Chapter 302 Jingchu big layout!

A few days after Li Mubai returned to Jingchu, things that happened in the ruins were still being mentioned.

In the martial arts world now, stargazing seems to be the only hot topic.

In many ruins, people have obtained stargazing pictures.

After more and more warriors obtain stargazing maps, naturally more and more warriors know the secrets of 360 ruins.

However, after the Xuanmingzong ruins ended, the stargazing chart seemed to fall into silence.

When Li Mubai was in the Xuanmingzong ruins, he was even in the process of exploring the entire Xuanmingzong ruins.

On the stargazing chart, five stars are lit up.

In other words, during this period, five secret realms were opened.

But these five secret realms have nothing to do with him from the opening to the end.

Not far from Tianya Haige is the headquarters of

Although Li Mubai once considered building the headquarters of Tianluodiwang in the remains of Nongshen Mountain.

But later, he still did not do so.

For a long time in the future, he should be in the Tianya Haige Villa in Jingchu No.1 Villa.

The net of heaven and earth is at his hand, which is good for command and also good for protecting his relatives.

“Master 700, what are you doing?”

In Li Mubai’s office, several people from Li Yinfeng came over.

Shang Jianfeng followed Li Yinfeng’s trio and came over.

Seeing Li Yinfeng who were getting stronger and stronger, Shang Jianfeng felt very uncomfortable.

Li Yinfeng is a direct line of Jinghai Li’s family, so he won’t say that he Shang Jianfeng is before Tiejun and Langya, and Nana’s name is cast.

As a result, Li Mubai directly excluded him from the circle of core cronies.

In these few visits to the ruins, Li Mubai took Li Yinfeng with him.

Li Ling next to Shang Jianfeng didn’t have such an idea.As long as he worked for the young master, where did he work, wouldn’t it be the same?

What’s more, his strength has progressed so quickly during this period, and he has obtained a lot of training resources.

If he didn’t follow Li Mubai, how could he get so many training resources?

“Shang Zhangmen’s complexion seems a bit ugly?”

Li Mubai didn’t answer Li Yinfeng’s question, instead he continued to draw pictures and said casually.

“Master, I dare not lie to you, I just feel a little unconvinced in my heart.”

“Among the group of people who followed the young master, from the time I killed Lin Xuankai (ahcg), I worked under the young master’s command.”

“now ”

Shang Jianfeng didn’t continue. After all, a great congenital master of dignity, she became a deep-bodied grudge, and she was not pretty.

“Oh ”

Hearing Shang Jianfeng’s words, Li Mubai gave a chuckle, and then Li Yinfeng also laughed.

“Shang Sect, when the Tianluodi network was formed before, the reason why you didn’t count you was because you were famous in Xia and overseas!”

“Tianluodiwang’s actions are secretive. As long as you use the means, others will know that you are the Shang Jianfeng of the Bagua Sect.”

“But it’s different now. Now all the forces and underground forces have basically been put on the surface, and even the secret alliance that is secretly against the Li family has surfaced.”

“I am also going to reorganize in the near future, and at the same time continue to expand Jingchu Wu Academy.”

When talking about the expansion of Jingchuwu Academy, Li Mubai pointed to the picture he had drawn.

Obviously, before Li Yinfeng came over, he had been planning for Jingchu Wu Academy.

“Why is the young master interested in Jingchu Wu Academy now?”

Several people are now puzzled, the positioning of Jingchuwu Academy is to send fresh blood to the Li Family and

However, fresh blood requires a long growth period.

Now Jingchuwu Academy is basically completed, and it has enrolled a large number of students.

The next step is to allow time to prove its value.

“I don’t want to talk about the stargazing chart, but you also know it.”

“For a long time to come, all forces will inevitably engage in a long wrestling overtly and secretly.

“In this process, whoever fails to pick up will go out first.”

“There are many senior management in the Jinghai Li family, so I don’t have to worry about it.

“However, Tianluodiwang is the trump card in my hand. In this world of great controversy, it must continue to expand and grow!”

“ wants to expand and grow. In general, it is nothing more than two aspects. One is to add new members, and the other is to enhance everyone’s strength.

“Both points can be achieved through Jingchu Wu Academy.”

“Although the martial arts organizations of other forces have surfaced, they are still operating underground.”

“My is not the case. Next, I will communicate with the headquarters of Xia Guo, so that will receive the support of Xia Guo’s military department.”

When Li Mubai said this, everyone in Li Yinfeng was surprised and speechless.

Especially, a long time ago, the young master’s style was actually very bad.

The outside world agrees that Li Mubai is the second ancestor of Na Dan.

Who would have thought that Li Mubai is not only the second ancestor of Najie II, but also has such a vision and pattern.

“Young master, once Tianluo has a relationship with Xia Guo’s military department, I am afraid that it will not be completely in the hands of the young master.”

At this moment, Li Yinfeng expressed his inner worries.

“The Xia State Military Department currently does not have a powerful department to deal with martial arts incidents, and the Martial Arts Administration can only manage ordinary martial artists.

“In the face of grandmaster-level martial artists, even innate martial artists, the Martial Arts Administration is basically helpless.”

“ can just fill this part of the vacancy. Talking with the military department now can undoubtedly win a lot of benefits.

“In addition, only cooperates with the Xia State Military Department, and is not restricted or even controlled by the Xia State Military Department.

Li Mubai took this move, mainly considering that the dark alliance, dragon group, blood stab and other large and small martial arts organizations, all of them are working underground.

At this time, he can do the opposite, and put his own net on the bright side with great fanfare, and it is best to obtain an official status.

“Jingchu Wu College, continue to expand according to my plan.”

“In the new plan, Tianya Haige Villa and Tianluodiwang headquarters are all divided into the family area of ​​Jingchuwu College.

“Li Yinfeng followed me to the East China Military Headquarters for a walk.”

The cooperation between and the military department is definitely a major issue, and the staff of the Jingchu military department is no longer enough.

So Li Mubai went directly to the East China Military Headquarters.

In a courtyard of the East China Army, a tall old man is watering flowers.

This person is no one else, it is the No. 1 East China Army, Li Zhenhua, and Li Lao.

Although Lao Li is also surnamed Li, he has nothing to do with Jinghai Li’s family.

“Li Shao’s proposal is very good. Let’s sit down and talk.

Lao Li’s status is very high, and in the top five of East China and West China, Lao Li is the youngest one. .

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