Chapter 287 Eat the marrow and know the taste!

It’s just a pity that the distance between them and Li Mubai is too far, and the difference in strength between the two sides is too big.

Now that Li Mubai opened the gap, even if they wanted to make a sneak attack, these people couldn’t do it.

A warrior suddenly slapped a palm in the air, but the huge palm print had not yet landed on Li Mubai, and Li Mubai was gone.

In addition, there are still many survivors in this place.

Although it is not as big as the entrance, it is still there.

Li Mubai has a strong sense of spirit, and he has a certain understanding of Xuan Mingzong’s formation.

At this time, he directly avoided the many killing formations with ease!

Other warriors are different. Ancient warriors don’t cultivate spiritual consciousness, only spiritual power, and there is no such means as spiritual consciousness.

In addition, everyone was eager to chase Li Mubai at this moment, and they didn’t even look at the surrounding situation carefully.

After chasing for a certain distance, the warrior was caught off guard.

The killing array in this place is very powerful, as long as you get hit, you will basically die.

Many martial artists saw that a great master was running, and his body suddenly decomposed into rotten meat!

At this time, through the bloodshots in mid-air, the crowd discovered that this place has many transparent filaments that are difficult to see with the naked eye and mental power.

If it weren’t for the flesh and blood residues on these filaments, they really wouldn’t be able to see it at the moment.

After 700 strokes in the first warrior, the warriors who came later almost got the trick.

I don’t know what this thing is, but it is obviously very powerful.

Immediately some warriors stopped directly and began to study how these filaments were arranged in mid-air.

On Li Mubai’s side, after rushing into the treasure house in the lead, migratory locusts crossed the border all the way, and the clouds were raging.

Although this treasure house is very large, there are really not many things in the treasure house.

When the treasure house was closed, most of the treasures in the treasure house had obviously been taken away.

The remaining things are probably all bait, tempting the monks later to come and die.

It’s just a pity that the killing formation in the secret realm at the entrance was completely destroyed by twelve corpse puppets.

After these twelve corpse puppet generals killed the formation and destroyed, the formation behind it is nothing to do with Li Mubai.

After looting the treasure house, Li Mubai’s figure suddenly stopped.

At this moment, three passages appeared in front of him.

Each channel has an array blockade.

“Where to go?”

Seeing the warriors rushing over from behind, Li Mubai immediately asked Ling Yue.

Ling Yue was scared to death by Li Mubai’s crazy behavior just now.

Just now Li Mubai, like a war wolf, constantly shuttled through the rain of bullets.

With so many killing arrays, as long as you are careless, you will die.

If Li Mubai did not leave the mark of God’s consciousness deep in her soul source, Li Mubai would die if he died.

It doesn’t work now, but when her soul source did not return to the body, Li Mubai died, and she was also dead.

“These three formations are all killing formations.”

“The real way to survive is not at the top, but at the bottom.”

When Li Mubai wondered how to choose one of the three choices, he never thought that Ling Yue actually said that.

Hearing Ling Yue’s words, Li Mubai was shocked.

He really didn’t come first, and the monk who arranged this treasure house was so tricky.

I thought it was one of three choices, but it turned out that three were not chosen!

Hearing Ling Yue’s reminder, Li Mubai immediately glanced upwards. No matter the naked eye or the consciousness swept over, there was nothing above.

Not above, that is below!

Thinking of this, his powerful consciousness swept down directly.

When Li Mubai swept his divine consciousness towards the ground below, he suddenly discovered that there was really a tunnel below.


As Li Mubai raised his foot and stomped heavily, the ground instantly shattered.

After the ground in this place shattered, he also moved and disappeared directly.

Not long after, many warriors in the rear also chased over.

Looking at the three passages in front of them and the tunnel below, everyone couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

“Li Mubai should have gone down.”

“Although all the treasures here are on Li Mubai, this guy is not easy to deal with.”


“In this treasure house, there shouldn’t be only such a thing, there must be still behind the passage.

“Let’s take a look.

Immediately there was a warrior who hesitated for a moment, and then chose one in the three-choice channel.

After seeing the first warrior enter, other warriors entered soon.

Not long after, some warriors entered the three passages.

The other warriors, at this moment, are hesitating, whether to choose one of three, or just like Li Mubai, go through the tunnel?

When everyone hesitated, there were continuous screams in the three channels.

Obviously, those warriors who entered these three passages were all in trouble!

At this time, many warriors went back the same way, and some warriors chose to enter the tunnel.

Li Mubai can get in, and they can get in as well.

This place, there is no way, there is no way to survive, right?

After many warriors left, Li Mubai’s figure also appeared again.

An invisibility charm exchanged from the system mall, at this time, slowly fell from him, then spontaneously ignited and turned into fly ash.

That’s right, Li Mubai didn’t choose one of three, nor did he enter the tunnel. Instead, he went back the same way.

In this place, there are dangers and traps everywhere, there is no need to continue exploring the tunnels.

When Li Mubai appeared in the square on the fourth floor, many warriors looked at each other.

Although I know that Li Mubai has a lot of good things, but at this time, no warrior dared to kill people and win treasures.

Whether it is Li Mubai’s identity or Li Mubai’s own strength, they dare not attack Li Mubai on the bright side.

After Li Mubai came out of the treasury, a warrior with a slender figure also limped out.

This warrior chased Li Mubai into the tunnel not long ago.

As a result, there are no good things in the tunnel, all are traps of various organs.

This warrior is not someone else, it is Gongsunhu who uses bone shrinking technique and disfigurement technique, combined with the secret method of changing breath, to make a new face.

Gongsunhu has a very powerful hole card in his hand. When there is no one, he is 30% sure that he can kill Li Mubai.

I thought that his opportunity was here. Who knows, after following Li Mubai into the tunnel, he almost couldn’t get out.

This fourth layer is undoubtedly a very lively layer, and it is also a layer that makes many warriors very distressed.

Although good things appeared here, they didn’t even catch the root hairs.

Now everyone has learned lessons, and this time, many warriors have begun to replenish their energy.

Tonight, take a good rest, and when the fifth floor opens tomorrow, they will also take the lead and come to a migratory locust to cross the border.

Although the moves are old, Li Mubai thinks the same way.

After tasting the sweetness this time, he is even more knowledgeable. .

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