Chapter 289 The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

The walls of this place are very special, and there seems to be a certain formation blessing on these walls.

When Li Mubai was traveling through the underground palace, he discovered that his spiritual sense could not penetrate the walls of this place!

“I don’t know what’s in the underground palace here, but there are many dead ends in this place.”

After traveling through the underground palace for a while, Li Mubai has encountered many dead ends.

This huge and depressing underground palace seems to be built specifically for disgusting people.

Li Mubai didn’t know how the other warriors felt in the underground palace, but he only felt that the underground palace was very boring.

At this time, many other warriors were directly cursing.

They found nothing in the underground palace.

There are still many people who tried to walk almost all the surrounding channels, but they still circulated “seven zeros” in the same place.

There are also many warriors who have begun to actively attack the surrounding underground palaces under the anxious and frustrated.

Unfortunately, this can only be in vain.

The walls of this place are reinforced by formation restrictions. Even Li Mubai would have to put a lot of effort into breaking a wall.

As for most other warriors, they tried their best and couldn’t let the stone wall here shake even the slightest.

“Does this place really have good things?”

“I do not know.”

“I remember, I seem to have passed here for the thirteenth time.”

“Xuanmingzong’s martial artist, is it possible that Chengdu is full and has nothing to do, and designed such a huge underground palace to tease me!”

“If there is really no chance in this place, then forget it.”

“However, if there is really something good here, and the other warriors have gone to hunt for treasure, we will be trapped in the same place, that would be too disturbing.”

After this warrior spoke, other warriors were silent collectively at this time.

Because what this warrior said is not possible, but it must be so.

Since there are many good things in the fourth floor, it is absolutely impossible to have nothing on the fifth floor.

In a corner of the fifth floor of the Xuanmingzong ruins, Jiang Chen looked calmly at the group of warriors around him.

Since he got an ancient sword in this place, these guys have been following him in secret.

Up to now, these people are obviously impatient and want to kill people for treasure.

“Hand over things, we will not embarrass you.

Because it is really unclear about Jiang Chen’s details, these warriors now have no choice but to start with Jiang Chen directly.

“Go away, you are not worthy to die in my hands.

Jiang Chen was anxious to find a way out of the underground palace at this moment, so he didn’t prepare to pay attention to these people.

It just seems that these guys are only dead and won’t pester him.

“Do it!”

Although several people didn’t want to work with Jiang Chen, they saw Jiang Chen’s obsessive and stubborn look.

These warriors also acted decisively at this time.

After the shot, this group of people immediately regretted it.

Everyone thought that Jiang Chen was at best a great master, but now, Jiang Chen directly revealed a powerful pre-existing breath.

Naturally, there was no suspense, and after a while, there was only a corpse left here.

Although Li Mubai has killed many Innate Martial Artists, any Inborn Martial Artist is a very powerful and terrifying existence.

No congenital warrior can tolerate any offense.

Li Mubai took a look at the time, and immediately found that he had been wandering in the underground palace for an hour before he knew it.

In this hour, he saw nothing except the walls of Guangxiuxiu.

There are many warriors who have entered the underground palace, but he seems to have been teleported to a very remote place.

I don’t know if the formation was sent randomly, or Ling Yue was making a ghost.

Although I don’t know where Ling Yue is now, Li Mubai is not worried.

As long as he leaves here, he can easily find Ling Yue. At that time, Ling Yue had better explain to him seriously why he was teleported to this place.


When Li Mubai wondered, why there is no warrior in this place.

He suddenly felt three breaths.

These three breaths are two men and one woman.

One male and one female, at this time, happened to be chased and killed by another male warrior.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Mubai was still going to follow him to take a look.

He found nothing in this place.

Now that the two of you are chased and killed by one of them, it means that these guys may have got something in the underground palace.

Soon, Li Mubai appeared behind the three.

However, Li Mubai did not show up, but followed without hurries.

Looking at the appearance of the three of them, it is obvious that they have been running in the underground palace for a long time.

At this point, the warrior who chased the two men had not given up yet. It can be seen that the two men in the front were really in the underground palace and gained something.

After the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, it is obviously such a state.

Because nothing was found at the moment, Li Mubai was behind the three and continued to follow.

After these three people walked a certain distance, the two warriors who had been running away in the front were also very easy to use.

When the two ran away in this place before, they had been able to find a way to survive.

But this time, the two of them had very bad luck and they ran into a dead end.

When Li Mubai felt that these two warriors were going to be unlucky, they never thought that they suddenly sneered and looked at the person chasing from behind.


“I knew you two were not poisoned.”

“Running so far, I hope my toxin will spread quickly in my body, right?”

“It’s just a pity that I am not poisoned either.”

After the warrior finished speaking, he directly raised his hand and left a poisoned flying knife on the ground.

The three are of the same sect, and all of them are born in a sect that is very powerful in poisoning.

Only this time, under the calculation of the three of them, no one had calculated 2.6.

“Master, this is the relics of Xuanming Sect. There are so many good things. Why are you having trouble with us?”

After seeing that the warriors who were chasing the two men in the rear were not poisoned, one of the men immediately spoke.

There must be a lot of other opportunities in the Xuanmingzong ruins. They simply can’t make it right now. They are fighting each other in this place.

“That’s right, so you give me half of the map, and I’ll turn around and leave immediately.

After the horse-faced man spoke, the burly big brother immediately asked for a half map of this place.

At this moment Li Mubai also understood, no wonder these two guys, in this place, have not detoured in a dead end after running for so long.

It turns out that there are half a picture of this place on these two people.

Li Mubai didn’t want to know how these two warriors got the broken pictures of this place. .

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