Chapter 262 Yijiazi opens the secret realm once!

If he hadn’t met Qiao Wanning, he might have asked Nong Qiaoxin to take him to the so-called Nongshen Temple.


After arriving outside the Rain God Temple, Li Mubai instantly discovered that there was a formation in this place!


Nong Qiaoxin and Qiao Wanning were both taken aback.

Soon, Qiao Wan couldn’t help showing joy on her face.

“According to the ancient records, in these three days, there will be a formation channel.”

“Can you see the formation and know how to enter the formation channel?”

Qiao Wanning looked at Li Mubai with some expectation. It turned out that she was going to come and try her luck, but now Li Mubai could actually see what formations exist in this place.

It is very likely that Li Mubai can find out the formation channel.

“You don’t need to look for it. Judging from the trajectory of the formation, the formation channel will naturally be revealed in the past few days.

“The secret of the rich aura of heaven and earth in Nongshen Mountain was originally hidden in this place.”

At this moment, Li Mubai had a feeling that it would be effortless to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to be found.


Qiao Wanning couldn’t help getting a little excited when Li Mubai said this.

“Where is the formation channel here?”

As a cultivator, 687 would not feel so magical to this type of formation channel.

“A secret realm may also be the reason why heaven and earth are so full of aura in the Nongshen Mountain.”

Qiao Wanning spoke directly.

“Aunt Qiao never went in?”

Li Mubai was a little curious. Since Qiao Wanning knew when this place was opened, why didn’t he enter it.

“Here, the time for one Jiazi is only turned on once.

“Before I opened it last time, I hadn’t been born yet.”

Qiao Wanning said half-jokingly, and Li Mubai smiled bitterly when he said that.

In fact, if he took a closer look just now, he would be able to deduct the formation of this place based on the speed of the formation, and how long would it take to activate it.

“There are many entrances to this formation, all over the world, so after we enter, we may encounter other people.

“What are you going to do to prepare?”

Qiao Wanning has always been alone, and she has been fully prepared for her coming here this time.

“I want to mobilize a few subordinates.

After Li Mubai finished speaking, he directly shared the coordinates of this place with the three of Li Yinfeng.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Mubai directly summoned all the (ahcg) members of

However, neither the three of Li Yinfeng nor the members of showed up after they came over one after another.

Since this secret realm is opened only once, when the secret realm is opened this time, it is naturally not to be missed.

The birthplace of a river in Nongshen Mountain. At this time, Xiang Nantian and the elite dragon group of Xiang’s family have been waiting here for a long time.

In the dark, there are the elites of blood thorns hidden here.

Xiang Nantian had heard of the remains of Nongshen Mountain a long time ago, but never entered.

In these three days, in addition to these people, there were also many warriors or individuals, or many people appearing together in Nongshen Mountain.

Obviously, various schools, various inheritance factions, have left relevant records and inheritance.

Where Li Mubai was, there were warriors who practiced the way of witchcraft in southern Xinjiang.

After seeing several people in Li Mubai, these people did not approach, but kept a safe distance.

Three days passed quickly, and when the time came on the third day, this place really changed.

At this moment, Li Mubai saw that in front of the rain god sitting on the statue, a gap suddenly opened, and then a whirlpool gate stood upright.

Li Mubai did not hesitate. After thinking for a moment, he took Nong Qiaoxin directly into it.

As for the mother-in-law, she can’t control it for the time being, and since it’s a trial secret, it’s life and death if she can’t enter it.

After entering the secret realm, Li Mubai discovered that this place turned out to be a more primitive mountain range.

I don’t know if they entered the deeper part of Nongshen Mountain through the portal gate, or where they came.

However, at this time, Li Mubai was still surprised to find that the aura of heaven and earth here is really richer.

Not far away, there is even an elixir!

Unlike those vegetables that contain pure aura, what appears here now is an elixir named Xuanyangshen.

The growth of Xuanyang ginseng is very energy intensive, and there is no environment suitable for the growth of Xuanyang ginseng in the outside world.

At this moment, Li Mubai also discovered that many people had come in with him just now.

But now, except for Nong Qiaoxin in his arms, no one else, including his mother-in-law, knew where he was.

Nong Qiaoxin was so angry that Li Mubai gave Li Mubai a look. Li Mubai was not honest at all.

You know, now the two are in a completely unfamiliar environment, and they don’t know if they will encounter any danger.

But at this time, Li Mubai’s hand is still restless.

“Ha ha ”

After all, this is a secret realm that only opened once in sixty years. Although he is very nostalgic for the Wenxiang Nephrite in his arms, Li Mubai still knows that it is important to do business.

Other things can be done anytime after going out.

Anyway, now Nong Qiaoxin is the little sheep he grabbed, and he can’t run away at all.

After putting down Nong Qiaoxin, Li Mubai immediately went to dig out the elixir.

However, he stopped after only a few steps.

Sure enough, all the treasures of heaven and earth are guarded by monsters. At this moment, there is a poisonous snake not far from Xuanyang Ginseng.

“Gather Qi into a sword!

After seeing this poisonous snake, Li Mubai raised his hand and brushed it, and a long sword made of spiritual power appeared in his hand.

After using the method of gathering energy into a sword, Li Mubai also directly cut out with sword energy, but the flying snake swished and avoided it.

Afterwards, the flying snake finally blasted its tail in mid-air, and then bite towards Li Mubai’s throat.

“Shoo, hoo–”

Three steel needles flew out of Nong Qiaoxin’s hands at this moment.

These three steel needles were unbiased and directly hit seven inches of the poisonous snake.

At the same time, Li Mubai’s sword aura also shook the snake’s head to pieces.

However, Li Mubai felt warm in his heart for Nong Qiaoxin to help himself.

Although he has a lot of women now, most of these women are just vases.

The vase is not bad, but if there is a woman who can advance and retreat with herself, it is undoubtedly excellent.


Seeing Li Mubai’s gaze, Nong Qiaoxin couldn’t help but snorted, knowing she would not help.

She was worried that Li Mubai would be attacked by his carelessness.

She doesn’t have Li Mubai’s kind of healing methods. If Li Mubai is injured, she can’t do anything.

“This Xuanyang ginseng can be refined into a very good sublimation pill when you take it out. I will give you one at that time.

As Li Mubai said, he put the Xuanyang ginseng away.

Immediately, he also took Nong Qiaoxin to move on. .

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