Chapter 300 There is only time for a stick of incense!

After the two sides fought for a few more rounds, Liang Yu looked at Li Mubai’s gaze, finally showing a dignified look.

Li Mubai’s growth rate exceeded his imagination.

He didn’t use all his strength at first, but at this moment, he is already making all his effort.

His cultivation is now in the same realm as Li Mubai.

Under such circumstances, he can no longer suppress Li Mubai, and even as time goes by, Li Mubai is suppressing him a little bit.

After half an hour, Liang Yu’s phantom had disappeared.

The breath of Li Mubai’s body was also a bit agitated.

This battle is far more difficult than the previous battle against Gu Sheng.

Li Mubai understood that this was because Liang Yu did not have a real body, and many methods could not be fully displayed.

Otherwise, he may really not be Liang Yu’s opponent.

However, after defeating Liang Yu, he was considered a success in breaking the tower.

At this time, no jade box appeared on the eighteenth floor, but a door appeared.

After passing through this door, Li Mubai found himself in a valley.

The scenery in the valley is beautiful, the river gurgling, the sound of birds, and the flowers bloom undefeated.

In the valley, there is a big lake, and in the center of the lake is a platform for practicing 07.

On the side of the platform, there was a stick of incense, and when he appeared on the platform, the stick of incense began to burn.

“Only time for a baby fragrance?”

Seeing such a scene, Li Mubai didn’t know where.

He is here, only has the time for a stick of incense, and how much he can harvest depends on good luck.

He didn’t delay immediately, and immediately began to sit cross-legged.

Then he discovered that this place was simply too suitable for spiritual practice.

Cultivating here, his five senses and six senses have been strengthened to the greatest extent.

Here, no matter any secret technique, any magical power technique, in this place, it seems that it can be completely mastered in a very short time!

It’s just a pity that the time he can practice in this place is still too short.

Now he can only practice a scent of incense on the island of the lake.

Because there is only one baby’s time, one must make a trade-off.


After thinking about it for a while, Li Mubai made a decision in an instant, that is, to cultivate Hun Yuanyi to learn the Taoism.

Hunyuan Yiqi Daojing has now become his brand new foundation, whether it is the previous Sansheng Daojue or various other methods.

All can be perfectly integrated into the Hunyuan Yiqi Taoism.

Therefore, the better the main stem of Hunyuanyi learned of Taoism, the better it will be to other aspects.

As soon as he thought of this, he was even more alert, and began to practice with full concentration.

The time of a surname Xiang can be short or long.

After Li Mubai entered an unprecedented state of cultivation, he gained more and more, and at the same time the speed of the surrounding time elapsed.

At this moment, it seems to be gradually slowing down.

At the same time, Li Yinfeng also walked out of the small building with soaring strength.

Among the three assistants under Li Mubai’s command, Langya and Tiejun are equal in strength.

Of the three, it was originally the weakest.

However, after benefiting from the ancestors of Li Xuandu, now the gap between Li Yinfeng and Tie Jun still has Langya is getting smaller and smaller.

It’s just a pity that Li Ling failed to enter the Xuanmingzong ruins this time.

Otherwise, among the people under Li Mubai, Li Ling and Li Yinfeng are almost the two generals he uses most easily.

At the same time, Xiang Nantian, Dragon Group, Blood Stabbing, Dark Alliance, and warriors from all over the world also appeared in the depths of the Xuanming Sect’s relics.

At this time, everyone came here, ready to compete for the last chance.

Everyone didn’t know that the last big opportunity could almost be seen as being included in the bag by Li Mubai. They came now and it was almost useless.

Although the Xuanmingzong ruins are far better preserved than the Nongshenshan ruins, everyone did not gain much from the Xuanmingzong ruins.

Not only didn’t harvest much, in the Xuanmingzong ruins, even many warriors died.

In the Xuanmingzong ruins, there are so many killing formations that are simply out of place.

Now that everyone has come to the core area, there will naturally be more killing formations in this place.

Yun Yi was also in the crowd now, and she was already a little bit more bloody.

The martial arts world has always been cruel. At any time, it is either rough or undercurrent, and there is never a moment of calm.

A seductive woman like Yunyi, especially in such a place, is definitely very dangerous.

However, it is also very dangerous to regard an innate martial artist as a prey at any time.

So those guys who have ideas about Yunyi have now been killed by her.

Xiang Nantian was hidden in the crowd, very low-key.

He only feels hopeless for the final chance of the competition this time.

Because he came too late, before him, at least ten warriors came to this place.

If these ten people come first, and in the end no one has the final chance, then these ten people can be regarded as stupid pigs.

“Sure enough, I didn’t expect it.”

Soon, Xiang Nantian also took out a mini stargazing disk.

On this palm-sized stargazing board, the star that represented the relics of Xuanming Sect had now flickered.

This shows that the great opportunity in the Xuanmingzong relics has been secretly obtained under the eyes of everyone.

I just don’t know who the 700 guy who secretly got the top chance is.

Xiang Nantian is not the first, nor the only warrior who discovered the great chance of Xuanmingzong’s relics being taken away.

Soon, more and more warriors discovered that they might have come for nothing this time.

Because they came to the Xuanmingzong ruins and didn’t gain much by themselves. As a result, at this time, everyone was about to be sent out again.

“Although the chance was finally obtained, the Xuanmingzong ruins seem to be different from other ruins.”

“The Xuanmingzong ruins have been opened for a total of seven days. We still have about two days to explore this place.”

There is a warrior who knows the ruins of Xuanmingzong well, at this moment, he immediately speaks.

Everyone ran a long way, is there any reason to return empty-handed?

So at this time, many warriors began to explore.

Anyway, now they didn’t feel the power of teleportation, it means that they can really continue to explore this place for two days.

Thinking of this, many warriors are full of hope in their hearts.

After all, they have now entered the core area, and there are still many good things in this place.

Of course, there are more killing arrays here, so when you go to reap the opportunity, you have to be very careful, and if you make a mistake, it will be wiped out. .

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