for two months.

Su Qianwu, reincarnated as the scabbard of the Great Luo Dao Sword.

I have been doing my duty as a scabbard.


This leads to her appearance, figure, cultivation and other aspects.

All have received some improvements.

The favorability of Lin Xingyun has also changed from 80 [difficult to separate].

Rose to 100 [Do whatever you want]!

And at this time, Zhao Hanyi on the side.

Watch the two flirt there.

Envy tugged at the corners of his clothes and bit his lower lip.

She also knew that Su Qianwu had been living in Jianzi Pavilion for the past two months.

And it's not like An Miaoyin, who eats painting cakes every day.

She is real and eats solitary food every day!

"Little hooves, little bad embryos!"

"It's so shameful!"

Zhao Hanyi scolded secretly with jealousy.

Her sister Zhao Binglan saw it very openly.

Straight up with a smile.

Hold Lin Xingyun's arm tightly.

As if on purpose, showing off with my sister.

How close he is to his future brother-in-law.

"Damn it!"

"Beast! You won't be proud for long!

Tang Yu looked at Lin Xingyun and hugged left and right in the pile of beauty.

Can't help but grit his teeth and curse viciously.

However, he was hating Lin Xingyun.

Suddenly, Lin Xingyun also looked towards the Xianwu Peak queue.

The two looked at each other sharply.

Tang Yu couldn't help but feel a chill in his spine.

Because the other party's eyes are like looking at prey.

Full of greed, and joy when hunting!

Just when Tang Yu was shocked.

That jade giant gate finally opened completely.

"The Queen Mother's Wonderland has been completely opened, enter in turn."

Yang Zhilang announced.

The disciples of Xianwu Peak were the first to enter.

The other three peaks are also not good to disagree with anything.

Only then did Tang Yu come to his senses.

As a true biography, walk at the forefront of the team.

He quickly regained his composure.

He turned around and glanced at Lin Xingyun resentfully.

"Lin Xingyun, wait for death!"

Then he stepped into the giant gate.

In Lin Xingyun's eyes, his attribute panel had already been brought up.

Children of destiny like him.

If you enter the secret treasure land, you will definitely be able to pick up various opportunities.

Lin Xingyun took a look and saw several tips from him.

[Recent Chance]: A day later, a Fanjin Ganoderma lucidum was found next to a mountain cliff

[Recent Chance]: Three days later, a hidden cave was found with an ice and fire Xuanchi in it, in which the flesh could be quenched [Recent Chance]:

Seven days later, under the leadership of the Holy Son of Xianwu Peak, he entered the core area of the Queen Mother Wonderland, found the self-styled ancient immortal beast [Bai Ze] in the depths, and successfully made him recognize his lord.



"I want all of your chances!"

Lin Xingyun thought secretly and happily.

Suddenly, Zhao Binglan laughed and coquettishly.

"Young Lord Young Lord, enter the fairy land later."

"Walking with people and covering people, okay?"


"But you have to get paid."

"First of all, it doesn't count to be a personal promise."

Lin Xingyun agreed with a chuckle.

Zhao Binglan's petite figure, he was not much interested.

"Hmm... The young lord really has no conscience..."Zhao

Binglan pouted in disappointment and patted him on the heart.

Then it came to his ear.

While sighing, he carefully transmitted the sound.

"Young Lord, secretly tell you..."

"I am carrying the Seven Treasures Dao Body, and it is naturally easy to sense the existence of the Heavenly Material and Earth Treasure."

"Young Lord, you cover me, and I will divide the treasures I found in half among you."

Lin Xingyun listened and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Start looking at Zhao Binglan's properties.

Sure enough, in her hits.

A [Seven Treasures Dao Body] purple was found.

And what surprised him.

This girl's recent chances, as many as hundreds!

Detailed explanation

: [Seven Treasures Dao Body] purple: The physique beloved by the world's rare treasures, the innate treasure luck is far beyond ordinary people, easy to pick up treasures, bump treasures, meet treasures, it is easier to find all kinds of rare treasures, hidden treasures, the higher the realm, the stronger the treasure hunting ability.

Recent chance: After entering the Queen Mother's Wonderland for a quarter of an hour, I picked up a freshly ripe neon spirit fruit on the side of the road.

Recent chance: Two quarters of an hour later, two demon beasts in the sky fought and died together, and two demon crystals fell into her hands Recent

chance: half an hour later, a Saint Yuan vein was found.

Recent chance: An hour later, a 2,500-year-old elixir, Ji Taimei, was discovered.


There are hundreds of opportunities.

It is simply stronger than the treatment of the child of destiny!

Of course, this is because of entering Wonderland.

The treasure-hunting characteristics of the Seven Treasures Dao Body have been maximized.

After reading it, Lin Xingyun did not hesitate much.

Directly smiled kindly and held Zhao Binglan's slender waist.

"Then you follow me."


Zhao Binglan cheered.

Can't hate the whole person, stick to Lin Xingyun.

The other disciples of the three peaks all entered the giant gate.

Yang Zhi turned his head.

Looking at Qian Jianfeng and the others who were about to enter.

I happened to see Lin Xingyun, who looked like he was in the flowers.

Immediately, Yin and Yang said to Liu Xinyan in public.

"Lord Liu Feng, is this your little sword?"

"It's really heroic and has deep roots."

"Unfortunately, he seems to be very addicted to children's private affairs."

"If it continues like this, I'm afraid the future is worrying."

He failed to pursue Liu Xinyan.

Later, seeing Liu Xinyan, he became Lin Feng's fiancée.

He didn't dare to offend the Lin family.

The heart has long been twisted and darker.

Often poked and poked the ground, targeting Qing Jianfeng.

"Yes, you guys ask Jianfeng are all sword cultivators, if sword cultivators are addicted to women, the path of kendo will be interrupted in an instant."

"Lord Liu Feng, you should be strictly restrained."

"Many of our female disciples of Wei Dao Peak have recently abandoned their cultivation and often go to hang around your Sword Pavilion."

"It's just offensive and insulting to Sven!"

"I heard that he is actually a closed disciple of the Sect?"

"Lord Liu Feng, now that you are in charge of the retreat, if you dare not discipline him, the old man can discipline him on his behalf!"

The two peak masters of Saint Ru Peak and Wei Dao Peak also spoke out in unison.

In and out, unceremoniously.

Both for Lin Xingyun.

I didn't respect Liu Xinyan too much.

"I don't have to!"

"I asked Jianfeng's sword son, how to act, no need for outsiders to preach!"

Liu Xinyan couldn't bear it, and refuted coldly.

She looked disgusted.

Except for Yang Zhi, those two peak masters were both senior powerhouses in the Holy Land.

The cultivation of the three of them has reached the quasi-emperor realm.

And Liu Xinyan has only been the peak master of the Great Saint Realm for eight hundred years, and his qualifications are much more shallow than all of them.

Although she is the only disciple in charge of the sect and has a special status, she is a junior after all.

"Hmph! Two old guys know to rely on the old and sell the old!

"That Yang Zhi is not a good thing!"

"Give me another two hundred years, break through the quasi-emperor, see which of you still dares to speak loudly at me!"

Liu Xinyan was gritting his silver teeth and secretly fierce.

Although she is not afraid of the other party.

But as a peak master, she still has to pay attention to decency and avoid completely tearing her face.

However, she found that Lin Xingyun had walked to her side at some point.

I saw him looking directly at the three peak masters.

With his hands behind his back, he unceremoniously said in public.

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