Chapter 288 Changes on the stargazing chart!

Li Mubai originally thought that before the end of the Xuanmingzong ruins, there would be no changes on the stargazing chart.

But something he didn’t expect still happened.

On the fourth day when he entered the Xuanmingzong ruins, another star flickered on the stargazing chart.

But this star only flickered for less than four hours.

This shows that the great opportunity in this ruin has already been obtained!

For a time, a feeling of not waiting for time appeared in Li Mubai’s heart.

Since the remains of Nongshen Mountain, all things like stargazing charts can be used.

Before, all warriors and major organizations.

It’s all a black eye, no matter what the relics, what chances.

Everyone got it through this kind of clues, which is very unreliable.

However, since the remains of Nongshen Mountain was lit up as the first star.

As long as there is a stargazing chart, stargazing disk and other things, you can immediately find the relics with a clear goal in the first time.

Obviously, the star that flickered before, there were already powerful warriors waiting nearby.

After the stars began to flicker, these guys entered directly, and it took only four hours before and after.

The top opportunity in the ruins was obtained.

Although there was some emotion in his heart, Li Mubai knew very well that a bird in his hand is better than a flock of birds in the forest.

Now he is in the ruins of Xuanming Sect, as long as he finds a way to get the great opportunity in the ruins of Xuanming Sect.

The things in other ruins, even if the ruins were opened, he could see and couldn’t get them.

At this moment, not only Li Mubai is sighing, but all the warriors who have objects like stargazing charts have now discovered this problem.

Li Mubai has just seen that some warriors have taken out Sinan-like stargazing charts. Although they cannot achieve the effect of the stargazing disk, they are almost the same as those of the stargazing chart.

“What happened to them?”

Li Mubai knew about the existence of the stargazing chart and the stargazing disk, but Yun Yi, who was next to him, did not.

It’s just that Yun Yi discovered that the warriors around here seemed to be discussing something.

After seeing everyone talking, Yun Yi asked Li Mubai very curiously.

“According to the information I found from the remains of Nongshen Mountain, starting from the Nongshen Mountain, this world has officially entered a process of recovery.”

“As the world recovers, the cultivation environment will get better and better and the cultivation resources will also increase.

“In the remains of Nongshen Mountain, I also got a stargazing chart and a stargazing disk.”

“There seem to be many things of this kind that have the same function, but look different.”

“From the stargazing chart, you can see three hundred and sixty ruins.

While Li Mubai said, he gave a stargazing chart to Yunyi.

Compared with the stargazing disk, these stargazing charts are nothing at all.

After getting the stargazing chart, Yun Yi was a little surprised immediately.

She was able to know the Xuanmingzong relics because she found out after investigating for a long time.

Never thought that as long as there is a stargazing chart in hand, 360 ruins around the world can be seen in full view.

There are now three hundred and sixty ruins in the world, and the benefits of five ruins have been obtained by other warriors.

The great opportunity in the Xuanmingzong ruins may be obtained by any warrior here.

This time, many warriors came to the Xuanmingzong ruins, and it was undoubtedly very uncomfortable.

Because the Xuanmingzong relics have been opened too many times, there is not much chance at all in this broken place.

Forget it. On the fourth day, some chances were finally found, but the chances of this place were unexpectedly dangerous.

After Li Mubai used corpse puppets to destroy many killing formations, he also took the lead and swept away most of the benefits.

A considerable number of warriors who were not weak came to the ruins for four days, basically nothing.

You know, the Xuanmingzong relics are only open for seven days at a time.

After seven days, the remains will be closed.

But now, more than half of the time has passed, but they have not gained anything directly.

With everyone’s ambitions, the fourth day ended soon.

On the fifth day, the fifth floor of Xuan Ming Sect was really opened.

“It’s such a strong suppressing force. Under the peak of the inner strength in the later stage, it seems that it is impossible to enter.”

“Don’t worry, as long as you can enter the fifth floor, you can enter the last two floors.


0………Look for flowers…

“You don’t know this. The pressing force of the next two layers is the same as that of the fifth layer.”

“But this fifth floor is a huge maze. After entering, you must find an exit to leave. It is almost impossible to return the same way.”

At this moment, some warriors entered while talking quietly.

Hearing the words of these warriors, some warriors couldn’t help becoming a little bit ambitious.

The fourth floor of the Xuanmingzong ruins was already very dangerous.

There is no need to even think about it. This fifth layer will only be more dangerous than the previous layers.

Although everyone came to the Xuanmingzong ruins this time, they all came with great chance.

But not at all times, it is necessary to know that there are tigers in the mountains and go to the mountains.

At this moment, some warriors hesitated for a moment, and decisively gave up entering the fifth floor.


Although wealth and wealth are in danger, we must act within our means.

In the current situation, they can’t get any good things with a great probability.

When some warriors chose to stay, more warriors, at this time, entered the fifth layer of the Xuanmingzong ruins one after another.

Li Mubai did not enter first this time.

At this moment, he already knew that the fifth floor of the Xuanmingzong ruins was a huge maze, and after everyone entered, they would be immediately teleported to various locations.

At this time, it doesn’t matter if you enter first.

Soon, after passing through the long and narrow passage, Li Mubai noticed a flash of white light in front of him, and then a huge underground palace appeared in front of him.

The ground in this place is about ten stories high from the dome.

After most warriors come here, they will have a sense of insignificance.

Because although it is as high as ten stories, it is actually only one floor.

After Li Mubai came here, his complexion could not help but slightly changed.

When he was teleported to this place, Ling Yue, who was hiding in his sleeves, ran away while teleporting.

At this time, he didn’t know where Ling Yue had gone.

He could no longer perceive Ling Yue’s specific location, and it was obvious that Ling Yue was very far away from him.

At this moment, Li Mubai did not look for Ling Yue, but directly explored the surroundings.

His divine consciousness brand is very powerful, Ling Yue is self-conscious and can only ask for hardships. deficit.

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