Chapter 27 Are you all here to watch the show? (Seeking support, seventh more)

Chapter 27 Are you all here to watch the show? (Seeking support, seventh more)

Ling Yuyan looked at the diary in the office and fell into deep thought.

Jin Lan and Chen Fan go to the bar?

Isn’t it right, isn’t Jin Lan one of the heroines? Why did you go with the villain?

A hundred puzzled.

Could it be that tonight, there will be a story in the bar?

Ling Yuyan is also more concerned about her own affairs, because she wants to know that she hates Ye Aotian so much, and under what circumstances should she grow Ye Aotian’s cultivation.

The most important thing is that you will encounter Ye Aotian if you steal something yourself, how is this possible.

She didn’t steal Li Long’s things herself, she didn’t believe that she could meet Ye Aotian.

As long as this doesn’t happen, then I shouldn’t be one of the heroines.

As far as the current information is concerned, Ling Yuyan feels that she is one of the heroines very embarrassing and ashamed.

To assist a man like this, my damn, my old lady might as well take a scalpel and destroy myself.

So, tonight, is it a villain dating one of the heroines?

In other words, will Li Long really be killed by Ye Aotian?

At present, it is unrealistic. There are many bodyguards around Li Long, and Ling Yuyan knows that there are eight-rank masters around Li Long.

Ye Aotian’s ninth-rank stretched out hand was obviously not enough to look at.

So, how did you die?

Forget it, no matter what, go and see it at night, join in the fun, and see what happens.

At around eight o’clock in the evening, Chen Fan drove to the downstairs of Jinlan.

Jin Lan opened the door here, wearing the floral clothes she bought during the day, and sat directly in the passenger seat.

“Uh, leader, you are not behind?”

“No, be your car, there is no need to be in the back, you can’t protect me?”

“How is that possible? If my mother can kill me if I don’t protect you, I don’t dare to hurt you. Don’t worry, you are going to have an accident in a place where you are going to Li Long, unless Li Long doesn’t want to live anymore. ”

Puff, Jin Lan laughed, and said: “Then guess what, why am I going to the bar today.”

“I don’t know, I really can’t guess this.”

My damn thing is that you are too idle, you started to do it without your role.

“It was Li Long who invited me. I hope I will take a look, and Zheng Qiang also invited it.”

This guy is fine, the pattern is open.

“Reconciliation as before?”

Jin Lan nodded and said, “Yes, both sides have made money. Naturally, they can get along with each other in harmony, and they make more than before. There is no need to spend your mind on each other.”

“OK, fine.”

“I heard that Ye Aotian came back to find the orphanage. If he kills Li Long, do you think Qincheng will be in chaos?”

“It should be messy, it has nothing to do with us. Like I said, if Li Long is dead, there will be new people to replace him, and Li Long’s subordinates are not so sincere.”

In fact, in the original book, the reason why Ye Aotian was able to quickly gather Li Long’s forces was entirely because of his subordinates’ rebellion.

To put it bluntly, Li Long is not a good bird, this man has a drawback.

Belongs to Cao Cao.

The wives of many people under his hand were all touched by Li Long.

Naturally, it was the rebellion of the people under his hand that led to his final death.

But this has nothing to do with Chen Fan. Chen Fan’s role really started after Li Long died.

Ye Aotian had the capital to talk to himself, and he was on the table.

The car started and the two came to the door of the bar.

The bar is called Fragment, a bar with a literary taste, and this bar is a place where many stories happened afterwards.

The steps were specially repaired at the door.

The car stopped, Chen Fan and Jin Lan got out of the car.

A group of people ran out at the door. Chen Fan threw the key to the manager. Soon, Li Long ran over.

“Leader Jin, thank you for taking the time to come over during your busy schedule.”

“It doesn’t get in the way.”

“A special private room has been arranged for you.”

Jin Lan shook his head and said: “No, just come out to play, spend my own money, it is not a special behavior, there is no need to hide and tuck, find a good position.”

Li Long looked at Chen Fan with a look, you are awesome.

Chen Fan is the most stupid, fucking, you are sick, what do you think I am doing? You are going to die sooner or later.

Take care of me away, unlucky.

In fact, in the eyes of Li Long, he felt that Jin Lan and Chen Fan were probably in trouble. No one in Qincheng knew about Chen Fan’s wealth background.

Chen Fan’s mother’s business empire spreads all over the world.

Chen Fan’s mother is a high-ranking official, the kind of outrageous tall.

The children under this combination are naturally pampered by thousands of people.

Jin Lan climbed up step by step by means, but eventually he would stop at a certain level and couldn’t go up anymore.

But Chen Fan is different, the future is immeasurable.

It is the best to get closer to Chen Fan now.

At the invitation of Li Long nodded and bowed, Chen Fan and Jin Lan walked in.

As soon as he entered the bar, he was a little bit overwhelmed by the music. Chen Fan looked at Jin Lan next to him, but Jin Lan was very indifferent.

Sure enough, it’s a big brother, bull.

In the special circular area deck, Chen Fan and Jin Lan sat in the middle, and soon, a variety of good wines were put up.

“Have you had dinner?”

Chen Fan shook his head and Jin Lan said, “Get some snacks. Drink some wine later. I guess I will have a lot of drinks tonight.”

Chen Fan naturally understood and nodded in agreement.

After a while, Zheng Qiang also came and sat on the deck.

Around the deck, surrounded by a group of people standing to protect.

Li Long can’t let Jin Lan have an accident, and in the same way, Zheng Qiang can’t have an accident.

But the most important thing is that Chen Fan can’t have an accident.

Jin Lan waved and said, “No girl?”

Jin Lan and Zheng Qiang looked at Jin Lan’s leader, and then at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan said: “Leader, you are the most beautiful, where do you need other vulgar fans.”

“I? Really? Give you another chance, call it a girl? Think it over.”

“Call… more.”


Everyone in the deck laughed.

Li Long snapped his fingers and waved.

Soon, some girls sat on the deck one after another.

Zheng Qiang also arranged one for him, but most of them stayed with Chen Fan.

Jin Lan said: “If you drink a lot of Chen Fan today, you can ask Li Long for money.”

Chen Fan raised his head, the plot was familiar, he had seen it.

Fuck, sitting here normally is the protagonist, damn.


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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