Chapter 235 Take a glimpse and see the whole leopard!

He had never heard of this method, had never seen it, and at this moment he had no idea how to resolve it.

However, Tie Jun quickly calmed down quickly.

He was sure that Li Mubai had spent a lot of time to find him, not to kill him.

“Not long ago, a meticulous and powerful secret force opposed me in Jingchu.

Sure enough, at this moment, Li Mubai had already spoken slowly.

“What does Shao Li mean?”

Tie Jun sat cross-legged on the ground now, listening patiently.

He still doesn’t quite understand, what exactly Li Mubai wants him to do, do he want him to kill these people?

“This is an organization I have never been in contact with before. Although it is only the first time to fight, the clues I know are very limited.

“But I can still see the whole leopard in a glimpse.”

“This organization is very large, and the strength and efficiency of its members are not trivial.”

“I also need to build such a secret warrior team, called Tianluodiwang.”

When Li Mubai said this, Tie Jun finally understood.

It turned out that a big force was secretly targeting Li Mubai. In order to deal with this group of enemies, Li Mubai was preparing to form a sharp knife ace.

Everyone in the world thinks that Jinghai Li Mubai is an out-and-out daddy. Who would have thought that he not only has the means of plotting, but also is cruel enough!

It is foreseeable that most of the members selected by Li Mubai into the Tianluodinet will definitely be restricted and controlled by his divine consciousness.

“What can I get?”

At this time, Tie Jun asked straightforwardly.

It is reasonable to take people’s money and do things for them.

But he doesn’t need money, what he needs is martial arts resources.

If Li Mubai only used his small life as a threat, and wanted him to work for him, then Li Mubai would undoubtedly make a wrong calculation.

“You can get everything you want.”

“Whether it is the complete technique of Tianzang Gong, or the healing pill, and a lot of cultivation resources, you can get it.”

As soon as Li Mubai’s two simple sentences came out, Tie Jun’s complexion could not help but changed again.

He now turned from surprise to awe for Li Mubai, and from awe to deep jealousy.

In front of Li Mubai, he didn’t seem to have any secrets. He was completely transparent.

“Do you know my practice?”

Although Tie Jun’s words were a bit redundant, he still couldn’t help but ask.

“I know, Tianzang Gong is divided into twelve chapters. If you get six, you dare to practice. It shows that you are very brave, or you can be stupid.”

Not long ago, Li Mubai saw the complete Tianzang Gong in the ice room, with his innate peak strength.

Under the high-rise building, it is natural to know that Tie Jun has only obtained half of the exercises, so he has cultivated himself into a human and ghost.

“If Shao Li wants to form, I can recommend someone to Shao Li.”

At this moment, Tie Jun said with a grin suddenly.

At this moment, he has determined that the first peak of his life has ended, and the first trough has also ended.

Next, follow Li Mubai desperately, and he will usher in the second peak of his life!


Li Mubai also showed a smile on his face, although he has many candidates now.

However, the members of Tianluo are not many more.

This group of people must be the elite of the elite, enough to contend with the enemies who hid in the dark the previous two times.


At this time, Tie Jun also said a very sensitive name.

“Langya, the former ace instructor of a certain special brigade of Xia Guo, later fled overseas because of some things.”

“Finally, he was arrested somewhere in America, and since then he has been secretly detained on a secret island off America.

It seems that Li Mubai does not know Langya. At this moment, Tie Jun also briefly talked about Langya’s information.

“How is he better than you?”

Li Mubai really didn’t know Langya. After he became the villain, Langya had been imprisoned for several years, so he naturally didn’t have time to get to know Langya.

“Only strong, not weak.”

“However, Li Shao wants to get Langya back, I am afraid it will not be easy.”

That place can lock a warrior like Langya, it can be seen how special that place is.

Li Mubai didn’t care at all, it really didn’t work, he could even take a trip in person.

The premise is that Langya’s ability and strength must be worth his personal visit.


After Li Mubai finished speaking, he immediately left a bottle of pill to heal Tiejun.

When Tie Jun continued to recover from his injury, Li Mubai appeared in a conference room.

“Shao Li, are you looking for me?”

Li Yinfeng was not surprised that Li Mubai found himself.

During this time, he participated in most of Li Mubai’s actions.

It can be seen that the Li family trusts him enough.

As Li Yinfeng is a direct line of the Li family, there is no trust issue at all.

“The first two times, whether it was Lin Xuan’s or Long Chen’s affairs, there seemed to be pushing hands secretly. I suspect it was Xiang Nantian.

Li Mubai said straightforwardly now.

“Xiang Nantian was born in the Xiang family in Jinghai. As far as I know, the Xiang family does have a team of secretly trained elites.”

Li Yinfeng nodded. He gradually understood what Li Mubai was doing to open the Jingchu Mausoleum.

Obviously, he was preparing to secretly train a sharp knife ace, and then compete with Xiang Nantian’s mysterious force, the ace against the ace.

“The secret team I want to form is called I intend 670 to let you join it. What do you think?

Li Mubai did not continue to say other things, but directly asked Li Yinfeng what he meant.

This time, Li Yinfeng was silent.

This matter is no small matter.

Although he is serving Li Mubai now, he is still a warrior belonging to the Jinghai Li family.

However, now Li Mubai also wants to form a sharp knife ace like Xiangjia’s secret warrior.

In many things in the future, he will not be as free as he is now.

Although Li Mubai is the sole heir of the Jinghai Li family, in the future, Li Mubai will be the helm of the Li family.

But the current Li Mubai is not completely equal to the Li family.

“Master, what does mainly need to do, and what are the restrictions?”

Li Yinfeng did not agree or refuse.

When he asked Li Mubai now, he was thinking about many things quickly in his heart.

“The main function of the Sky and Earth Net is to hide in the dark and fight against all the black hands that extend out in the dark.”

“In addition, sometimes, I need to help me deal with some special warriors.”

This kind of special warrior in Li Mubai’s words is of course the protagonist of the script, as well as the important characters around these children of destiny.

“As for restrictions, there are no other restrictions except for hiding in the dark.”

“Of course, your identities on the face can continue to be used.”

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