Chapter 301 Hunt the dark alliance warriors!

Yun Yi was looking for Li Mubai’s figure at the moment, but she looked around and didn’t see Li Mubai.

However, she knew that Li Mubai’s two subordinates had been secretly protecting her from a location not far from her.

She killed some warriors before, but these warriors are sheltered by the strong.

After she killed these najies who wanted to belittle her, naturally the old guys came to make trouble.

As a result, these old guys were naturally killed by Tie Jun and Langya.

Although she still hates the bastard Li Mubai very much in her heart, she seems pretty good after having a relationship with Li Mubai.

Not only are there no worries about cultivation resources, but even troubles are solved by someone.

However, there are benefits, and naturally there are troubles.

Some of the people who came to deal with her before, did not even come at her, but at Li Mubai.

Jinghai Li’s family is the only one in Xia State, and the tree is very popular. This is nothing more than normal.

After learning that she and Li Mubai had a good relationship, these guys seemed to want to do something about her.

It’s just that these people are undoubtedly thinking too much. Once she harms Li Mubai’s interests, Li Mubai may kill her at any time.

Thinking about it in his heart, Yun Yi, like other warriors, continued to look for opportunities.

When Xiang Nantian everyone came to the core area of ​​the Xuanmingzong ruins, Li Mubai had already returned to the top of the Xuanming Pagoda.

Because the command of the command is on him, he can even know what is happening everywhere in Xuan Mingzong at this time, even through many formations.

Soon, he found some special guys among the many people.

Not only that, he even discovered the existence of the Dark Alliance.

In fact, he has always been vaguely aware of the existence of the Dark Alliance.

Originally thought that the Dark League was the name of Xiang Nantian’s power, but now he only knows it.

Xiang Nantian and others are just part of the secret alliance.

After discovering the members of the dark alliance, Li Mubai also directly used the command command to control the formation of Xuan Mingzong and sent him directly behind a dark alliance warrior.

This person was meeting with another dark alliance member just now. From his mouth, Li Mubai learned a lot of amazing news.

Chen Lei was about to find Li Mubai at this moment, but after not taking a few steps, he felt a chill suddenly appeared behind him.

When Chen Lei turned around, he was immediately taken aback.

I didn’t know when, Li Mubai appeared directly behind him.

When he went to Li Mubai, he was not worried at all.

Because Li Mubai didn’t know his identity, he didn’t make any shots, and Li Mubai wouldn’t act on him casually.

Now that Li Mubai came to look for him, that’s not the case at all.

Since Li Mubai took the initiative to come here, it means that Li Mubai already knows his identity, and this time he came here to settle the accounts!


Li Mubai didn’t have the idea of ​​talking nonsense with Chen Lei. When he appeared behind Chen Lei, he directly gave Chen Lei a mind-set.

Under the control of Mindset, Chen Lei’s complexion also became dull, and there was a continuous flash of green light in his pupils.

“who are you?”

“Chen Lei.”

“What is the dark alliance?”

“The dark alliance is an alliance of the major forces of the Xia country that secretly dealt with the Jinghai Li family.”

“Be more specific.

“I don’t know the specifics of the dark alliance, I only know that the dark alliance is very powerful, and it is almost comparable to the Jinghai Li family now.”

Next, Li Mubai and Chen Lei naturally entered a question-and-answer session.

After Li Mubai asked all the questions he wanted to ask, he also directly raised his hand and shot out with a sword aura, hunting down this dark alliance warrior on the spot.

After killing this dark alliance warrior, Li Mubai directly entered the hunting moment.

From the mouth of this dark alliance member, he already knew the existence of several other guys.

In addition, there is a commander in hand, and there is no difficulty in finding some other guys.

Not long after, Li Mubai also discovered the second and third Dark Alliance warrior.

After discovering these dark alliance warriors, he also traced the past directly.

Half an hour later, there were no dark alliance warriors in the Xuanmingzong ruins.

The guys in the blood spur and dragon group before, seem to be aware of something wrong and all went into hiding.

“Quite sharp.”

After this discovery, Li Mubai just chuckled immediately and didn’t say much.

The next two, Li Mubai also found only a few members of the dragon group.

After catching and interrogating, these members of the dragon group were killed by him without accident.

After killing all these warriors, the Xuanmingzong relics are getting closer to the closed time.

When the Xuanmingzong ruins were about to end, all the warriors felt the power of teleportation coming after another.

Not long after, everyone was also teleported out of the Xuanmingzong ruins one after another.

“It’s finally out.

After seeing the sky again and returning to the ground, many warriors immediately felt a little emotional.

“This time, the Xuanmingzong relics have suffered a great loss, consumed a lot of resources, and delayed a few days.

“‘”In the end, I got nothing.”

At this time, a warrior undoubtedly spoke the aspirations of all warriors at present.

After he spoke, the other warriors nodded immediately.

Obviously, many other warriors completely agree with this warrior’s statement.

Of course, there are also some warriors who leave quietly after coming out of the ruins, obviously preparing to make a fortune in silence.

Some people don’t get anything, and naturally some people make a lot of money.

And those warriors who quietly left at this time, almost without exception, have gained a lot from the Xuanming Sect ruins!


At this moment, Li Mubai discovered that the seventh star on the stargazing chart was also completely lit.

This shows that another good thing in the ruins was taken away.

Fortunately, after the seventh star, the other stars never reacted.

Depending on the situation, it seems that the opening time of other relics is not yet open.

(Zhao’s) “Back to Jingchu.”

Bring Yun Yi and Nong Qiaoxin, as well as Ling Yue, Ruins Luo Xixi, and Chu Yuyan.

Li Mubai also returned to Jingchu.

Now Jingchu has almost become the place where he stayed for the longest time outside Jinghai.

At this time, Li Mubai also gradually decided that the future layout should start from Jingchu and slowly unfold.

When Li Mubai returned to Jingchu, the martial arts circles were also talking about it.

In the eyes of many people, the relics of Nongshen Mountain were opened not long ago, and they are still vivid.

As a result, at this time, including the remains of Nongshen Mountain, seven sites have been opened one after another.

Regardless of the stargazing chart, there are a total of three hundred and sixty ruins, but at this rate, it will not take long before all the relics on the stargazing chart will be opened.

After returning to the Tianya Haige Villa, Li Mubai completely relaxed.

However, this time in the Xuanmingzong ruins, it seems that there are no other children of destiny?

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