Chapter 46 Is the hostess wrong? (Seeking support, second more)

Chapter 46 Is the hostess wrong? (Seeking support, second more)

It’s not right, it’s not right at all.

In fact, the heroines’ personal settings were wrong long ago, and Chen Fan was unwilling to accept it. Of course, it was Chen Fan who deceived himself.

After all, several major plots have happened so far.

As long as the plot is right, then everything is okay, Chen Fan has always been so comforting.

But the appearance of the woman in front of him made Chen Fan panic. You agreed to a fart.

Laozi refused.

Looking at this timid look, there is no sense of the first heroine.

I’m the fuck, it won’t be anymore.

The brain is running fast. Come, the protagonist, come quickly. If you don’t come, Laozi will turn you green.

Damn, which link went wrong? I didn’t play extraordinarily.

Lin Qingyue looked at Chen Fan, and Chen Fan moved back quickly.

“I know you don’t like me, I understand.”

Lin Qingyue suffocated a smile and looked at Chen Fan. If you continue to act, let me see how you can straighten out the plot.

I want to see how you plan to go on acting.

“I can like you.”

“You can’t, what I want is that you really like me, not like me under the pressure of our family. I understand, do you want to rely on our family?”

“I tell you, I, Chen Fan, have never been a wasteful rich second generation. Without relying on my family, I can do better than anyone.”

Damn it, make it on the spot, junk novels, can’t you set some other lines for me?

In fact, it is set in the original book that if Chen Fan does not describe touching a woman, it will be placed in the female-frequency novel.

Chen Fan is properly an infatuated existence, it is definitely the first male protagonist.

But in order for the protagonist to be more reasonable with Lin Qingyue, Chen Fan must be discredited.

For example, Chen Fan is looking for women or something.

In short, in the whole novel, apart from the protagonist who can open the harem, whoever opens the harem is the disgusting existence.

When the protagonist opens the harem, he must be romantic and suave.

“What do you mean?”

“I want you to kneel in front of me and lie on my bed. I don’t want you to promise me because of the pressure at home. It’s not you, I don’t believe it.”

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time.

Lin Qingyue grabbed Chen Fan and held Chen Fan’s cheek.

Kissed gently.

I… fuck me.

I…you coded it.

I… feel pretty good.

No, I’m a villain, how can I feel good? This shouldn’t be in this plot, this should be Laozi, I take advantage of you.

At this time the door was pushed open, Xiao Lan walked in and said, “What are you doing, let go of my boss.”

Oh my god, Xiao Lan, you are really an angel.

Chen Fan and Lin Qingyue separated quickly.

Chen Fan smiled and said: “You wait, I will make you fall in love with me, like me.”

After finishing speaking, he left very coolly.

Lin Qingyue looked at Xiaolan angrily.

In Xiaolan’s eyes, Lin Qingyue’s anger was entirely because of Chen Fan’s actions.

She didn’t expect that it was a good thing that disturbed Lin Qingyue.

“Boss, Chen Fan is too much.”

“You don’t need to be nosy.”

Xiaolan said: “My okay boss, if the company can’t make it through, I also have money here, and I can also help the company.”

Forget it, I don’t want to talk to Xiao Lando, I’m really tired of talking too much.

But here, Xiao Lan left the office, silently took out the phone, and sent it to Ye Aotian.

“When will you save my leader, if you don’t come, my boss won’t be able to hold it anymore.”

Xiaolan recorded a video because the sound was not very clear, but some simple things could be seen.

It probably feels that Chen Fan first moved his hands and feet, and then Lin Qingyue broke free.

Then Chen Fan roared angrily for a while, and then Lin Qingyue fell into a passive situation.

With tears and tears, she took the initiative to show her okay.

Then there is the initiative to offer kisses.

As long as you regard Chen Fan as a villain, then you naturally feel that all this is so logical.

Ye Aotian, who was keeping in good health at this time, was furious.

“Chen Fan, dare you fucking touch Laozi’s woman, Laozi wants you to die.”

Because of the anger, the Emperor Heart Jue in his body was running fast.

In an instant, Ye Aotian felt that some door had opened.

He felt that he might have broken through.

Very good, very good, Chen Fan, wait. Sooner or later, Laozi will let you go ruined and ruined.

Ye Aotian, who was lying in the Ling’s house, endured all this.

Then he tried to call Lin Qingyue. He felt that Lin Qingyue needed comfort at this time.

However, the call did not get through because Ye Aotian was blocked.

Well, Chen Fan, you are really thoughtful, very interesting and interesting.

If you really are nothing, wouldn’t it be enough for me to play?

Wait, Chen Fan, wait for you for me.

At this time, Chen Fan returned to the car and said, “Drive, go to the company.”

Zhu Yeqing didn’t know what happened, but seeing the lipstick on Chen Fan’s lips, it was obvious that something interesting happened.

Chen Fan held the phone and pressed it quickly.

[Crazy, crazy, how is it possible, what’s going on, Lin Qingyue, something is wrong with you fucking. 】

[How can you promise my girlfriend, why did you agree. 】

; [Laozi is all like that, they are hugging you, and they are talking to you so loudly. 】

[You are not a catchphrase, is that no one has ever spoken to you like this? 】

[Should it be normal? Does the protagonist do this? Why is it now mine? I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it. 】

[It must be afraid of my father’s rights. 】

[Fortunately, Laozi is witty, and returned to Yuan, saying that you must make you fall in love with yourself, fucking, scared me to death, the human setting was almost crooked. 】

After writing, and gaining a little bit of physical strength, Chen Fan closed his eyes and went to rest.

But it’s too scary, I need to calm down.

Now the development of this matter has exceeded his expectations.

No, as long as the plot is still there, then you can complete the task yourself, yes, absolutely.

Zhu Yeqing looked at the diary and couldn’t hold back, but was embarrassed to smile.

Endure turning his head and look out the window.

Breathe as hard as you can, adjusting your tense facial muscles because of a suffocating smile.

so fun.


ps: Please support, thank you all, please give me more votes to support the flowers.


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