Chapter 234 The first person in a hundred years, Tie Jun!

Now Li Mubai’s move, although it broke the rules, violated the ancestral motto.

But Li Mubai is an outsider, and they have no strength to resist facing Li Mubai.

Furthermore, the opening of the Jingchu Mausoleum is of great benefit to them.

“If you don’t have a token on your body, you will have to go through ten tests if you enter the first and second floors of the Jingchu Mausoleum.

“In the past, most warriors died in these ten trials.

“Of course, some warriors died in the training hall and training room.”

At this moment, Chu Shanghan continued to speak, while the others were seriously thinking about whether there was any valuable news that could be provided to Li Mubai.

“Okay, continue to build Jingchu Wu College, the sooner it is built, the better.”

Li Mubai slightly foreheaded, and then left.

This matter is not difficult, with the support of the Jinghai Li family, and the power of the eight giants in Jingchu.

When “Sixty-Seven Zero” was built and built Jingchu Wu College, all relevant departments gave green light all the way.

In the past few days, Jingchu Wu Academy has actually begun to take shape.

Li Mubai did not go to see the construction of Jingchu Wu Academy at this time, but appeared directly in the Tianya Haige Villa.

For a hundred years, Tie Jun, the strongest warrior on the Jingchu Qianlong Ranking, has arrived.

It’s just that Tie Jun, who was flourishing and energetic in the past, has already described his drafts at this moment.

At the age of more than 30 years, it should be the peak age of a warrior.

But now Tie Jun is already very sick.

“You are not sick.

After seeing Tie Jun, Li Mubai said sharply.

On the hospital bed, he seemed to be dying. Tie Jun, who was dying on the west, heard Li Mubai’s words.

An imperceptible killing intent flashed in his eyes.

“You can’t kill me. Although you are now half-footed into the innate, you are just an ant in front of me.

“But you’re so courageous, you have a chance to break through with your fate.”

“It’s just a pity that your secret method is so broken. If you want to put it to death and resurrect, you won’t be able to achieve Nirvana in the end.”

Every time Li Mubai said a word, Tie Jun’s killing intent was stronger, and his strength was also stronger.

After a few words of Li Mubai passed, Tiejun’s strength directly increased from half-step innate to innate.

As the strongest person on the Jingchu Qianlong list in a hundred years, Tiejun is definitely not the one who has lost his reputation.

“Innate early peak, is this all your strength?

Feeling the breath on Tie Jun’s body, Li Mubai said indifferently.

“Give me a reason not to kill you.

However, at this time, Tie Jun sat up on the bed and looked at Li Mubai’s gaze, which became more and more unkind.

The weakness in his body has not disappeared, but the surging power in his body is also surging at this moment.

“Do you think you can kill me?”

Li Mubai smiled. It seems that Tie Jun didn’t listen to a word of his words.


Tie Jun didn’t have the idea of ​​laughing with Li Mubai. When Li Mubai smiled, Tie Jun had already shot.

He is very fast, and also very decisive and cruel.

Each move is completely murderous, without any extra moves.


However, with the sound of a broken hand, a muffled noise soon came.

This flash of lightning flashes.

Li Mubai broke Tie Jun’s hand bone first, and then another punch hit the back of Tie Jun’s heart.

At this moment, his sword finger had fallen on Tie Jun’s eyebrows.

As long as Tie Jun rarely moves, a terrible sword aura will erupt on the sword finger, which will completely shatter Tie Jun’s brain.

“You, you are the pinnacle of nature!”

At this moment, Tie Jun looked at Li Mubai like a ghost, but he didn’t expect it.

In his opinion, Li Mubai, who was young, turned out to be a master of innate pinnacle.

This kind of thing is really incredible.

He has practiced martial arts and has never seen him before. At the age of Li Mubai, he can cultivate into a martial artist who is innately pinnacle.

“You came to me, isn’t it to kill me?”

After the horror, Tie Jun said very calmly.

It’s now in Li Mubai’s hands. It’s useless to say more.

But he still believes that Li Mubai came to him not to kill him.

As long as he can recover, someone like him is definitely of great value to Li Mubai.

“I will give you a chance to survive, open up your heart and don’t resist.

Li Mubai did not answer Jun Tie’s question directly, but said in a cold voice.


Tie Jun showed a somewhat hesitant look on his face, but soon, he still nodded.

He probably understands what Li Mubai is going to do.

But at the moment, he has no choice at all.

Seeing Tie Jun’s cooperation, Li Mubai nodded in satisfaction.

Now he has Li Ling, Shang Jianfeng, and Li Yinfeng on Jingchu’s side.

Among them, Shang Jianfeng has the lowest loyalty, and he has been in charge of Bagua Sect overseas for many years, and he is very famous.

There are too many warriors who know him, so Shang Jianfeng cannot participate in the secret sharp knife force he wants to cultivate.

In addition to Shang Jianfeng, Li Ling belongs to the elite of the Li family, and his strength is too weak, so far he is only the pinnacle of internal strength.

After leaving these two people, Li Yinfeng, the person in charge of Jingchu, is very suitable.

After this period of time, Li Yinfeng’s strength has been infinitely close to half a step innate.

As long as there is an opportunity for a breakthrough, he can be promoted to Xiantian at any time.

In addition, so far, Li Yinfeng is also a very outstanding person in his own strength and ability to do things.

Such talents must of course be absorbed into their own secret forces.


When Li Mubai was thinking about these things in his heart, a scream suddenly came out of Tie Jun’s mouth.

Immediately, his teeth seemed to be crushed completely at this moment.

Tie Jun looked at Li Mubai in horror at this moment. At this point, he was really a little uncertain whether Li Mubai was going to kill him.

Fortunately, his worry is unnecessary.

After Li Mubai succeeded in leaving a mark of consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, the pain of 2.6 on his body also disappeared. The feeling of death also disappeared at this time.

“What is this?”

Tie Jun is just a warrior in the end, not a cultivator.

Although warriors can also use spiritual power, there are even warriors who specialize in spiritual power.

However, the use of spiritual power by martial artists is mostly very simple and rough, and it is not as mysterious as the use of spiritual knowledge by cultivators.

“The brand of divine consciousness is also called divine consciousness prohibition.

“Now your life or death is only between my thoughts.”

After Li Mubai said this, Jun Tie’s complexion also became very ugly.

He knew very well that Li Mubai did not scare him, and everything Li Mubai said at this moment is true.

As long as Li Mubai is willing, he will be wiped out at any time, there is absolutely no way to survive!

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