Chapter 264 Sweep and crush, kill them all!

There are many differences between Eastern practitioners and Western practitioners, and it can even be said that they are quite distinct.

Eastern cultivators generally practice ancient martial arts, cultivate inner strength and zhenqi, and cultivate qi and blood.

Western practitioners practice supernatural powers and stimulate the powerful energy contained in the body. This is supernatural power.

The ability like Trupum is fire.


Two fireballs exploded in the air, and an explosion was also heard instantly.


It’s just that, without waiting for Truppum to continue his shot, Chu Yi didn’t know when, he already appeared in front of him like a ghost.

Truppum didn’t have time to react in an instant, and was blasted by Chu Yi with a punch.

However, after landing, his figure also turned into a ball of flame, and the light of the fire had disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Chu Yi did not continue to catch up. He came here to obtain more training resources, not “six or eight” to kill people.

After the cultivation level has been raised to a certain level, he can directly blast away the Jingchu Mausoleum, and take away all the things inherited from the teacher’s gate, as well as the cultivation resources.

Li Mubai and Nong Qiaoxin are also in trouble right now.

Around the two of them, more than a dozen warriors in black costumes appeared.

“Your Excellency, hand over your cultivation resources, we can avoid conflict.”

When these people spoke, Li Mubai suddenly knew that these warriors were not from Xia, but from Dongying.

The pronunciation of that place is quite special, which is different from other countries in Southeast Asia.

Of course, this warrior may also be doing this deliberately, trying to mislead Li Mubai.

“They are crowded, let’s retreat while fighting.

Nong Qiaoxin was holding a pair of daggers in his hands, and a pair of phoenix eyes stared coldly at the surrounding martial artists.

“Need not!

After Nong Qiaoxin spoke, Li Mubai shook his head, there was no need to evacuate.

Since these guys came to the door by himself, he just moved his muscles and bones!


Seeing that the two of Li Mubai did not give up the idea of ​​resisting at all, many black-clothed warriors around them shot instantly.

Li Mubai’s judgment is completely correct, and these warriors are all from the Fusang country!


When these Dongying martial artists started, Li Mubai raised his hand and waved, the aura sword was already in his hands.

Suddenly, the two sides also fought together in an instant.

Nong Qiaoxin was worried at first that Li Mubai would suffer if there were too many people on the other side.

But after seeing Li Mubai face to face and beheading three of these Eastern Warriors, Nong Qiaoxin suddenly understood that she was obviously worried.


On my own side, Li Mubai killed three warriors in one face. Among the warriors of the East, the first one of them ordered the evacuation immediately.

Although three warriors have been lost now, but now retreating, it will undoubtedly stop the loss in time!


Hearing the commander’s order, the others evacuated one after another although their eyes were torn apart.

“I didn’t say that, you can go now!”

At this moment, Li Mubai raised his hand and waved, that aura long sword, instantly turned into seven handles, and then turned into white lights and attacked and killed these black warriors.

Among this group of Eastern warriors, except for the two leaders who are half-step innate, the others are only in the realm of masters.


Seeing the methods Li Mubai displayed, the two leaders showed shocked expressions in their eyes.

There are sword repairs in the eastern martial arts world, and the number of sword repairs is very small, but the strength is very strong.

Imperial swordsmanship is the most obvious sign of sword repair.

This is of course not a swordsmanship, but the Azure Emperor Longevity Sword Art that Li Mubai obtained from Lin Xuan!




With the sound of several sharp blades piercing through the heart, seven Eastern Warriors were directly nailed to the ground by Li Mubai’s sword energy.

After Jian Qi nailed these, their wounds came out, and a small tree grew out of it.

This is the wonder of the Qingdi Longevity Sword Art.

It’s just a pity that Lin Xuan died too early, and many subtle methods were killed by Li Mubai before he could use them.


After killing the other warriors, Li Mubai moved his body and appeared directly in front of the two black-clothed leaders.


The moment Li Mubai appeared, a blade of silver blade Fan Mang also slashed towards his throat.

This knife was urgent, dangerous and fast, and the angle was very tricky.

Who would have thought that the two people who flee desperately would have such a terrible knife in their hands.

But when this sword struck, the spiritual power long sword in Li Mubai’s hand had already sealed the throat of this Dongying martial artist with a faster speed.


Without waiting for the other person to have any means, Qin Xiaoyao’s unsuccessful mind-absorbing technique was also displayed by Li Mubai.

After killing Qin Xiaoyao, he spent some time familiarizing and practicing this mind-absorbing technique.

After mastering the mind-inducing technique perfectly, Li Mubai also found that this technique is very useful.

With two weird green lights appearing in Li Mubai’s pupils, the black-clothed leader opposite him also stopped in an instant.

“Who are you?””

“We are the warriors of the Japanese Black Clothes Club.”

In front of Li Mubai, the black-clothed leader was like a puppet, and Li Mubai could only answer truthfully.

“What are you doing here?”

“According to the record of the former president of the Black Clothes Society, the secret realm of Xia Guo Shennong Mountain will be opened every sixty years.”

“We came to Xia Country this time to find opportunities in the secret realm of Shennong Mountain.

After listening to the leader in black, Li Mubai also nodded.

However, soon he continued to inquire.

“What’s the chance in the secret realm of Shennong Mountain?”

“I don’t know.

“How to get out of the Shennong Mountain Secret Realm?”

“After the trial is over, the Secret Realm will teleport everyone out, except for the dead.”

“After you entered the secret realm, did you find anything?”

“There are many discoveries.”

During the question and answer, the black-clothed leader’s mouth continued to shed black blood.

Although Li Mubai’s mind contemplation technique is powerful, Qin Daoyao has practiced for 60 years after all, and he has mastered mind contemplation technique for only a few months.

After discovering that he could not escape from Li Mubai, the black leader also directly chose 2.6 to exterminate himself!

“Since you want to die so much, then die!”

After asking most of the information, Li Mubai raised his hand and printed it on the black leader’s heart, and his heart burst instantly.

“let’s go.”

After searching all the materials on these Dongying warriors, Li Mubai also took Nong Qiaoxin and went on.

“You like killing people?”

When following Li Mubai’s side, Nong Qiaoxin suddenly said.

“I only kill people who deserve to be killed.

Li Mubai didn’t explain too much, as long as the opponent should kill, he would never keep his hand.

“I have never killed other warriors.

After listening to Li Mubai, Nong Qiaoxin said to himself.

“As a cultivator of this era, when someone wants to kill you, you should kill him first. It’s always correct.”

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