Chapter 303 Only in March!

“Li Shao said just now that it is necessary to set up an organization to deal with the affairs of Xia Guo’s senior warriors.

“This organization specializes in the management of high-level warriors who are unwilling to accept losses and are constantly making troubles.”

The senior warrior in the mouth of Li Lao is naturally a warrior from the peak of inner strength to the stage of innate.


“With this organization, all high-level warriors do not need to report to each level when they cause things, and finally they send experts from the military to solve them.”

When facing Mr. Li, Li Mubai was very calm.

“Then this organization, who will lead it, and how will it act?”

In fact, the military ministry has discussed the issue mentioned by Li Mubai for a long time.

This matter has not been resolved, and it is also very troublesome for the military.

Every time something goes wrong, it needs to be reported at various levels, and in the end, the military high-level officials appoint military masters to suppress it.

Now the world is beginning to recover, and more and more relics on the stargazing map appear.

The warriors who used to be well-behaved began to behave unruly at this time.

“In Xia State, Tianluodiwang can be led by the military.”

“Outside Xia Country, and in various relics, I will command the sky and earth nets.”

“Even in the country of Xia, the military department could give me combat missions. That’s how I acted according to the rules.”

Li Mubai said this politely, but in fact it was completely rude.

Now he has taken up all the benefits in a few words.

It is necessary for Tianluo Diwang to be in his hands, but also for Tianluo to obtain the identity on the bright side and to be able to move on the bright side.

“You can try.”

Unexpectedly, at this time, Old Li actually agreed.

In fact, Li Mubai’s Gang オ is nothing more than a wild asking price, paying back the money on the spot.

But he really didn’t expect that after a little thought, Old Li directly agreed.

“ can serve as an experimental organization for the East China Military.”

“The trial period is three months.

“In other words, in these three months, can only operate in the area under the jurisdiction of the East China Military.”

“If these three months, has performed well, and it has achieved very good results.

“Then it will be implemented throughout Xia Country.”

“In addition, if the current management model of is good, it will not be changed.

Lao Li’s meaning is also very obvious. Now Xia Guo really needs such an institution.

Although the military can also do this, the number of masters in the military is also limited.

Otherwise, after so many years, the records of military competitions will not all be left by Langya that year.

The three months Li Lao said was to give Li Mubai a chance and face.

If in these three months, Tianluodiwang can really play the role Li Mubai said, then Tianluodiwang will be really useful.

Otherwise, you don’t have to spend a lot of time to build a world network, how to come, or how to come.

“Thank you, Mr. Li.

Li Mubai was overjoyed at this moment.

“As long as it conforms to the rules, the military will not intervene in the operation of the heaven and earth network.

“However, all the actions of in Xia State need to be reported to the Ministry of Education for approval.”

“As for Xia Guo, there are also major relics, according to what you said.

“In addition, in these three months, the East China Military Headquarters will send you some more manpower.”

Li Mubai did not expect that this trip to the military headquarters was unexpectedly smooth.

After handling everything properly, he also returned to the Jingchu Tianluo Diwang headquarters.

When Li Mubai returned to the Jingchu Tianluo Dinet headquarters, the additional manpower sent by the military came.

In Li Mubai’s office, a young woman dressed as an OL has appeared.

This woman is dressed in an urban white-collar professional suit and has a pair of very beautiful stiletto heels on her feet.

On a pair of slender legs, there are ultra-thin black silk, but there is a pure and gentle face that is as pure as the sister next door.

It’s hard to dislike such a woman in front of Li Mubai.

“My name is Su Xinran. You can read their information by yourself.”

“For these three months, we are colleagues, and I also came to supervise you at the same time.”

“Some actions that are not in compliance with the rules, I may directly stop.”

Su Xinran spoke neither salty nor indifferent, and she did not respond to Li Mubai’s admiring eyes.

Compared to other men, Li Mubai is simply the most normal one.

From her appearance to the present, Li Mubai has not seen any emotion of enlightenment in her eyes. She has always been appreciating, as if she saw an extremely beautiful artwork and wanted to taste it.

0……for flowers…

Li Mubai naturally didn’t know what Su Xinran was thinking, but at this moment he really wanted to taste Su Xinran before him.

Including Su Xinran, Mr. Li sent him five helpers this time.

Su Xinran in front of me was the granddaughter of Old Su, No.1 of the North China Military Headquarters.

The remaining four guys are the East China Army, the champion of the five-year military individual competition.

When facing other people, these four soldiers are proud and boundless.

But when they saw Langya who was smiling faintly behind Li Mubai, they could only smile.

Langya was the five-time champion of the military competition. These four kings of soldiers were often rubbed against the ground by Langya before Langya’s accident.

Even if they are now innate masters, when they see Langya, there are still a few people who are afraid.


“I can only see their code names?”

After checking the intelligence at this moment, Li Mubai asked a little dissatisfied immediately.

“The name itself is just a pronoun.

“And this is their code name in the military department, it is unique.”

“If you must use their names to address them, it’s not impossible.

Su Xinran still spoke lukewarm.

She neither rejects Li Mubai, nor does she have any favorable impressions.

“Then use the code name.

“There are no new relics appearing now, and there is nothing urgent to resolve outside of Xia Guo.

“If you have any arrangements, you can say.”

Li Mubai didn’t care about Su Xinran’s attitude.

Because the more this kind of woman treats him lukewarm, the more he has the desire to conquer.

In addition, Su Xinran’s status is not low.

She herself is in the top ten in the East China Military.

Li Zhenhua Li Lao is the No. 1 of the East China Military Headquarters, and Su Xinran can be regarded as the No. 7 and No. 8 at least.

Moreover, Su Xinran was the only one who had been promoted to a higher rank before the age of thirty.

In fact, it was not only before the age of thirty, because now Su Xinran was only twenty-four years old.

“I want to look at the current list of members of, and the recent activities of

Su Xinran was directly opposite Li Mubai and sat down openly. deficit,

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