"You three peak masters, manage so widely?"

"What are you guys? Also worthy of relying on the old and selling the old in front of me? "

The quasi-emperor is in my Lin family, and he is just an elder."

"Except for my master and senior sister, no one in the Yaochi Holy Land is qualified to teach me a lesson!"

Lin Xingyun came down with a word.

Behind him asked everyone at Jianfeng.

They were already stunned.

Yes, they know that their sword son is crazy, very crazy.

But I didn't expect him to be crazy like this!

Dare to scare three quasi-emperor-level powerhouses in public.

Or the three peak masters............

It's all crazy for him!

Liu Xinyan was also stunned for a while.

But looking at Lin Xingyun, he looked like he was flying and empty-eyed.

She only felt that the more she looked, the more her face blushed and her heart jumped.

Only then did she suddenly remember.

My own junior brother also has a big background!

Don't look at him, he is only the second young master of the Lin family now.

But his fiancé Lin Feng did not know whether he was alive or dead at this time.

If he dies, he will die.

Then his junior brother is the only young master of the Lin family.

This is the moment.

She even had some, hoping that Lin Feng would die early!

"How can it make sense! Kid is arrogant!

"It's presumptuous! Dare to disrespect the elders so much!

"Your Changsheng Lin family, is it such a family style?"

"The old man also has some friendship with many elders of your Lin family, you are so disrespectful to the elders, I am afraid they will not indulge you!"

The two peak masters of Saint Ru Peak and Qing Dao Peak were immediately glared at by the anger.

When they all drank and reprimanded.

The quasi-emperor coercion also released a little.

Seeing this, Liu Xinyan quickly protected Lin Xingyun behind him.

Resist all coercion for him.

Yang Zhi's face was gloomy and he fell silent.

The Changsheng Lin family is indeed not something that their three quasi-emperors can mess with.

But this kid..........

He had been cultivating for so long, and he had never seen such an arrogant person!

"How? Are you not convinced?

"I'm afraid you don't know, I'll mention it more."

"When I was at home, the one who loved me the most was the fourteen ancestors of my family."

"She treats me as her own, and I came to Yaochi, which is what she recommends."

"If you are not afraid of death, you can continue to exert coercion."

Lin Xingyun did not back down and said with a sneer.

"Fourteen ancestors?"

"The Lin family... Fourteen ancestors..."

The two peak masters showed memories and thoughts.

"Is it her?!"

"It was once... That female emperor who preached with killing?! Not

long after, the two suddenly remembered at the same time.

Then instantly converge all the coercion.

Covered in cold sweat, he closed his mouth....

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun continued to ridicule and laugh.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"To be honest, I still like to see you guys at the beginning, the way you are unruly."

"Two peak masters, you can recover a bit."

However, at this time, the two old peak masters were both dark-faced.

staring at Lin Xingyun, his expression was indescribably suffocated.

I was stunned for a while, and I didn't dare to return the favor!

If it were an ordinary Yuanfu Realm disciple.

At this time, they can kill each other with one look.

But on the other side, the idea is too hard.

If it weren't for the inappropriate occasion, they would even want to escape.

Shame today, but a big loss!

And Liu Xinyan saw their ugly appearance.

My heart is already flying!

She couldn't help but rejoice and threw a wink at Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun also winked at her in tacit understanding.

"Okay, junior brother, don't freak out these old people."

"Go into Wonderland, pay attention to safety."

Liu Xinyan deliberately said loudly.

Immediately secretly transmitted a message to Lin Xingyun.

"Well done!"

"Wait for you to come out, Senior Sister will give you a reward!"

Lin Xingyun was stunned.

Although some expectations.

But first leaned into Liu Xinyan's ear and transmitted the voice.

"Senior sister, let's not mention the reward first."

"I still have a plan, you listen to me..." After

Liu Xinyan listened, she couldn't help but look at him deeply.

But look at his look, full of confidence.

Liu Xinyan did not hesitate.

Or decided to believe him.

Immediately proposed to the three peak masters.

"Three peak masters, I asked Jianfeng, it is difficult to find such a handsome talent as junior brother."

"This is his first experience in our Yaochi Holy Land."

"Why don't we make a bet for him and see how he is doing?"

Yang Zhi's face turned different and questioned.

"I don't know Lord Liu Feng, how do you want to bet?"

"Just bet on him, how many enlightenment peach can get."

"I bet, thirty-three!"

Liu Xinyan did not hesitate and directly affirmed.

Yang Zhi and the three suddenly frowned.

"Lord Liu Feng, what do you mean... The enlightened peach in this fairyland will be completely covered by him alone?

"This is ridiculous, in the fairyland, there are many true legends of the Divine Fire Realm, as well as the two holy sons of my peak."

"Although your family's swordsmen are very talented, how can you snatch the Dao Peach from them?"

Yang Zhi questioned, wondering if this woman was crazy.

Which one is this?

The other two peak lords also showed contempt.

But he was afraid of Lin Rong's murderous name and did not dare to open his mouth to mock.

However, the three hesitated.

Liu Xinyan flipped his hand.

Take out a piece of shining fairy material.

Said without changing his face.

"That's the bet."

Yang Zhi and the three immediately shrank their pupils.

"Vientiane Immortal Gold?!"

"You actually gambled with it?!"

All three were surprised.

This is enough to cast quasi-emperor soldiers, or even immortal materials for great emperor soldiers!

To take out such a treasure for such a ridiculous gamble?

They couldn't help but feel.

Is Liu Xinyan suffering from some serious brain disease?

"Ahem... Ahem..."

"Since Lord Liu Feng has this Yaxing, I am happy to accompany you."

Yang Zhi reacted the fastest and immediately agreed.

Then Pi Xiaorou said without smiling.

"I bet on the sword, and I can't get a single enlightenment peach."

"But don't care about the sword, I don't mean anything else."

"I also participated, just like Lord Yang Feng, betting that he can't get the Enlightenment Peach."

"Me too!"

"At that time, if the three of us win, Vientiane Immortal Gold will be divided equally."

The other two peak masters also reacted and immediately followed.

They just got so angry.

Now give benefits to each other for nothing.

If you don't take it, is that still human?

"Two old ghosts, seeing the wind make the rudder..."

Yang Zhi secretly scolded.

Then said to Liu Xinyan.

"In that case, I will bet on a quasi-emperor pill."

"The old man also produced a quasi-emperor pill."

"Me too!"

Liu Xinyan snorted coldly and put away the immortal gold.

"A quasi-emperor pill, just want to bet on immortal gold?"

"At least five!"

Yang Zhi listened, his brows furrowed.

Although the Quasi-Emperor Pill is not as rare as immortal gold, it is also extremely difficult to refine.

Even with his net worth, there were only five quasi-emperor pills left on his body.

But that immortal gold, he really needed it.

This kind of immortal gold, rare and abnormal, is extremely beneficial after being used to integrate into his original quasi-imperial soldiers.

He looked at Lin Xingyun.

After thinking about it for a while, he smiled self-deprecatingly.

Just kidding, what is he worried about?

Even if Lin Xingyun's ability is great.

Those true biographies will not be mentioned.

The two holy sons of his own family are two great realms higher than him.

Can he still be robbed of the Dao Peach?

"Hmph, ridiculous!"

"Just gamble with her and fight until you have no regrets!"

After deciding, he smiled confidently.

"Okay, Lord Liu Feng, just five."

"Lord Liu Feng, let's make it clear first, if this sword son takes one less Enlightenment Peach, it won't be considered as your win, right?"

"No problem."

Liu Xinyan agreed without hesitation, and then looked at the other two.

"What about you two?"

"Under such conditions, five is five, I bet!"

"Me too!"

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