Chapter 286 Corpse spirit in the crowd!

When a few people want to come, Li Mubai will not go anywhere.

If Li Mubai is really alone in some secluded place, then they can only choose to give up.

Although the corpse puppet had a certain effect, at most it caused little trouble for Li Mubai.

Without other warriors making up their swords, these corpse puppets are not very useful at all.

Relying only on these corpse puppets, not only could not kill Li Mubai, but also stunned the snake.

At this moment, Gongsunhu and the others can only hope that Li Mubai did not run into any secluded place.

Otherwise, their action this time, has not yet begun, will be declared a failure.

Not long after, Gongsunhu and his party finally found Li Mubai.

After seeing many warriors gathering around Li Mubai, Gongsunhu and others were even more overjoyed.

Although I don’t know what this group of warriors are doing in this place, but so many warriors gathered here, it is simply a godsend opportunity.

They are mixed in the crowd, and once they find an opportunity, even they can directly attack Li Mubai!

After thinking of this, Gongsunhu and others became excited.

Xiang Nantian has already given out an absolutely irresistible reward in the dragon group and the blood spur!

Once they succeeded this time, most of the resources for cultivation in the innate realm can be said to be guaranteed.

Even, judging from the intelligence sent by all parties.

On the stargazing map, every great opportunity in the ruins can create an outstanding innate!

The Absolute Innate, like the Supreme Master, is a strong man above the ordinary innate.

If it reaches that level, a word can be the law of a country, where is it necessary to stay in the blood stab and die?

Li Mubai was thinking about how to break through the formation and suddenly felt a breath of death.

He didn’t hesitate when the death aura spread. He moved directly and avoided instantly.

But Li Mubai soon discovered that there are not one warriors with such death lines, but two!


“It turned out to be a group.”

After avoiding the attacks of two corpse puppets in a row, Li Mubai’s figure swept away.

Immediately, it was discovered that there were a group of corpse puppets directly in the crowd.

These corpse puppets, he had seen them not long ago, were all alive warriors.

As a result, how long has passed since, these twelve people turned into corpse puppets.

“Beware of corpse poison”!”

After discovering that a corpse puppet suddenly appeared in this place, many warriors instantly became vigilant.

At this time, they did not expect to attack Li Mubai as soon as possible.

Some warriors do not know Li Mubai.

There are also some warriors who know Li Mubai and also know how powerful Li Mubai is.

I don’t have enough to live, how can I provoke Li Mubai at this time?

However, soon everyone’s eyes shined.

The current situation is very obvious, and there is a warrior who has attacked Li Mubai secretly.

At this moment, all the twelve corpse puppets were fighting around Li Mubai.

These corpse puppets are dead, they are not afraid of being injured at all, as long as they are not completely damaged, they will continue to attack Li Mubai.


With this discovery, Li Mubai is also happy.

Don’t even think about it, he knows that the guy who is now attacking him is not a blood stab or a dragon group.

Even on the twelve corpse puppets, there is still a faint breath.

His divine consciousness was very powerful, and it didn’t take long for him to pull out the four warriors hidden in the crowd.

After discovering these four guys, Li Mubai kicked the puppets one by one, and directly sent these corpse puppets into the killing formation.

After being attacked by the killing array, the corpse puppet immediately began to attack the killing array, and then directly activated a series of killing arrays.

Then Li Mubai flickered and disappeared directly in front of everyone.

In the next instant, a warrior in the blood pool suddenly let out a scream.

After Li Mubai blasted his kidneys with a punch, this warrior was also thrown into the killing formation by him.

Afterwards, Li Mubai did the same, and threw the warriors in the two blood pools into the killing formation.

It’s just a pity that Gongsunhu ran too fast. When he and the twelve corpse puppets started, Gongsunhu had already escaped.

At this moment, Gongsunhu didn’t actually run away, but made a plan to get rid of the golden cicada, staying in the crowd all the time.

He is not at all surprised by these things that are happening now.

He had known for a long time that these twelve corpses had little effect on Li Mubai.

However, after killing the other three guys, he knew what he got on the fourth floor.

Neither Xiang Nantian nor anyone else knows it.

The blood stab warrior is never monolithic.

People gather together for profit, and they can also be separated for profit at any time.

Li Mubai was also a little puzzled right now, why these blood-stabs were so stupid, it was directly exposed.

But at this time, I can’t take care of so much.

The twelve corpse puppets are very easy to use, and many killing arrays have almost blasted all the twelve corpse puppets into debris.

However, there were twelve corpse puppets and three blood stab warriors who stepped on thunder, and now most of the killing arrays have been destroyed.

“”good stuff!”

After Li Mubai rushed into the killing line, he raised his hand to grab and put away a jade box.

In this jade box, there is a box of spiritual essence!

The spiritual marrow is the product of the underground spiritual veins, this thing is better than the spiritual stone.

Although it is now suppressed by heaven and earth, it cannot continue to ascend.

But the spiritual cultivation resource, at any time, is very top-notch.

With the gradual recovery of the world, he can use the spiritual essence at any time, always staying at the height of the ceiling of the spiritual realm.

“This stuff is also good.

After seizing a box of spiritual essence, Li Mubai found another talisman.

These talismans are all wind talisman and flame talisman, these two types of talisman. Used together, the power is very impressive!

“No wonder there are so many killing formations. This place turns out to be a treasure house.

After taking the lead in the killing line, Li Mubai quickly understood that this place was a treasure trove.

(Zhao’s) In the treasure house, some jade platforms are already empty.

Obviously, those things were taken away a long time ago.

The ones taken away are probably the top treasures.

However, what is left now is also very good.

“It’s all a hundred years of panacea, it’s very good!”

Li Mubai is now like a migratory locust crossing the border, traveling all the way, buying all kinds of good things all the way.

Those warriors who fell behind Li Mubai almost vomited at this time.

In such things as treasure hunting, it is fast to have hands and slow hands to be absent.

Li Mubai took the lead step by step, and then took the lead step by step.

All of them fell behind one step at a time, and immediately fell behind step by step.

Now watching Li Mubai gain various treasures, they can’t even drink the soup.

A warrior was furious immediately and wanted to attack Li Mubai from the rear.

If this continues, they will accompany the run and get nothing.

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