Chapter 305 I want to fight you!

Not long after, Su Xinran and Li Mubai walked to the center of the venue.

“Since you let me take the shot first, then I’m not welcome.

Li Mubai’s voice fell and he threw his fist directly through the air.

This punch is only of the mid-innate level.

After seeing his punch, the Qinglong people were a little shocked.

These super big families really have their own way of cultivating younger generations.

Whether it is Su Xinran or Li Mubai, both of them are super terrifying!


“You have two more troubles.”

However, after Li Mubai took the shot, Su Xinran’s beautiful face directly showed a cat and mouse look.

She stepped forward, and then squeezed Li Mubai’s wrist.

After struggling to fall, he wanted to throw Li Mubai out.

I never thought that Li Mubai was also moving forward at this moment, and for a while, a powerful force struck.

Su Xinran and Li Mubai fell directly “uncontrolled” to the ground.

Li Mubai was completely fine, because Su Xinran was on the ground when he fell.

As a congenital, Su Xinran would naturally not be injured by a fall.

“You deliberately!

Su Xinran spoke very angrily. Just now, when she fell, the bastard Li Mubai hit her on the snowy peak in 07.

“You are going to throw me, why did you do it on purpose?”

Li Mubai is directly innocent.

The eight congenitals around were very dumbfounded.

They also don’t know what happened just now.

“It’s cheap and good! It won’t work if I don’t give you a little color today.”

Su Xinran finished speaking and rushed towards Li Mubai directly.


After she punched Li Mubai, Li Mubai also gave her a palm.

However, she punched Li Mubai, and Li Mubai remained motionless.

Instead, after Li Mubai gave her a palm, he directly beat her ashamed and annoyed.

Where is Li Mubai, the bastard?

After discovering that Li Mubai was very good, Su Xinran immediately decided not to keep his hands.

In an instant, the powerful strength of the later innate period was revealed from her in an instant.


This time, Li Mubai was really surprised.

Because Su Xinran’s physique seems to be very special, it seems to contain infinite power in her body.

Only limited by the shackles of the world, she couldn’t show it.

Not long after, Su Xinran, with a hint of killing intent in his eyes, had already skyrocketed to the same level of cultivation as Li Mubai.

This is also the first logarithm that Li Mubai has encountered since his debut.

If the cultivation base is the same, then compare the foundation, inheritance, combat experience, combat awareness, and even weapons and treasures.

“Li Mubai, kneel down for sister!”

Su Xinran’s powerful punch came again at this moment.

Seeing her showing her two small tiger teeth and a fierce look, Li Mubai expressed love.

This time, veteran Li, Su Xinran, brought him this big baby, which was simply a great deed.

East China Military Department, in the high-level meeting room.

“Hahaha, ginger is still old and spicy!”

“Squad leader Li is the eternal god!

“As expected of the old squad leader.”

“Okay, okay, now the East China Military Headquarters is completely clean, and that little ancestor has finally been sent away.

“It’s just a pity, it’s only been clean for three months.”

“For three months, as long as we help, let Tianluodiwang play its due role, and get permission from the above, the little ancestor will not be able to return.

“The grandson of Lao Jinghai Li is also a Hunshi Demon. If these two Hunshi Demon Kings are mixed together, the old squad leader is not afraid that they will make a hole in the sky bucket?”

Many high-level officials in the East China Military Department are in a very good mood. Without Su Xinran, everyone’s frowning eyebrows have been stretched for days.

“It doesn’t matter, as the saying goes, one mountain can’t accommodate two tigers unless there is one male and one female.”

“My arrangement this time can be regarded as a favor to Old Su.”

“Otherwise, according to Xiao Su’s character, he doesn’t know how to wash and cook, and he still makes trouble all the time. Before he is thirty, he will definitely not be able to get married.

Su Xinran was very aggrieved when the high-level members of the East China Army were in a good mood.

In the past, when she shot with all her strength, it was all invincible and invincible.

But this time, after she shot with all her strength, she was still not Li Mubai’s opponent.

This Li Mubai is terrifying as never before. Compared with her, Li Mubai’s strength is only strong or not weak.

The most annoying thing is that every time she bursts out hidden methods, Li Mubai will also improve her strength, and every time she is only a little bit better than her.

“Humph! Every time it’s like this, you only have a little bit!’

At this moment, Su Xinran realized that he could not beat Li Mubai, and immediately began a language attack.

It’s just a pity that she is not even Li Mubai’s opponent in the quarrel.

“Have you tried?”

Listening to the amazing words of these two people, the eight Qinglong people said they had no face to look at them.

Can you two be more reserved?

You know, you two are also two great innate masters anyhow.

People who don’t know thought it was a male gangster and a female gangster arguing.

“You wait for this girl, we will fight again after a while.”

Su Xinran only felt a bit of pain in the fierce mouth at this moment. The beast Li Mubai didn’t order it at all, and every time he shot it was not serious or serious.

However, Su Xinran was not desperate.

As the world recovers, the oranges between the world and the earth open up a little bit, and her cultivation base will directly rise to the limit that the current world can withstand!

At that time, she insisted on Li Mubai to see it!

Her cultivation speed was 700 miles per day. She didn’t believe that Li Mubai’s cultivation speed could keep up with her when the heaven and the earth gradually opened up.

Li Mubai didn’t know what Su Xinran was thinking.

But he still wants to say, sister, you are just a fast-upgrading top-up player, brother is a plug-in player!

This time Su Xinran wanted to beat Li Mubai but didn’t succeed, but the job still needs to be discussed.

After leaving the competition field, the two also took a walk on the streets of Jingchu.

Su Xinran belongs to a woman who has a quick temper and goes quickly.

Before in the martial arts competition, he was still raging, gritted his teeth, and wanted to bite Li Mubai.

At this moment, after following Li Mubai to the street, he immediately came to Li Mubai’s side and opened his mouth with a smile.

“What are you going to treat me to delicious?”

Hearing Su Xinran’s words, Li Mubai almost couldn’t stretch himself.

Good guys!

He also said why he wanted to go shopping while talking about work. It turned out that Su Xinran was waiting for him in this place!

It’s just that this woman changed her face too quickly, right? Is she really changing her face like flipping a book?

When he was in the martial arts field before, he wondered if Su Xinran wanted to kill him in one go, but now he is like a clingy sister, starting to eat and drink.

Li Mubai knows even more that as Su Xinran, there is no shortage of money at all, but she may just like the feeling of being taken care of by others.

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