxin, or Chu Yuyan, Luo Xixi and others.

Even Li Yinfeng, Langya and other top martial artists.

They are still not at the top of the martial arts world, and what they think about most now is how to cultivate to the innate peak, rather than other things.

Li Mubai and Su Xinran are different. Li Mubai has reached the peak of innate stage long ago.

Su Xinran’s physique is special, so he doesn’t need to practice much at all.

As the limits of heaven and earth are opened up a little bit, her strength will directly recover continuously.

“Look at this fish.”

When the canoe was going down the river, Su Xinran also found that a fish full of aura appeared in the lake.

After the heaven and the earth gradually recover, there will be more and more auras between the heaven and the earth, and all creatures will receive blessings.

At that time, no one knew what kind of changes would happen to the world’s structure.

Li Mubai and Li Lao originally agreed on a three-month period, but three days before the three-month period, news of Li Lao arrived.

Because it is a matter of heaven and earth, Li Mubai can only go to Li’s courtyard with Su Xinran.

Seeing Li Mubai and Su Xinran getting along in harmony, Lao Li also breathed a sigh of relief.

These two are both small chaotic world demon kings. When they are mixed together, they can pierce the sky and wake up.

However, as the saying goes, a mountain cannot accommodate two tigers unless there is one male and one female.

Now Li Mubai and Su Xinran get along very well.

“Lao Li invited us over this time. What is it about Tianluodiwang?”

Li Mubai was very curious, this happened without three days.

Explain that there should be a very important change in the matter of heaven and earth.

“One good news and one bad news can also be said to be two good news.”

After Li Mubai asked, Mr. Li couldn’t help selling it.

“Two good news?”

In contrast, Li Mubai is still more willing to accept the second argument.

“Yes, the first good news is that the headquarters of has approved it.”

“The previous agreement remains the same. It is still the March period. If the March period, the senior warriors in the East China region will be well managed.”

“So I don’t need to ask any questions about the whole world. You two will discuss the matter and deal with it.”

“If you do not manage well, and there is even a major accident within three months, then the East China Army will directly assign personnel.”

After Mr. Li finished speaking, Li Mubai was really surprised.

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