Chapter 237 Eliminate future troubles ahead of time!

The so-called Gu curse is similar to a restriction.

For example, he asked where is the east side of Xuefeng, but this question was restricted by Gu curse, so Xuefeng couldn’t tell.

Once Xue Feng said it, he would immediately be killed on the spot.

However, if he asked which direction the sun rose from, it would be fine even if Xuefeng pointed to the east.

Gu curses are also cast by humans, and it is impossible for humans to cover everything.


“no ”

However, this time Qin Xiaoyao showed a look of doubt, because at this moment, Xue Feng first nodded, and then shook his head.

This means that Xuefeng and the few Xiaoxiao outside are together, but not exactly together?

After thinking about paying for a moment, Qin Xiaoyao directly sat down on the ground and began to adjust his interest rate and resume.

At this moment, after his powerful perception spread out, he suddenly realized that there were still a lot of Xiaoxiao around here.

Around here, there can be so many Xiaoxiao, and you can see that in other places in Yunshan, there must be a lot of such Xiaoxiao.

After thinking of this, Qin Xiaoyao couldn’t help taking out the pill and taking it, and then took the time to reply.

An hour later, most of Qin Xiaoyao’s injuries had recovered.

At this moment, he shook his figure and disappeared directly.

After a while, the three warriors of the dragon group also appeared half-dead in the cave where he was practicing.

“Who are you?”

670 Qin Xiaoyao asked directly at this moment.

As a result, the three of them did not hesitate to bite the venom hidden in their mouths.


Qin Xiaoyao immediately let out a cold snort, and the green light in his pupils flickered. He immediately used his mind-sharing technique to completely control the three of them.

“Do the three of you know him?”

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaoyao asked.

“do not know.

As a result, the answers among these three people surprised Qin Daoyao very much.

This interrogation lasted a long time.

After the interrogation, Qin Xiaoyao also knew.

Both groups serve the same force.

However, the blood maple knew the three of the dragon group, but the dragon group did not know the existence of blood maple.

At this moment, when Qin Xiaoyao left the cave mansion, Xue Feng followed him like a puppet.

As for the body is already thin, like a group of three corpses like dragons.

At this moment, under Qin Xiaoyao’s control, he staggered to the side of the sea of ​​clouds, and then approached the sea of ​​clouds step by step.

Although the three of them had been completely drained by Xuefeng, they were about to die completely.

But at this time, they did not die.

However, they can’t do anything at this moment, they can only look at their own body, step by step close to the sea of ​​clouds, and finally jumped and jumped directly into the abyss.

When these three warriors jumped down the abyss, Xue Feng’s eyes were full of blank expressions.

However, the aura on his body is now infinitely approaching the innate.

“Also, since you little beast has practiced the mysterious thieves, the old man will take you to suck up all your other accomplices.”

After killing the three dragon group members, Qin Xiaoyao went down the mountain directly with the blood maple.

Along the way, all the dragon martial artists encountered were easily taken down by Qin Xiaoyao.

These dragon group warriors had no idea that they had been exposed after their three companions fell into Qin Xiaoyao’s hands.

At this moment, one by one of the dragon group elites was held by Qin Xiaoyao, and finally Xue Feng used Daoxuan Xie Gong to completely drain the inner strength and true energy in these dragon group elites.

After absorbing a large amount of Dragon Group’s elite inner strength zhenqi, Xuefeng has successfully broken through the boundary and entered the innate.

However, at this time, Xue Feng’s body was almost at its limit. If he continued to suck, Xue Feng was destined to explode and die.

After noticing the abnormality of Xuefeng, Qin Xiaoyao directly took out a large amount of pill and handed it to Xuefeng’s hand.

Xue Feng had the last point of consciousness at this moment, even under Qin Xiaoyao’s control, he still tried his best to resist.

These elixirs are the elixirs that overdraft the vitality of the blood maple.

Obviously, at this time, Qin Xiaoyao didn’t treat Xuefeng as a person.

In the Xiang family villa, Xiang Nantian’s complexion suddenly became a little terrifying.

Everything was originally under his control, but now, there is undoubtedly a lot of things that he did not expect.

At this moment, Xiang Nantian still doesn’t know (ahcg), the direction of Yunshan, what happened.

But the elite of the Xiang Jialong team, currently 11 people have lost contact.

This was the heaviest casualty since the Dragon Group was founded.

You know, training a dragon group elite will last three years for a short period of time and five years and ten years for a long period.

The Dragon Group Elite is the biggest family property that the Xiang family has given him to deal with the Jinghai Li family.

Let him take over the Dragon Team because he hopes that the Dragon Team will be able to take it to the next level, rather than ruining all this family background.

“All members of the Dragon Group will be withdrawn to the headquarters.

Xiang Nantian didn’t expect that when he woke up, he would have such a big basket.

Now that there are already eleven dragon team elites who have lost contact, this shows that the opponent must have found a way to follow the vine.

Although he still has the trump card of blood thorn that is stronger than the dragon group, the elite dragon group is also a trump card.

After Xiang Nantian gave the order, the members of the Dragon Group also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Xiang Nantian’s complexion became more and more ugly.

Because in addition to breaking the eleven dragon group elites, the blood spurs also lost one of them.

At this moment, Xue Feng, one of the members of the blood stab, was completely out of contact.

“No, you go to Yunshan and see what’s going on.”

Xiang Nantian also said casually after the others left in the meeting room.


Although there was no one in the meeting room, there was still a hoarse voice.

Subsequently, the entire conference room fell into silence.

At this time, Xiang Nantian couldn’t help but feel a little upset, this time he was obviously careless.

In other words, since he was preparing to deal with Li Mubai, he didn’t seem to be doing anything smoothly.

In the land of Jingchu, everyone still doesn’t know what is about to happen here.

Others don’t know, but Li Mubai knows.

Long Chen’s master Qin Xiaoyao, although he did not know the reason, did not come for a long time.

But as time goes by, Qin Xiaoyao will definitely come over.

During this time, he has also made sufficient preparations.

Tie Jun, who was almost abolished, has now returned to his peak, and has gone a step further, now finally becoming a warrior in the mid-innate period.

Not only Tie Jun went further, but Li Yinfeng also broke through during this time.

As Tiejun recovers, Li Yinfeng’s strength breaks through, and Li Mubai’s subordinates can be regarded as a few more powerful generals.

At this time, Li Mubai did not show up in the Tianyahaige villa because he was in the basement at the moment.

Long Chen, who was half dead before, was detained here.

However, after such a long time, Long Chen finally couldn’t hold on, reaching the point where his oil was exhausted.

As the protagonist of the destiny, even at this point, Long Chen is still a bone, still looking at Li Mubai wistfully.


However, Li Mubai did not hesitate. At this moment, he made a decisive move and sent Long Chen on the road.

During this period of time, Qin Xiaoyao has been delayed, and Long Chen’s life will inevitably change, and now killing Long Chen is considered an eternal trouble!

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