Chapter 236 Qin Xiaoyao exits!

Li Mubai is not going to make Tianluodiwang into the Xiangjialong group, and there are special existences like blood spurs.

His idea is that all members of have identities on the surface and identities in the dark, except for a very small number of hidden ones.

Li Yinfeng didn’t let Li Mubai wait too long, and after weighing it for a while, he immediately spoke.

“Thanks to the young master for showing her love, the subordinates are willing to join the young master’s”

Li Yinfeng’s answer, Li Mubai is naturally quite satisfied.

Li Yinfeng’s ability to do things is not weak, and if he joins the Tianluo network, it can be said that it is like a tiger with different wings.

“Master, I don’t know what members are there now in

At this moment, Li Yinfeng also asked curiously.

“The first person on the Qianlong List in the past century is Tie Jun, and the second is you. As for the third person, Langya recommended by Tie Jun, what do you think?”

Li Mubai didn’t know much about Langya, he also wanted to hear Li Yinfeng’s opinion.

“There is absolutely no problem with Langya’s strength and abilities, but the place where Langyaxie is imprisoned is somewhat special.”

“Even the innate pinnacle warrior is not so easy to take Langya away.”

“Furthermore, Langya once wreaked havoc in Xia Kingdom. If Langya joins, he can only hide in the darkness.”

Li Yinfeng obviously knows Langya very well. At this moment, he also briefly talked about Langya’s situation to Li Mubai.

After hearing Li Yinfeng’s words, Li Mubai nodded immediately.

Based on Li Yinfeng and Tie Jun’s evaluation of Langya, it is worth him to get to know this martial artist.

After arranging these things, Li Mubai came to the second floor of Tianyahai Pavilion.

During this time, he was considered Jinwu Cangjiao.

Luo Xixi and Chu Yuyan were almost put under house arrest here.

Of course, now the Jingchu Martial Arts Association has ended, and both of them have established a relationship with Li Mubai. They live in this place and they are also very normal.

When Li Mubai came to the second floor of the villa, she found Chu Yuyan was reading in the study, and Luo Xixi was lying lazily on the sofa and watching TV.

Today Rosie was wearing a white shirt, a pleated skirt on her lower body, and extremely thin black silk on her legs.

When the sun and wine fall, it is full of transparency.

At this moment Rosie felt very boring, watching TV listlessly, completely unaware of Li Mubai’s arrival.

Not long after, her body was lightened, and she was picked up by Li Mubai and walked to the bedroom.


Li Mubai attacked suddenly, shocking Rosie.

At this moment, she also stretched out her hand directly and pinched Li Mubai’s waist.

“Ha ha.”

Li Mubai didn’t care at all. During this period, he intentionally or unintentionally used aura to nurture Rosie’s body.

Rosie had a good foundation, but after the resources of Reiki, it was obviously much bigger.

In Luoxiqian’s unlovable gaze, Li Mubai also hugged her directly into the bedroom, and then closed the door.

Although there is no Yan Tiexin and several innate martial artists to practice here, today’s Yunshan is still covered by clouds and frost, and the sea of ​​clouds is churning.

However, without these warriors, above Yunshan, there is still a lot of life less.

In the depths of Yunshan, there is a hidden cave. This is the place where Qin Xiaoyao retreats all year round.

In the cave, Qin Xiaoyao stood with his hands on his hands. A young man with blood-red eyes was kneeling in front of Qin Xiaoyao.

This blood-red young man is no one else, but the blood-stabbed killer under Xiang Nantian’s command, Xuefeng.

Xue Feng is the ultimate master, but his potential has long been exhausted.

There is no great opportunity in this life, and it is absolutely impossible to break through the boundary and enter the innate.

Under such circumstances, he also moved his brains and prepared to take a risk.

Although he has limited aptitude and exhausted potential, he got a secret book in his early years.

This secret method can absorb the qi and blood of other warriors, the inner strength and true qi, and everything else.

He has used this secret method to dry up several warriors, but it has little effect.

After learning that Qin Xiaoyao was in retreat, he also sneaked into Yunshan, looking for a chance, soaked Qin Xiaoyao dry.

The result really gave him an opportunity!

At this time, although Qin Xiaoyao was standing with his hand in his hand, the long gown on his body was also soaked in blood.

In any case, he did not expect that in the case of two authentic disciples protecting the Fa.

There are others who can enter his retreat at the critical moment of his cultivation.

Fortunately, this blood maple is just a nightmare in the end.

After Xue Feng sneaked on him with a secret method, originally as long as he insisted on draining his inner energy, Xue Feng could reach the sky in one step.

It’s a pity that the opportunity is here, but this blood maple is completely useless.

His willpower is too weak, and when he draws out his inner energy for fusion, he can’t bear the intense pain, and his heart is constantly shaking.

When Xuefeng was shaking, he also seized the opportunity to take down Xuefeng directly.

At this time, after two green lights rose in Qin Xiaoyao’s eyes, two green lights rose in Xue Feng’s eyes.

This is Qin Xiaoyao’s unique learning, mind-shrinking tricks!

“^ “Who are you?”

Qin Xiaoyao asked directly after controlling the blood maple with Mind Control.

“Blood Maple.

“Who sent you here?”

“No one sent me.’

“Where is the old man’s disciple?”

“Your disciples Yan Tiexin, Wen Yutao, and Wang Yin were all killed by Li Mubai.”

Now Qin Xiaoyao asked, and Xue Feng answered.

Under the contemplation, Xuefeng seemed to be unable to hide anything.

“Who is Li Mubai?”

“The only heir of the Li family of Jinghai, the young master of the Li family.” (Wang Zhao’s)

“What kind of power do you belong to? What is the relationship with the rats outside?”

Qin Xiaoyao has recovered a lot of strength at this moment, and he naturally knows how many rat generations are hiding outside.


When Xue Feng was about to tell what power he belonged to and where he came from, he suddenly had a splitting headache.

At this time, he seemed to want to blow his head.

“This is Gu curse, huh!”

After sensing the state of Xue Feng, Qin Xiaoyao coldly snorted directly.

There is a specialization in the art industry, and he is not a warrior who is good at Gu curse.

Therefore, he couldn’t break the Gu curse in Xuefeng’s head.

However, now that Xue Feng has been hit by his contemplation technique, he doesn’t have to break the Gu curse in Xue Feng’s body.

“You and the rats outside are from the same force?”

At this time, Qin Xiaoyao changed his questioning method. .

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