Chapter 306 Fierce battle in the lake!

“Can you eat spicy food?”

Li Mubai thought about paying, thinking of a special delicacy in Jingchu.

“Yes, I’m not spicy or unhappy!”


After hearing what Su Xinran said, Li Mubai went directly to Jingchu Spicy Street.

This place is one of Jingchu special food street, all the food here is fragrant and spicy.

Along the way, I was so addicted to Su Xinran’s food. The fact that Li Mubai beat her just now made her forget all about it.

And Su Xinran had a very strange feeling in her heart.

She seemed to have a natural familiarity and closeness to Li Mubai.

“Don’t you have a long-lost sister.

Su Xinran said casually while eating the secret special spicy duck slices.

“Yes, it’s not you.”

Li Mubai said, reaching out and tapping her pretty face.

In the beginning, Li Mubai’s idea was to take Su Xinran.

Now it’s different. In addition to taking Su Xinran down, he found that he still seems to enjoy being with Su Xinran.

Although the two of them simply went shopping for dinner, they could feel happy even with such a trivial matter.

Li Mubai is really skeptical, don’t Su Xinran really is a self-lost sister for many years?

Or is the old man’s life disorderly and sentimental debts everywhere?

When Li Mubai was thinking this way, Su Xinran was also full and drunk.

After eating and drinking, of course, I want to go boating.

There are nine rivers and many lakes in Jingchu. After arriving in Jingchu, if you don’t go boating, it will be nothing.

When Li Mubai and Su Xinran were about to go boating, the three figures walked out slowly.

“God’s gift!”

“This time Li Mubai didn’t bring a master of the Li family with him, and there was a burden beside him!”

“As long as we kill Li Mubai, we will immediately go incognito and go overseas. The rewards given by the organization will be enough for us to use in the next life.

“They seem to be going to the ice sea now…?”

The ice sea is not a sea, but a huge inland lake in the land of Jingchu.

In winter, part of the lake freezes, so it is also called ice sea.

The killers of these three dark alliances are all innate strengths.

Has been lurking in the land of Jingchu, looking for a chance to assassinate Li Mubai.

After everyone had waited for a long time, today, finally waited for the opportunity.

After Li Mubai and Su Xinran came to the ice lake, they found that the ice lake was very interesting.

There are not only light boats, but also bamboo rafts.

The two got on a boat at will, and they didn’t hire a man, so they just let the light boat wander freely on the lake.

“You have a lot of enemies.

Su Xinran said casually while eating the snacks that he had just taken away.

Li Mubai discovered that this girl turned out to be a hidden big stomach king.

Although Su Xinran looks thin, she can eat well.

Of course, no matter how much Su Xinran ate, that wouldn’t be a big problem.

“Yes, these warriors dare to do evil in broad daylight, so an organization like is needed to deal with these people.”

By this time, the two finally remembered that they came out not to go shopping and dating, but to talk about work.

Listening to Li Mubai’s words, Su Xinran also nodded.

But if she listened to what Li Mubai said, no one knew.

When the cockleshell went down the current, the three breaths kept approaching from underwater.

The three assassins who came this time were not so good at water, otherwise the ordinary assassins would definitely not hunt like sharks.

When the light boat was about to pass a torrent, a figure suddenly jumped out under the surface of the water.

A cold flashing dagger, without any hesitation, slammed directly into Li Mubai’s heart.


At the same time, in the other two directions, the killer also jumped out of the water directly.

The seven songs in their hands, also at this time, attacked Li Mubai’s vital points in different directions.


When a dagger in the hand of a killer was about to stab Li Mubai’s heart, he heard a strange sound.

Immediately this killer was shocked to discover that Su Xinran beside Li Mubai turned out to be an innate late powerhouse!

“It’s careless!”

At this moment, the three killers were a little panicked.

This time they undoubtedly underestimated the enemy.

I thought that Li Mubai had brought a burden out. Who would have thought that the beauty around Li Mubai turned out to be an innate master.


Compared to being cut off by Su Xinran, he confined the killer who was really angry.

At this moment, facing Li Mubai’s killer, obviously there is no such good luck.

Li Mubai slammed a punch directly, just like picking flowers through leaves, and smashed his heart with a punch.

One hit!

After seeing his comrade being killed by a single blow, the last killer did not know, there was a problem with their intelligence, the truth of Li Mubai.

It was at least three times stronger than the information they got!

Not to mention, beside Li Mubai, there is another master.

It’s just that he wants to run at this time, but it’s too late.

“” “Crack!

After Li Mubai punched and directly interrupted the martial artist’s spine, he also directly used the assassin’s mind.

“Are you members of the Dark Alliance?”

In Li Mubai’s pupils, there was a faint green light flickering. At the same time, there was also a faint green light in the assassin’s pupils.


After being controlled by Shen Minshu, this warrior seemed to be stupid.

“In addition to the three of you, does Jing Chu have other killers from the dark alliance?,

Li Mubai continued to inquire.

“Yes, and there are many more.”

What Li Mubai didn’t expect was that Jing Chu, who was the lair of Tianluodiwang, had many dark alliance killers lurking.

If these dark alliance assassins attack Rosie and others, the consequences will be disastrous.

“Do you know where they are?”

“I don’t know, we are all single-line (Zhao’s) department, only when we perform tasks, we will get together.”

“What are you doing in Jingchu?”

“The assassination of Li Mubai, Li Mubai was a breakthrough in the game between the dark alliance and the Jinghai Li family.”

“Why do you say that?

“According to the intelligence, this person is bohemian, often in and out of the secrets of various relics, and has a lot of mobile phone meetings. In addition, he is also an important lineage of the Jinghai Li family.”

Li Mubai laughed after hearing this. He didn’t expect that in the dark alliance, he actually made such an evaluation.

“In addition to assassinating Li Mubai, what are you doing in Jingchu?”

“Spy on the intelligence of Tianluo, and sweep all the Tianluo”

This time the news from the killer surprised Li Mubai.

It seems that these guys in the Dark Alliance are well versed in the principle of starting first to be strong.

When Li Mubai hadn’t attacked the guys of these dark alliances, the warriors of these dark alliances actually attacked him and Tian Luo Di Net first. Tie,

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