Chapter 265 The valley where the warriors gather!

“A person who has never killed a person is not necessarily a good person, and a person who has killed a lot of people is not necessarily a bad person.”

When the voice fell, Li Mubai hugged Nong Qiaoxin again.

Perhaps, from before Nong Qiaoxin hit three silver needles to fight alongside him.

And every time he shot, Nong Qiaoxin’s eyes were full of worry and Li Mubai liked her a little bit more.

To Li Mubai, Nong Qiaoxin is just one of Li Mubai’s many women.

But now Li Mubai is already Nong Qiaoxin’s everything to Nong Qiaoxin.

“What’s wrong?”

Nong Qiaoxin now gradually does not reject Li Mubai holding her at all times.

Even when Li Mubai walks and hugs her, she even feels a little sweet in her heart.

From the moment she was born, she was destined to be the victim of the family.

Her destiny was wiped out under the potion of the God of Agriculture.

It was Li Mubai who brought her out of the abyss of fate.

“A lot of warriors gathered at the entrance of the valley in front.”

Li Mubai put Nong Qiaoxin down at this moment, and the two were condescending, and they could see that there were a lot of warriors at the mouth of the valley in the distance.

“What do they focus on in that place?”

Nong Qiaoxin spoke curiously.

“I don’t know, maybe there is something in the mountain 07 valley.”

This place is still some distance away from the mouth of the valley, and this distance is constant, even if Li Mubai’s spiritual consciousness is not small.

But he was in this place, and he couldn’t use his spiritual sense to detect the situation there.

“Let’s go over and take a look.

After observing for a while, Li Mubai immediately decided to join in the fun.

At the mouth of this valley, it is very lively.

There are not only the ancient warriors of the East, but also many Western supernaturalists, the Miao gu masters, the Southeast Asian descendants and so on.

The arrival of Li Mubai and Nong Qiaoxin did not cause much movement.

There are enough warriors in this place, two people have come, but there are only two more people.

After approaching, Li Mubai finally saw it.

At the entrance of the valley, there is a rippling light curtain.

One corner of this layer of light curtain has been split, and from the corner where the light curtain is split, a very strong aura can be felt.

It’s a bit exaggerated to say that the aura permeating from this corner is at least twenty times that of the outside world.

You can see the leopard in the tube.

From the aura escaping from this corner, you can know that there must be many good things in this valley.

As a secret realm opened only once in sixty years, the secret realm of Shennong Mountain is definitely not simple.


There was a dull muffled sound, and a brawny man who looked like an iron tower raised a fist big as a sandbag and slammed his punch against the light curtain.

His punch can definitely kill the buffalo on the spot.

But this stubborn and unforged punch fell on the light curtain, and it didn’t have any effect!

“Don’t waste your effort, wait.

“Yes, this light curtain is slowly breaking apart, let’s not interfere.”

“Lest it be counterproductive, let this light curtain begin to be repaired again.

These warriors can’t see that this is a restriction, but they still understand.

When the situation is unclear, the best way is to wait.

What this warrior said is undoubtedly very correct, and Li Mubai knows it by sweeping his spiritual sense.

If it is attacked by the outside world again, this light curtain will begin to slowly repair.

Now there is no external stimulus, and the light curtain does not know why. After a crack appeared, the crack became bigger and bigger.

After everyone waited for about half an hour, the light curtain cracked directly.

At the moment the light curtain shattered, the warriors in the front had already rushed in instantly.

They have never seen this kind of place in the outside world, and they don’t need to think about it. Behind this light curtain, there must be something good.


“Go in!”

“What a rich world spirit!”

“Elixir, so many elixir!”

“These elixir is not important, look at it, everyone.”

“what is that?”

“It looks like a ruin!”

Suddenly being in such a place with very strong spiritual aura, many warriors are obviously very excited.

“There is a collapsed building.”

Nong Qiaoxin had excellent eyesight. After entering the valley, she also saw a collapsed building in the distance.

“Are we past now?”

Seeing many warriors walking towards the collapsed building, Nong Qiaoxin also looked at Li Mubai and asked.

“For the time being, collect the elixir.

“Wangshan ran to death.”

“I don’t know what’s in that ruin.”

“But the ruins, the distance from here, is very far away.”

After Li Mubai finished speaking, he has already started to collect the elixir next to him.

Most of these elixir have disappeared from the outside world.

This time I came to Shennong Mountain and was able to enter the Shennong Relics. It was definitely an accident.

Knowing that the Shennong Ruins have a time limit for opening, the idea in Li Mubai’s heart is also a bird in his hand, better than a group of birds in the forest!


After Li Mubai couldn’t say it, Nong Qiaoxin did not object.

However, she didn’t know much about elixir. Except for the few elixir collected by Li Mubai, she didn’t know what most of the other elixir were.

At this moment, when leaning over to collect elixir, she was also collecting the types that Li Mubai had collected.

There are obviously many warriors adopting the same tactics as Li Mubai, but most of them are the first time they approach the ruins in the distance.

What is in the ruins is still unknown, but since it is in the ruins of the God of Agriculture, I will definitely not disappoint everyone.

With such thoughts, many 687 warriors decisively chose to go to the ruins.

Although there are a lot of elixir in this place, there are many warriors who stay here to collect elixir.

After a while, even some weeds containing aura were collected by the surrounding warriors.

At this time, everyone seemed to have the only choice left, which was to go to the collapsed ruins.

However, Li Mubai always feels something is wrong.

Especially, there is a broken stone formation in front of him right now.

When seeing this broken stone formation, Li Mubai unconsciously thought of the stone book he had seen in the river before.

I didn’t care at the time. Thinking about it now, Li Mubai suddenly discovered that the stone book was obviously the opposite.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help his eyes move.

If you look at this formation in turn, you will immediately find that this formation seems to be meaningful.

After watching for a while, he couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.

I don’t know how it was formed, and who left it.

But the monk who left the farming mystery must be an interesting person.

The collapsed ruins in the distance are not as simple as looking at the mountain.

That collapsed ruin is actually just a building in the sea market.

The real collapsed ruins should be in the opposite direction!

After discovering the secret, Li Mubai immediately took Nong Qiaoxin to the real ruins.

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