The other party has two Saint Son-level figures, and both of them are Divine Fire Realm Perfection cultivators.

They can't fight if they want to.

Now it's just that it's not good to tear their faces, so they are given some peaches.

"By the way, I met the sword son of Qianjian Peak before, and the three Jurchens."

"I found that Zhao Hanyi seems to have broken through the late stage of Divine Fire in the fairyland."

"If she comes here to fight, do you want to divide her?"

Kong Liang, the first true transmission of Saint Rufeng, suddenly questioned.


Song Zhao of Xianwu Peak listened, and seemed unable to directly decide.

Turning around and asking the rear, the two red-robed men meditating.

"Ask the two holy sons to decide, do you think it should be..."

"Ask Jianfeng, not give a single one!"

Lu Ming, one of the two holy sons, said coldly without turning his head.

"Zhao Hanyi, that slut!"

"If she really comes today, unless she begs me in public, she won't even think about this enlightened peach!"

Lu Min said with a grim face.

He had longed for Zhao Hanyi for many years, and after he was canonized as a holy son, he was full of spirit.

I went to find Zhao Hanyi and wanted to marry her.

The result was directly rejected by the other party!

He has always held a grudge against the matter.

Especially recently, he heard that the other party had hooked up with a new little sword.

It made him jealous and inexplicable!

"Junior Brother, don't gaffe."

"It's just a woman, don't make people laugh."

Beside Lu Ming, another holy son Chu Yu closed his eyes and said indifferently.

"Or concentrate on pranayama, and when the enlightenment peach is removed, you and I will go to the bottom of this lake and explore the ancient immortal beast."

"Senior brother, are you really going?"

"Master Venerable forbids us to alarm that immortal beast."

Lu Ming's face showed hesitation.

After all, the last time the Queen Mother Wonderland opened, there was a holy son who had completed the Divine Fire Realm, ignoring the warning, to try to make that immortal beast recognize the lord.

In the end, it was too late to escape, and he was killed at the bottom of the lake..........

After that, he Lu Min filled the position of the Holy Son.

"Junior Brother, that immortal beast is limited by this small world, and the realm is only complete in the Divine Fire Realm at most, even if it is stronger than us, it is also limited."

"You and I join forces, even if we can't let it confess the Lord, it will not be a problem to escape."

"The so-called wealth is in danger, the bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish!"

"Although you and I are already holy sons, if we want to compete with those demon Tianjiao outside in the future, I am afraid that we will not be able to go further."

Chu Yu still closed his eyes and followed the seductive path.

"That's it, then I will accompany Senior Brother to you this time."

When the two holy sons talked, they did not hide anything in the slightest.

Don't take the other people present in your eyes at all.

And the true legend of the other two peaks, the highest cultivation is only in the late stage of the Divine Fire Realm, and he really does not have the courage to go to the bottom of the lake to explore the secrets.

However, in the Xianwu Peak camp, Tang Yu was sitting in the far corner, his face gloomy.

At this time, the island is full of true legends of the peaks of the Divine Fire Realm.

He is a Yuan Mansion realm complete, and he seems out of place here.

However, he snorted secretly and coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

"Two hairy boys, with no long objects, still want the fairy beast to recognize the master?"

"Do you deserve it?"

At this time, he had already thought about it, just wait for these two holy sons to meet their heads first, break the blood flow, and even bury themselves at the bottom of the lake.

Sneak in again and come later.

When everyone has their own thoughts.

A quarter of an hour later.

Four figures slowly came and stepped on the island in the center of the lake.

"Oh? That's it. Seeing

this, Song Zhao took the lead in stepping forward very dog-leggedly, and smiled mockingly at Zhao Hanyi.

"Zhao Zhenchuan is polite."

"Just now, our Holy Son said that if Zhao Zhenchuan came for the sake of enlightenment, he only needed to ask in public..."

However, he did not wait for Song Zhao to finish speaking.

Lin Xingyun walked to the forefront and said aloud to everyone.

"Give you a fragrant time to leave the island, or you will bear the consequences."

Lin Xingyun's tone was calm.

As if this is a thing, a matter of course.

However, the disciples of the three peaks were all stunned in place.

Even the two holy sons couldn't help but turn around and look at Lin Xingyun with a deep frown.

On everyone's head, there are big question marks.

Then there is the nameless anger, burning the heart!

"What kind of person is this???

"His cultivation ... Yuanfu realm is complete?

"A Yuanfu Realm dares to speak to us like that!"

"Senior brother, he just asked Jianfeng, that new sword son!"

"Huh? He is the disciple in charge and the second young master of the Lin family?! "

The disciples in charge can't be so domineering, right? Come out and mess around with the background like this?!

"Fairy land, it is said that each of them competes according to their skills, everyone don't give in, Master Venerable will support us at that time!"

"Jianzi, don't go too far, there are so many of us, do you want to swallow the Dao Peach alone?"

Song Zhao was already ugly, and said with a livid face, but he did not dare to make a rash move.

But he also released a bit of divine fire realm coercion, wanting Lin Xingyun to retreat.

Seeing this, Zhao Hanyi just wanted to step forward to resist.

Lin Xingyun waved his robe sleeve and asked her to step back.

Then he flipped his left hand, and the Tiangang sword box was already in his palm.

"Huh? You..."

Song Zhao couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

But when he perceives danger.

Thirty-six lapis gold sword grasses have burst out!

"Not good!"

Song Zhao's back was cold, and he didn't have time to take more precautions, so he had to instantly summon the Essence God Fire Protective Body.

However, those sword grasses, every one of them is sharp.

Just two couldn't breathe, and they broke through his Origin Divine Fire!

Except for penetrating all four of his limbs.

Also on his mouth, a deep wound was cut!


Song Zhao then fell to the ground, wailing in pain.

The screams immediately resounded throughout the island in the center of the lake.

And everyone in the three peaks, seeing this scene, couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

I didn't understand at all, Lin Xingyun actually dared to make a violent move!

And just by looking at the face, he crippled Song Zhao in the early stage of the Divine Fire!

"Then let me be blunt, let you guys roll, understand?"

Lin Xingyun stepped on Song Zhao.

While stepping on his ribs, he said expressionlessly, and then looked at the two red-robed holy sons in the Xianwu Peak camp.

"You just let him bark?"

"Nebula..." Zhao

Hanyi behind him was already moved.

But she looked at Xianwu Feng, the two Holy Sons of the Divine Fire Realm Perfection.

Having provoked such a strong enemy, she was a little uneasy for a while.

However, she still chose to believe Lin Xingyun.

In case she is defeated by then, she also plans to do her best to protect Lin Xingyun and escape.

"Boy, you're so presumptuous! People who dare to hurt my Xianwu Peak!

Lu Ming's eyes were cold, and he flicked it casually.

A tiny divine fire struck towards Lin Xingyun.

This divine fire seems insignificant.

But if Jiang Nan and the other four true messengers came to pick them up, the four of them would be burned and seriously injured in an instant!

Lin Xingyun pinched the sword technique, controlled the thirty-six sword grasses, and bombarded the divine fire in unison.

The two sides confronted each other for a few breaths.

After all, the divine fire was still extinguished by the sword grass and dissipated in midair.

But those strengthened sword grasses, after crippled Song Zhao, also consumed a lot, and at this time, they were all burned and worn out.


"The Yuanfu Realm, can you break a divine fire of mine?"

"Sure enough, as rumored, the combat power is not bad..."

Lu Min showed a look of surprise, and then ordered the other three true legends of Xianwu Peak.

"Go, teach them some lessons, I'll take care of something!"

"Just now Song Zhao was too careless, don't capsize."

"Yes, Holy Son!"

The three true legends of the late Divine Fire Realm, although they were very afraid of Lin Xingyun's identity.

But this holy son in front of him is not easy to mess with, and he is extremely powerful in Xianwu Peak, so they have to respectfully accept the promise.

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