Chapter 47 So, can it be changed? (Seeking support, third more)

Chapter 47 So, can it be changed? (Seeking support, third more)

The few people who saw the contents of the diary were silent.

Jin Lan is the most sensible. She actually wanted to kill Ye Aotian a long time ago, but if it were the world of novels, and the real protagonist died, then the world of novels would be completely over.

But Jinlan did not have too much contact with Chen Fan.

And this is not her character.

But after seeing Lin Qingyue’s initiative to try, Jin Lan had a guess. She felt that it was very likely that Lin Qingyue also had a diary.

Moreover, the plot has gradually changed.

No, it should be said about human design.

“Watch me the changes in Lin Qingyue.”


Jin Lan wanted to see if Lin Qingyue would have any accidents because of changing the plot.

And here after Chen Fan returned to the company, he began to slowly try to take over some of the company’s things.

There are many companies owned by my mother, and the company for Chen Fan is a medical center.

It is engaged in the production of traditional medicines and belongs to half of the state-owned enterprise industry. Not only that, but the benefits are considerable.

Moreover, new drugs are being studied recently.

The company is divided into two sections, one is the drug used by the general public, and the other is the production of cosmetics linked to beauty institutions.

It is a relatively stable company for Chen Fan’s mother.

The basic idea is that Chen Fan does not toss casually, and there is absolutely no possibility of the company going bankrupt.

The large and small files were brought over. Chen Fan couldn’t understand at all, but they still handed them to Zhu Yeqing.

Zhu Yeqing helped Chen Fan to organize it and check it with the supervisor, wherever it needs to be signed, just sign it.

If there is no need to sign, or if there is a dispute, let Chen Fan make the decision.

It doesn’t matter whether it is good or bad, and Chen Fan’s accidental decision will not lead to a decline in the company’s stock, etc.

After dealing with related matters, it is a meeting.

Most of the meetings are staff from the company to report back to their work, and Chen Fan just snoozes and plays games on the side.

The identity of the second generation of waste rich will naturally play well.

And this company, in the end, will actually go bankrupt.

After all, this is the first time the protagonist has tried to defeat the company. Chen Fan can only follow his mind and go down.

To put it bluntly, if you don’t slap yourself, how can the protagonist continue to sing?

Of course, there will be people in the company who look down on the protagonist, but this does not affect. There are more people who look down on Laozi. How old are you?

And here, Ye Aotian, who had just recovered, took the initiative to call Xiao Lan, and at noon, he invited Xiao Lan to have lunch.

“Thank you for telling me the news.”

Little Lanhua looked at Ye Aotian idiotically.

After all, Xiaolan is a free gift girl, and it’s normal to like the protagonist.

“It’s okay. I’m just worried about my boss. I still think you and my boss are more suitable.”

“Thank you for your encouragement. I won’t let you down. If your boss has any problems, remember to tell me that I will be very busy these two days. I need to sort out the affairs of Li Long Company.”

“Well, I will, come on.”

Ye Aotian smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth and said, “Don’t worry, I will let Chen Fan fall down soon.”

The corners of the slightly twisted mouth are so attractive.

Suddenly, Xiaolan ignored what Ye Aotian said.

Ye Aotian stretched out his hand, touched Xiaolan’s cheek, and said, “What’s wrong?”


Xiao Lan lowered her head and blushed, not daring to speak more.

“If there is nothing wrong, I will go back first, remember to keep in touch, this gift for you, I got it recently.”

A ring was handed to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan looked at the ring and said, “It’s too… expensive.”

“It’s okay, a ring with a beautiful woman is naturally a perfect match.”

“Then I will accept it, you must cheer.”

Ye Aotian nodded.

This is natural.

After parting with Xiaolan, Ye Aotian came to the nightclub, dragging the body that hadn’t recovered.

At this time, a group of people had been almost rectified by Ye Aotian.

With the help of the Ling family, Ye Aotian quickly gained a foothold in the nightclub. In fact, it was not that difficult to pay Li Long’s subordinates.

The value of force, plus money, and some sweetness given, naturally won.

Sitting in the nightclub, each person and him reported related work.

“Boss, there is a prescription here, which was given by Young Master Chen before, you see?”

I, Ye Aotian, will use Chen Fan’s medicine?

“No, this thing is just something in simple medical techniques. It’s nothing more than the physiotherapy of Chinese medicine, and I will do it too. I will give you new prescriptions at that time, which is definitely better than this.”

A group of subordinates instantly admired Ye Aotian.

Sure enough, those who have this method are not simple people.

“Let’s go back to entertaining things. You will continue to stabilize. When the time comes, my company is online, and I will divide the money for each of you. Don’t worry, this is what you promised.”

A group of people nodded.

“In the future, I will fight against Chen Fan. If you are afraid, you can leave now. I will divide the money for you according to the shares.”

Some people hesitated and worked with Chen Dashao, who didn’t know the identity of Chen Dashao.

Isn’t working with him the same as doing electric?

However, there are rumors that Ye Aotian seems to be related to Jin Lan.

“I also have companies overseas. If it’s just a matter of money, I think you don’t have to be afraid.”

“If it’s done, I’ve long seen that Young Master Chen displease my eyes.”

“Yes, follow the boss, we support you.”

“It’s only Young Master Chen, don’t be afraid.”

A group of people shouted.

Ye Aotian looked at his subordinates proudly, Chen Fan, your reputation is so bad.

Everyone wants to fight against you, what are you fighting against me?

Dare to touch my woman?

You wait for Laozi, and you see how Laozi will clean you up.

“Boss, what about the women of Li Long?”


Ye Aotian said: “They are all poor people, give some money, pass it away, if you are willing to stay, just stay, warn you, don’t threaten women, I hate men threatening women the most.”

Look at this is the pattern of the protagonist.


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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