Chapter 45 What is a villain? (Seeking support, first more)

Chapter 45 What is a villain? (Seeking support, first more)

Chen Fan’s personality development is very simple. In the beginning, he planned to rely on family relationships to move up step by step.

But Li Long died, Ye Aotian took over Li Long’s influence, and Chen Fan decided to develop his own company.

To put it bluntly, Chen Fan just wants to prove himself to Lin Qingyue, and it is possible to rely solely on himself.

But in reality, there is no such situation.

How many people need to give Chen Tianqiang a face.

But this is all for later.

Today, it is the first time that I have shown the signs of Blacken, so I have to perform better.

“You wait for me outside, I’ll go upstairs, and I’ll come down in a while.”

Zhu Yeqing nodded.

Chen Fan entered the building and many people greeted Chen Fan. Then Chen Fan went upstairs and found Lin Qingyue’s secretary.

“Secretary, is Satsuki here?”

“Here I am.”

There are a hundred secretaries who don’t like Chen Fan. On the other hand, the secretary always thinks Ye Aotian is very good. During this period, she has not rarely talked about Ye Aotian in Lin Qingyue’s ear.

For example, yesterday, Ye Aotian directly defeated Li Long by herself, she thought it was very cool.

In Chen Fan’s words, the three views of people in the novel are a bit crooked.

A murderer can still be regarded as cool by others.

Chen Fan pushed open the door of Lin Qingyue’s office and walked in directly.

“Here you are, Satsuki.”

Afterwards, he took out a string of necklaces and said, “This is the latest Burberry commemorative model. I think this is a good match for you, so I bought it for you.”

Reject me, hurry up.

Throw it away, throw it out, or smash it in my face.

Be serious, don’t hesitate, don’t be polite.

Brother I can bear it.


I have a thick skin.

Lin Qingyue raised her head and looked at Chen Fan, with a little tenderness in her eyes.

This caused Chen Fan to sweat on his back.

What’s wrong is very wrong.

Lin Qingyue got up and said, “Thank you, it cost you money.”

I’m going to your uncle.

I’m spending a lot of money, it’s fake, your uncle’s.

The plot arrangement is that Chen Fan gave the necklace, and then the necklace hit his face, and then he started Blacken.

But now, I’m f*ck, why don’t you give me an excuse for Blacken.

You can’t be like this. Absolutely.

“Uh… No thanks, do you like it?”

“Well, I like it, you can bring it for me.”

Ha ha.

The story is outrageous, damn it, you fucking the heroine, you love the hero, how can you think about me now?

Could it be that you started to pedal two boats?

Sure enough, it’s the heroine.

No, my father came back yesterday, so I should be afraid of my father.

After all, his father still protects his calf.

Chen Fan stood behind Lin Qingyue and gently put the necklace on her.

Today she wore a simple long dress without heavy makeup. ,

The hair is tied up.

The collarbone can be clearly seen.

Chen Fan thought for a long time.

This Blacken must go on.

Damn it, don’t care, rushed.

Chen Fan hugged Lin Qingyue directly.

“Xiaoyue, I beg you, when my girlfriend is good, I beg you, I really love you.”

Lin Qingyue was frightened, and her whole body was in a dead state.

How dare you be so bold.

Lin Qingyue actually has a little bit of feeling towards Chen Fan. Although it is not much, it is not repulsive, but this does not mean that you can do something to me.

Lin Qingyue directly stepped on Chen Fan’s foot.

Chen Fan didn’t hurt.

There was a pause, and then he started grinning.

Let go.

Lin Qingyue turned her head and raised her hand as a slap, trying to slap it.

Chen Fan held his wrist.

“You are presumptuous, how dare you hold me?”

“I really like you, why don’t you like me?”

“I just don’t reject you, why should I like you…”

The time has come.

Looking at the heroine’s eyes, looking at this angry expression, looking at this annoyed emotion, she should be uncomfortable, after all, she is in love with Ye Aotian, but she was touched by a Damn it man like Chen Fan.

Look, this is the truth, this is the acting, I tell you girl, you are in the world of fiction.

If you are in reality, you will be the queen.

“Don’t be shameless, Lin Qingyue, Laozi tells you, I like you, I give you a face, you little Lin family, I haven’t paid attention to it.”

Lin Qingyue froze in place, looking at Chen Fan who was furious.

“Do you like that muddy leg, I know, you definitely like her, there is a financial problem in the company, you don’t look for me, you look for him, and you are blocking my face and want to return it, okay, are they all cheating me? .”

“I… not like this.”

I care if you are.

Don’t interrupt, let Laozi finish the line.

Really are.

No actor quality at all.

“You didn’t lie to me? It doesn’t matter, Li Long, you should be happy, Ye Aotian killed him, now he should be integrating Li Long’s strength, and he will have his own company soon. Then you can fly together. right?”

No, it’s really not like this.

Lin Qingyue was really panicked, tears in her anxious eyes.

Crying, fucking, really crying.

Sure enough, the tears of a woman need the protagonist to guard, but unfortunately, the protagonist is not there now.

“Now give you a choice. Either you accompany me and become my girlfriend, or your Lin family will be completely bankrupt. I am also on the poker table now. I have my own company. I will play with you. I will accompany you slowly. Play.”

The more he speaks, the more refreshing he is. At this time, Chen Fan has completely played the role of a rich second generation who is gradually becoming Blacken.

Damn, look at me, what is acting.

This is acting.

It’s so fucking cool.

“I… promised you to be your girlfriend.”

“Okay… Now that you have chosen, don’t blame me… What did you say? What did you just say?”

Lin Qingyue walked carefully in front of Chen Fan, stretched out her hand and pulled Chen Fan’s clothes twice.

“I said, I promised to be your girlfriend.”

? ? ? ?


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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