Chapter 263 Stone Book in the River!

Nong Qiaoxin didn’t want to hold hands with Li Mubai at this moment. She was not a child and could not get lost.

Seeing Nong Qiaoxin’s unhappy look, Li Mubai hugged her and kissed her without saying a word.

Nong Qiaoxin’s whole person is his now, how can he be so particular now.


After being strongly kissed by Li Mubai, Nong Qiaoxin couldn’t help but give Li Mubai a glance.

“If it’s not out of fashion, you should be rectified on the spot.

Although Li Mubai said very vaguely, Nong Qiaoxin naturally knew what this guy was talking about.

“you dare!”

When Nong Qiaoxin said this, she had no confidence, because she knew that Li~Mubai really dare.

However, this place gave her a sense of danger and depression. She was really not in the mood to do other things.

“Sure enough, someone came in before here.

When Nong Qiaoxin was thinking about it, Li Mubai had opened his mouth again.

“how do you know?”

Nong Qiaoxin asked absently, but she didn’t know what she was thinking about.

“Of course I know.


It turned out that there was a skeleton not far from the two.

The skeleton was still white, and even there were some rags on the skeleton.

This shows that the time of death of this person should not be very long.

It’s very long here, and of course it’s relatively speaking.

The secret realm of Nongshen Mountain is opened once by Yijiazi.

Therefore, the owner of this skeleton died either 120 years ago or 60 years ago.

Judging from the degree of weathering of the skeleton and the degree of damage to the clothes on the skeleton, it is obvious that the skeleton was left over sixty years ago.

“There are beast marks on the bones. There should be very powerful beasts in this place.

Nong Qiaoxin took a closer look at this moment, and immediately spoke to Li Mubai.


“This is not even an ordinary beast, but a monster beast recorded in some ancient books.”

Li Mubai took a closer look and found that the hand bones of this skeletal bone were neatly cut through a slit and broken into a mirror-like smooth.

This injury looks a lot like a sword injury, but it is not.

Because he was still around, he found a lot of such traces.

Although I don’t know what it is, Li Mubai can still judge that this should be some kind of monster’s attack method.

“Be careful next.

Regarding the record of monsters, Li Mubai has seen it in many ancient books.

Especially under the Jingchu Mausoleum, I have seen the most.

Monster beasts are a powerful existence that absorbs the growth of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the strength of these beasts is not lower than that of warriors or even monks.

After Li Mubai and Nong Qiaoxin first discovered an elixir, they continued to move forward and found a few more elixir.

However, the value of several elixirs discovered later was under the value of Xuanyang Ginseng.

Obviously, elixir like Xuanyangshen cannot be obtained casually.

At this moment, Li Mubai and Nong Qiaoxin stopped beside a rushing river.

The two banks of this river are about 30 meters away, and the river water is very turbulent.

But in the river, there is a huge stone book.

After Li Mubai stopped and observed for a while, he finally understood this huge volume of stone books.

This huge stone book depicts a picture scroll.

The content on the picture scroll, of course, is the Nongshen Mountain of the outside world.

On the picture scroll, there are three hundred and sixty-five small dots scattered in the Nongshen Mountain.

The Rain Temple they entered before is one of the small spots.

Obviously, there are so many entrances to the secret realm of Nongshen Mountain, there are three hundred and sixty-five!

“What does this picture mean?

After watching Li Mubai for a long time, now he nodded seriously, Nong Qiaoxin also asked very curiously.

“This picture shows that there are many entrances to the secret realm of Nongshen Mountain, with a total of three hundred and sixty-five entrances.

“In other words, we are here not only to face the dangers inside the Secret Realm of Saturn, but also to guard against enemies from outside.

Others may not have any thoughts when they see this picture scroll, but Li Mubai quickly understood it.

“There are so many?”

Nong Qiaoxin spoke in surprise. She knew that there was more than one entrance to the secret realm of Nongshen Mountain.

But Nong Qiaoxin still didn’t expect that the entrances to the secret realm of Nongshen Mountain were so many!

“But, why haven’t we met other people now?”

Since there are three hundred and sixty-five entrances, it means that there are very many warriors now.

It should be in the secret realm of Nongshen Mountain from every entrance.

But she followed Li Mubai through the secret realm for so long and did not find anyone else.

0……for flowers…

“This is also a very troublesome question, which shows that the secret realm of Nongshen Mountain is very large.

“We came in easily now, but we went out for a while without knowing how to get out.”

While looking at the huge stone scroll in the river, Li Mubai also spoke.

“Don’t worry about this. After the opening time of the Nongshen Mountain Secret Realm is over, everyone will be directly teleported out.

“There are many such descriptions in the ancient books of the farmhouse, and there should be no mistakes.”

the other side.

Li Mubai and Nong Qiaoxin did not meet other warriors, but Chu Yi did.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes looked at Chu Yi with an unkind expression.

He found a fruit containing pure energy just now, and the result did not wait for him to start.

Chu Yi, who rushed to the side, picked the fruit first.

“take it out!

Trupum spoke in a cold voice. He didn’t know what that kind of fruit was, but he knew that that kind of fruit was definitely a very good thing.

“You don’t need this thing, it’s a treasure treasure for you.”

Chu Yi chuckled and said casually.

“court death!”

Hearing Chu Yi’s words, Trump instantly flew into a rage.

He was not sure just now whether there was any danger in this place, and he was going to observe it before taking the shot directly.

I never thought that after Chu Yi came over quickly from a distance, without saying anything, he picked the fruit that should have belonged to him!

After Trump started to do it now, a scorching breath burst out of him.

Soon, his arms became blazing flames!


After seeing this man’s method, Chu Yi also showed a curious look on his face.

Since practicing, he has seldom left Taiyi Mountain, and has hardly ever played against the powerful in the West.


At this moment, Truppum raised his hand and blasted his fist, and a burst of fireball was about to attack and kill Chu Yi in an instant.

When the bursting fireball blasted, Chu Yi also performed fireball skills.

Among the many spells, fireball is just a very common and simple spell, but all cultivators will use it, but the strengths are different.

“You can also Blaze Fist?”

When Trump saw Chu Yi raising his hand, he was a little surprised after the same fireball hit. deficit,

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