Chapter 28 Sorry, I won’t lick you today (seeking support, eighth more)

Chapter 28 Sorry, I won’t lick you today (seeking support, eighth more)

There were feasting and feasting, some yelling, and some clamoring on the sidelines. Today, Zheng Qiang’s purpose of coming here is very simple.

It is purely for the sake of face and good consumption.

Chen Fan’s prescription has played a big role, and many customers have become fixed at present.

These people can have fun while their bodies are being adjusted, so they are naturally willing to spend more money.

There is no shortage of wealthy people in Qincheng. This city is destined to develop.

With her legs upturned, Jin Lan casually drank some foreign wine and ate some fruit, just watch the excitement.

At this time, Chen Fan was caught in the middle of the woman, with a cup each on the left and right, and began to drink.

The introduction of Chen Fan in the entire God of War novels actually still exists, and there is an invisible route.

Lin Qingyue and Ye Aotian’s relationship is part of the relationship, and the other part is the transformation of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan did lick the dog, but when Lin Qingyue and Ye Aotian were together, Chen Fan still licked the dog as always.

However, he would also contact other women, but for other women, most of them were just playing.

Moreover, the methods are relatively cruel. To put it bluntly, these women are not treated as human beings at all.

It’s just a tool for venting yourself.

However, Chen Fan still loves Lin Qingyue as always.

It’s just that love gradually deformed, and then it broke out, a story of hostility to the protagonist.

The basic Qincheng dungeon is finished, and there will be other big city dungeons later, and then there will be a larger pattern.

In short, Chen Fan will basically become Ye Aotian’s experience baby on his way to upgrade.

Otherwise, how can you live to the end?

Looked at Jin Lan next to him, and Li Long on one side.

Chen Fan sighed helplessly. It seemed that he had to start acting as the second generation of the gangster rich.

Otherwise, how can you be worthy of your identity as a villain?

Your hands are not idle, just touch it if you need to, don’t be persuaded.

It’s over.

“Oh, brother, you are good or bad.”

“Hahahaha, come and drink, I won’t be drunk or go home today.”

Li Long was very pleased to see that Chen Fan, as rumored, is a second-generation waste rich, and has always been relying on his family.

But there is nothing to be envious of, jealous, people are born well, no wonder.

In one, Chen Fan also has his own appetite, and the recipes he got are very useful.

He doesn’t believe that this prescription was researched by Chen Fan himself. If this is really researched by Chen Fan, wouldn’t it be a change? 》

What did Qincheng mix with? Just relying on this as a stepping stone, you can climb up in minutes.

Coupled with his father’s influence, it is not impossible that the future will be higher than his father’s status.

In fact, Li Long was afraid that Chen Fan would not play. As long as Chen Fan played, Li Long would be relieved. As long as he is a womanizer like himself, it is naturally okay.

As for Chen Fan’s licking of the dog, what about it? Which man doesn’t have a woman he particularly loves?

But Chen Fan status does not allow him to be single.

Jin Lan smiled and said, “Are you having fun?”

“Of course I’m happy, thank Sister Jin.”

Jin Lan said: “Why do I think you can’t let go? Why, are you still thinking about Lin Qingyue? Or do you mean?”

Damn it, f*ck, Laozi is like this, what do you want from me?

You don’t think I like you.

You are one of the heroines, what do I like you for?

Even if you have a great appetite for me, Laozi needs to complete the task.

Jin Lan smiled without saying a word, and said, “You few, who is there for the first time?”

A girl here quietly raised her hand.

Jin Lan looked at it and waved directly to let Li Long bring the cash.

Li Long gave the money to Jin Lan, and Jin Lan said: “Five thousand yuan, here you are, for a while, take him to the toilet.”

Chen Fan was stupid.

Fuck it.

Normally, if Chen Fan is not a traverser, but just the villain in the novel, then this story will definitely happen.

Chen Fan will go straight without saying a word.

But now, Chen Fan is a little bit awkward. The plot in front of him hasn’t appeared.

How many women did I slept with? It is written in the novel.

Those few people haven’t appeared yet.

“What’s the matter, dare not?”

Chen Fan said: “How come, I naturally wouldn’t be like this, but she doesn’t have my appetite, and I don’t like women who are too thin.”


Chen Fan almost roared out in his heart. If Laozi didn’t want to complete the plot, he would leave in minutes, believe it or not?

Who is afraid of who, I didn’t say what a good person I am.

Jin Lan was a little angry, tilted her legs, patted the table, and said, “Li Long, your shop doesn’t seem to work well.”

In an instant, Chen Fan woke up from the wine.

Li Long was shocked.

Damn, this woman is testing herself, letting herself sleep, the woman is fake, in fact she is trying to judge Li Long.

Chen Fan did not have any problems sleeping, because Jin Lan would find other excuses to pinch Li Long.

This is the method of the top leader.

At any time, there is a problem for the people below.

Only in this way, these people will be afraid of her, fear her.

“Uh… or else…”

Jin Lan said: “Remember the rules I told you. I don’t care when you open a casino. I don’t care about debt collection or anything. As long as I don’t kill me, I will try my best to give you the green light.”

“You are not allowed to touch that thing, am I right?”

Li Long and Zheng Qiang nodded solemnly.

This is an ironclad rule.

Three things, yellow, gambling and that thing.

You are allowed to play two, but the third is not allowed.

It can be considered to have continued to make money for the two.

“But you women haven’t done this level well. I’m very curious. Since Chen Fan said that he doesn’t like being too thin, then there is no good-looking one?”


This f*ck, Master Chen, what is your taste?

Li Long looked at Chen Fan, his eyes full of calls for help.

Chen Fan said helplessly: “If you can find Lin Qingyue, you can, but it’s obviously impossible.”

Li Long sighed, eldest brother, you can quickly state the conditions, if you don’t say anything, my f*ck will be scared to death by Jin Lan.

“Slightly fat, but it is not allowed to be very fat. How can the height be 1.75 meters. Remember, there must be places where there should be, um, looks, it must be very tall.”

This criterion should not be found.

“Yes… Young Master Li, really.”

? ? ? ? ?

Chen Fan and Jin Lan were stunned at the same time, both of them?


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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