The two peak masters said angrily.

The other party was so arrogant and arrogant, they couldn't bear it, and immediately each took out five quasi-emperor pills.

"Okay, then we'll see."

As soon as Liu Xinyan waved his sleeve robe, he ordered Zhao Hanyi to lead the team and officially enter the fairyland.

Lin Xingyun was at the forefront of the team and stepped into the giant gate.

I saw the surrounding scenery, and it changed abruptly.

When I stood still again, it was already another vast and boundless world.

The surrounding spiritual fog, strange stones and flowers and grasses, quite like the charm of the world's fairy mountains.

When everyone entered the fairyland, Zhao Hanyi turned back to everyone and instructed.

"Junior brothers and sisters, I repeat it again."

"The Queen Mother's Wonderland is divided into an outer zone, an inner zone, and a core area."

"In the outer area, only the original Yuanfu Realm demon beasts exist, and the danger is small."

"In the inner area, there is the activity of the Cave Heaven Realm demon beasts."

"Do what you can, not across regions."

"Take the notes and help each other when you have something."

"Seven days later, in the afternoon, the entrance to Wonderland is closed, everyone remember to return early."

"Yes! Master sister! All

the disciples responded.

Then they scattered and looked for their chances.

Lin Xingyun, on the other hand, walked straight towards her and proposed.

"Let's go, let's go directly to the core area."

"No hurry, every time the fairy realm opens, the enlightened peach will not ripen until the son of the seventh day."

"Go too early, you may encounter the siege of the Divine Fire Realm demon beasts."

"We are weak, let's let the people of the other three peaks explore the way first."

Zhao Hanyi explained coquettishly.

I couldn't help but let out a long sigh and glanced helplessly at Lin Xingyun.

"Xingyun, you just proposed to Master Chuanyin to make her make that ridiculous gambling contract, right?"

"What are you going to do?"

Just now, she was also shocked when she saw Liu Xinyan make that kind of gambling contract.

I can't figure it out at all, Lin Xingyun and his master, what is this trying to do?

With the strength they asked Jianfeng now, how could he possibly win so many enlightenment peach?

"How? Take it directly.

"Whoever dares to fight with us, defeat him."

Lin Xingyun said naturally.

This is the confidence that Genshen Quan brings him!

"Crush?! You..."

"How to fight?" Don't you know their cultivation?!

Zhao Hanyi frowned when she heard this, and she was speechless to this younger brother.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Lin Xingyun waved his hand, still light and breezy.

"Let's not talk about that, since there are still seven days left."

"You come with me, I'll find a place first to teach you to practice swords..." Lin

Xingyun smiled, and took Zhao Hanyi's jade hand.

Now in the secret realm, Liu Xinyan is also beyond his reach.

If you can get the origin of the [Treasure Body], the problem of multiple Yuan Mansions may have a new turnaround.

However, he just got involved.

Zhao Hanyi showed panic on his face and gently pushed him back.

"Don't... Don't do this! "

Division... Master, in order to guard against you, give me... There was a ban..."

"What if you... If you mess around... It's going to hurt..."

Zhao Hanyi blushed and explained hesitantly.

"Huh? No way?

"A decent gentleman like me, she is also guarded?!"

Lin Xingyun frowned.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat Liu Xinyan.

He had to teach this senior sister some life principles.

"Boom! You are still a decent gentleman..."

"If the Saint Ru Peak Lord hears it, I have to fight with you."

Zhao Hanyi was angry and funny.

He poked Lin Xingyun's forehead with his index finger.

"Young Lord and Young Lord, people are not banned!"

"How do you want to mess around... As you like..."

Zhao Binglan pasted it in time and smiled at Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun glanced at Zhao Binglan's petite body.

Well, the skin is also fair, and the face is also very good-looking.

But the figure does not have any ups and downs, and it is estimated that it will hurt to rub.

"Forget it, let's go find an opportunity first."

"There are so many treasures here, don't waste it."

Lin Xingyun smiled and patted her head.

Zhao Binglan's cheeks bulged with anger.

But when Lin Xingyun took her little hand, she still obediently, relying on her physical characteristics, pulled Lin Xingyun to find the treasure she sensed.

Zhao Hanyi and Su Qianwu immediately followed, without leaving Lin Xingyun at all.

The four of them searched for treasure all the way and went all the way to the inner area.



Three days later, the inner area was in a dense jungle.

Tang Yu was hunting a demon beast.

It was an untransformed green python, and its strength was comparable to that of a cultivator in the early stage of the Cave Heaven Realm.

At this time, although Tang Yu had only reached the Yuanfu Realm, he had not long been consummated.

But he has rich combat experience and many methods, and it is difficult to distinguish between fighting with monsters and beasts.

I saw that he raised his hand and pinched the trick, constantly releasing bundles of immortal gold nets, slowing down the movement of the earth green python.

After the fight was almost the same.

He drank violently and mobilized his spiritual power.

"Tianluo Fa, bury the soul demon monster!"

A dark green worm was summoned by him and rushed straight towards the head of the green python.

In the end, the blue python was killed and fell to the ground.

Tang Yu immediately stepped forward and skillfully took snake bile and demon crystal.

"It's not enough."

"The demon crystal helps me enhance my cultivation, I have to hunt more!"

Tang Yu put away the loot, and his eyes once again showed a fierce color.

The elixir treasures in the outer area, he couldn't see it very much.

He broke into the inner area first.

In the past three days, he collected heavenly materials and earth treasures and hunted demon beasts all the way.

It's already a lot of gains.

But there was one thing that made him feel quite strange.

The day before yesterday he passed a cliff.

Suddenly, my heart was blessed and I felt the existence of organic circumstances.

I went to check, but I only saw a stump of the plant.

With his experience, he instantly recognized that it was the stub of Van Jin Ganoderma lucidum, and the age was probably more than three thousand years.

But I don't know who took it away.

In his heart, a strange sense of loss suddenly arose.

It was as if that Ganoderma lucidum should have been his own............

"I don't want to, I have to search for the treasures in the inner area as soon as possible."

"Then try to enter the core area and find that ancient immortal beast!"

He didn't think much about it and kept going.

It wasn't long before he found a cave.

That cave, even if a mortal of the world looks at it, knows that it is extremely special.

Because outside the cave, there is a virtual shadow of the goddess, dancing in mid-air, and colorful flowers raining down!

But when Tang Yu saw it, he immediately exerted his breath and hid his breath.

Hiding behind a rock wall on the side, watching from afar.

Because at the entrance of the cave, Zhao Hanyi and the sisters were sharing the loot there.

In front of the two people, the ground was full of colorful treasures.

There are elixirs, demon crystals, and divine materials, there are hundreds of pieces!

Most of them were found by Zhao Binglan by relying on the guidance of physique.

"Sister, you can pick at will, don't be polite with me!"

"Huh? Binglan, why did you become so generous?

"You're my own sister! It's not cheap for you, when that fox spirit comes out later, is it cheap for her?

"Hmph! Just think about it, and I don't know how much the young lord will divide her.

"Alas, I'm afraid you think too much, with Xingyun's family background, I really want to give Su Qianwu treasures, and I don't care about you..."

"Why are they in there..." "

The two of us... You have to guard the door here!

"Don't say it! Be careful to let people hear, shame to death..."

"Oh sister! You're just so ashamed!

"You were poisoned by that [Purple Desire Demon Flower] before, why did you eat the antidote pill?" Let the young master use his body to help you detoxify, don't we have to stare here?

"But... But I have a ban on me! Nebula will hurt!

"Oh, sister, you're really... Why are you still like a child? You asked him to help you solve it in a different way!

The Zhao Hanyi sisters chatted, their faces were blushing, but the more they chatted, the more energetic they became.

Tang Yu hid far away, and when he heard the conversation between the two, layers of cold sweat suddenly oozed from his forehead.

"Could it be that Lin Xingyun... And Xiao Wu..."

In that cave?"

"They're inside ... Do what?! In

his heart, an endless sense of foreboding suddenly appeared!

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