He couldn't hold back anymore.

With both hands pinched, he intends to summon a small worm and sneak in.

Go and find out what's going on inside the cave.

But he hadn't had time to strike yet.

I saw the entrance to the cave.

Lin Xingyun was already holding Su and dancing lightly, and walked out.

It's just that at this time, Su Qianwu is sleeping soundly.

Her face was crimson, and her face and pink neck were covered with sweat.

A hair that was draped in a mess.

Wrapped tightly by that set of true golden robes.

But it's just a random roll.

It seems that he is tired and falls asleep.


Little dance..." "Little dance——————!

Tang Yu roared wildly in his heart.

His eyes were red, and his teeth were about to be crushed.

No matter how much he has illusions.

See this scene.

He couldn't hold back at all!

However, he clenched his fists and forced himself to calm down.

I didn't dare to approach for half a minute.

And Lin Xingyun's side.


Lin Xingyun let out a turbid breath.

The face is refreshed.

In this cave, there is an ice and fire pond that can help people further temper their flesh.

It was that way, belonging to Tang Yu's chance.

Before he entered the fairyland, he saw that he naturally had to cut off his beard.

But just now, as soon as he entered the cave.

When he saw the scene of extremely cold and heat in the ice and fire pond.

There was a faint guess.

If at the beginning, there is no appearance of its own.

Tang Yu will definitely come here and quench his body with the Ice and Fire Xuanchi.

And he is likely to take Su to dance lightly and quench his body together.

And then follow the trend and something happens.

When I think of this possibility....

It was difficult for him to restrain himself.

His own Cao thief is good!

Immediately let Zhao Hanyi sisters stay outside.

He pulled Su to dance lightly and entered the Ice and Fire Xuanchi.

Start practicing your sword directly.

After waiting for Su to dance lightly and become delirious .

He used the Immortal Devouring Demon Skill.

Swallow up the entire Ice and Fire Xuan Pond!

Although the villain value is only added by 3000.

But his physical body is even stronger.

The mood is also much happier!


"The host makes the child of destiny mentality explode, and the reward villain is worth 30,000!"

At this time, the system prompt suddenly sounded.

"Huh? Is Tang Yu nearby?

Lin Xingyun raised his eyebrows, and then revealed an evil smile.

He knew that before he captured the Tianji Town Demon Tower, he could not kill Tang Yu.

Moreover, he is still in the cave behind him.

Left a gift for Tang Yu!

At this time, if you go to chase and kill Tang Yu, drive him away.

Wouldn't you waste your heart?

So he intends to keep quiet.

"Let's go, let's go treasure hunt elsewhere."

Lin Xingyun naturally said to Sister Zhao Hanyi.

At this time, Tang Yu was still hiding behind the distant mountain rocks.

Secretly wait and see.

When he saw the two women, he threw a tantrum at Lin Xingyun.

He was hugged by Lin Xingyun again, and kissed him for a long time.

Then he stuck to him again and left northwest.

"Little dance..."

"Lin-star-cloud ——!"

Watching Su Qianwu, he was taken away by Lin Xingyun again.

The anger surging in his heart.

It's not already one more look, it will explode.

But a little closer, it will melt!

After the four people were completely gone.

He just punched fiercely and shattered the mountain rock in front of him!

"Lin Xingyun........."

"Dead ————!"

"This hatred and hatred, draw out your divine soul, and torture for millions of years!"

He desperately lowered his voice and roared non-stop.

It took a long time before he calmed down.

Then he quickly went to the cave.

He had a premonition that this cave had his own chance.

Lin Xingyun came out of it and strengthened his thoughts.

"Perhaps the big head of chance has been taken away by him."

"But there are some hidden opportunities left, which he has not discovered, and maybe not."

With this in mind, he went into the cave.

But only in it, found an empty deep pit.

There was still a little cold and burning breath inside.

"This breath is very extraordinary, and it must be emitted by a rare heavenly material and earth treasure."

"But now there's nothing left..."

"Damn beasts! Why does he have to rob everything?!

"These should have been mine... It's mine! He

grew more and more furious.

But suddenly at a glance, in the deep pit, I saw something.


He reached out and grabbed it, and he took the thing out in the air.

When he got it in his hand, he found that it was a pair of pink stockings.

There is still a slight fragrance left on it.

But this pair of stockings was torn to pieces.

It's hard to see what usage is.

"This... Is this..." "

Is it... Is it worn by Xiao Wu? She... She..."

he held it in his hand and looked at it blankly.

In my mind, it has naturally surfaced.

Lin Xingyun just now, how to treat Su Qianwu savagely like a beast.

Thinking again, I have been for so many years.

Because of pity Su Qianwu, she is still young.

I haven't been willing to touch her....

"Ahem... Ahem——! He

was so angry and remorseful that he almost wanted to vomit blood!

Clutching the torn socks in his hand.

I haven't slowed down for a long time.

After the mood was greatly stimulated again.

It gave Lin Xingyun a 20,000 villain value at once.

However, after all, he is the reincarnation of the Great Emperor, and no matter how chaotic his mind is, the Dao heart is still not easy to break.

After finally calming down, he immediately took out the transmission note.

"Senior Brother Song, I'm Tang Yu."

"I'm tired of you coming over, take me with you... Enter the core area!

"In exchange, I have treasures to give..."

His face was already resentful to the extreme.

In the core area, there are Divine Fire Realm demon beasts.

He alone broke in, the danger was too great.

He needs to get into the core area early and be ready.

At that time, let the ancient immortal beast recognize the master, and then use the power of the immortal beast to kill Lin Xingyun!

"Lin Xingyun! I swear to kill you! After

Tang Yu transmitted the message.

His eyes were blood-red, and he roared angrily.



Three days later, at night.

The deepest part of the core area of Wonderland.

In the midst of a vast turquoise lake, there is an island in the center of the lake.

In the center of the lake, the island is entrenched with a towering peach tree.

The peach tree always exudes a misty rhyme, and among the branches and vines, countless spiritual energy spills out.

Thirty-three peach that is about to ripen are already blooming in the branches.

At this time, on the island, there was a bloody atmosphere.

Originally, the guardian demon beasts on the island had long been killed by the true disciples of Xianwu Peak, Saint Ru Peak, and Wei Dao Peak who came here.

The demon crystals and corpses have all been divided.

Since there is still one hour left, the peach will ripen.

The disciple of the Three Peaks True Transmission was meditating and waiting under the peach tree.

"Then it's decided!"

"My Xianwu Peak will be divided into nineteen peaches, and you two peaks will each get seven peaches."

In the Xianwu Peak camp, a thin man from the early stage of the Divine Fire Realm said with a smile.

"I'm okay with that."

"Me too."

The first true legend of Saint Rufeng and Wei Daofeng, he agreed expressionlessly.

Although they are secretly unhappy, they have no choice but to be stronger than people.

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