Chapter 29 Undercover personnel are online (seeking support, first update)

Chapter 29 Undercover personnel are online (seeking support, first update)

The conditions that Chen Fan said are actually very difficult, because Chen Fan said these. In summary, you must be in good shape, and you must be slightly fat when in good shape.

To put it bluntly, this is the one in a million.

In fact, Chen Fan said according to Jin Lan’s figure, of course it has been slightly enlarged.

A girl with a size of 1.75 meters is hard to find, let alone fit this figure.

So after Chen Fan finished speaking, Jin Lan appreciated it very much.

Because she felt that Chen Fan understood what she meant.

Jin Lan is not a boring person watching the excitement. When she comes here, her core purpose is to beat Li Long, only when she hears Li Long say yes.

Really surprised.

Chen Fan and Jin Lan exchanged glances.

Chen Fan took out his hand and pushed the two women beside him away.

Beckoned them to go aside.

Chen Fan leaned beside Jin Lan.

“All of this?”

“The conditions you mentioned are indeed very harsh, yes, you are beginning to feel like means, I thought you were addicted to the two women around you.”

“How is it possible, tease them, with Lin Qingyue, I look down on ordinary women, tease them, leader, who do you think it will be?”

“Do you think it’s reliable to be such an excellent woman here to accompany you?”

This is naturally unreliable, all fools know, this figure, with a random face of forty to fifty thousand, is a top celebrity.

Li Long picked up the phone and sent a message.

Soon, I got a reply.

The other party said yes.

Li Long put down his mobile phone and said, “This woman is Qincheng who just came today. She just happened to open a beauty shop, and then she happened to have a little cooperation with me, so she added a friend.”

Beauty shop, Qincheng?

Chen Fan instantly knew who it was.

Damn, sure enough, the plot still went wrong.

This woman, Chen Fan knows who it is.

Damn, this girl is here to be an undercover.

One of the heroines has been lurking by her side.

She did not have a relationship with the protagonist, she just hoped that the Chen family would fall completely.

So I am willing to become Chen Fan’s lover.

Finally, when Chen Fan died, he also chose to commit suicide.

Revenge for a lifetime.

Basically all kinds of news were delivered by her.

It’s one of the hard-working women in the book.

In short, as long as the woman in the book is with the protagonist, she is happy, but as long as she is with Chen Fan, she must be struggling.

Why did this girl come out early?

Forget it, I don’t bother to care about it, since it’s her, it’s okay.

“you know?”

“No, I just saw some people and things, and I suddenly felt emotional.”


Jin Lan didn’t reveal it, she probably guessed that this woman is 80% of the heroines, but she doesn’t know what exactly this woman is.

The woman quickly drove to the bar.

Wearing a dark blue tight-fitting dress, it wraps her body very well.

But the figure that has been engaged in yoga and fitness for a long time is still displayed in front of everyone.

It’s awesome, it really fits the look of the woman Chen Fan said.

His beautiful long hair was casually coiled.

After seeing Chen Fan, he took the initiative to reach out and shake hands with Chen Fan.

“Hello, Master Chen.”


“Introduce me, my name is Zhu Yeqing. I didn’t expect that I would be lucky enough to meet Master Chen you today.”

“I’m also very lucky, sit down, sit on my side.”

Sitting beside Chen Fan, Zhu Yeqing did not raise his legs, but took the initiative to pour wine for Chen Fan.

Jin Lan keenly noticed something wrong, this woman has a problem, a big problem.

When a normal woman hears Chen Fan’s name, it is too late to dodge.

If it comes with money, it will be 100% proactive.

But this woman is very good at the scale.

Jin Lan said in Chen Fan’s ear: “Women are very good, but remember, be careful.”

“I know, thank Sister Jin, I know it in my heart.”

Chen Fan was too happy in his heart. Finally, a helper for the protagonist came. Damn, now I feel that the protagonist is so miserable.

I have to take care of myself.

It’s really troublesome.

But with the emergence of Zhu Yeqing, Chen Fan thought, this way, the protagonist should deal with himself smoothly in the future.

This f*ck, Laozi is surrounded by undercover agents. If you are still a trash, you can find a place to bury yourself.

It’s hopeless, let’s die.

At this time, Lin Qingyue had been looking at Chen Fan the whole time, and found that a new woman had appeared. Then she looked down at herself and knocked on the bar very annoyed.

I went to drink my own fruit wine.

“Unexpectedly, we met again.”

Ye Aotian appeared in front of Lin Qingyue again.

This made Lin Qingyue very annoyed.

“If you see it again, I think it’s better to call the police.”

“Call the police? I didn’t follow you. I have my own business here. Or, I would buy you a drink?”

“No, thank you.”

After finishing speaking, Lin Qingyue directly changed a position to sit.

She really didn’t want to come into contact with this stupid protagonist, and now every time she saw it, she felt angry.

Especially after Chen Fan complained, she felt even more that if she knew the author, she must kill that guy.

However, Ye Aotian was not a person who gave up, and took the initiative to move forward.

Soon, two people appeared in front of Lin Qingyue.

“Please don’t get close to Missy.”

Ye Aotian looked at Chen Fan in the distance, and then at Lin Qingyue here, but didn’t get angry.

“I know, Chen Fan threatened you, it’s okay, I’m not afraid of Chen Fan, trust me.”

“You have a head disease, are you? You were beaten during the day, and you still don’t know what’s going on?”

“how do you know?”

“I know it naturally, because I found someone to beat you.”


Ye Aotian took a sip of foreign wine and smiled presumptuously.

This looks silly to Lin Qingyue.

“It’s okay, I know, you said you did it to prevent me from getting trouble with Chen Fan. I’m afraid that something will happen to me. Don’t worry, I know that you won’t hurt me.”

I f*ck.

You fucking.

Is this guy the protagonist?

What kind of guy came out of the neurological hospital?

“Since I don’t believe it, I’ll hit you again. These two are my bodyguards. Let’s do it and throw Ye Aotian out.”


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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