This small world of ten thousand Daos has its own rules, and cultivators above the Great Saint Realm are not allowed to enter.

But at this time, the power in Ye Huang's body has far exceeded the ordinary Great Saint Realm perfection, but under the deliberate suppression of the black blood, he still has not broken through to the Great Saint Realm, just to kill Lin Xingyun in this small world!


Ye Huang endured all kinds of severe pain and discomfort, his face was normal, and he flew forward and stretched out a claw, directly hitting Lin Xingyun back thousands of feet away, and the Xuanhuang exquisite armor on his body was completely shattered!


Qin Diyao was extremely worried when he saw this, and immediately burst out the power of the Dao in his body, finally breaking through the huge suppression of the drop of black blood, and swung his sword to cut Ye Huang!

"Take the body as the Dao?"

"She wants to die too!"

A cold voice came from the black blood, and Ye Huang blocked Qin Diyao's sword with one claw, and a rich dark green light bead suddenly burst out from the other claw!

Qin Diyao blocked with his sword, but was still knocked back. Even if the two of them joined forces, they still couldn't defeat Ye Huang who had completely merged into the black blood!

Chapter 372 Finally out!

"Young Master!"

On the battlefield below, Lin Chun saw his young master being knocked back by a blow, and immediately shouted angrily and burst into the air. Liu Zhennan and other heroes of the fairyland also followed up to help, trying to surround and kill Ye Huang!

But Ye Huang just looked back with contempt, pointed casually, and a strong wind swept towards everyone like a natural moat.


With just a casual blow, Lin Chun and Liu Zhennan, who were at the forefront, were blown away like rags, vomiting blood. Others were also injured, and some of the weaker ones even collapsed on the spot!

"This... What kind of power is this?! Even the Great Saint Realm can't do this!"

"All the saints and saints were defeated in one encounter, so it's even more impossible for us to get close to him!"

"That monster seems to have absorbed all the cultivation of everyone in the foreign land and added it all to him. How can it not be terrifying?!"

"How hateful! I thought those foreigners were all dead, but I didn't expect that such a monster would be raised in the end!"

Everyone in the fairyland was terrified and lamented.

Just now, they saw those foreigners being hollowed out and died one by one, and they were still very fortunate, as if a complete victory was just around the corner.

Unexpectedly, the situation reversed so quickly. Now this monster is more deterrent than the army of foreign cultivators, making everyone present feel powerless!

Especially seeing that the young master of the Lin family and the goddess of Di Yao, who had killed all before, could not compete, everyone felt a huge sense of despair in their hearts, and even couldn't help wanting to escape on the spot!

At this time, a figure in the sky turned into a silver-white fairy light, passing through the air from a distance of thousands of feet, and held Qin Diyao, who was also repelled, firmly in his arms.

"Yaoyao, are you not injured?"

"I'm fine, Xingyun, how about you?"

Qin Diyao asked with concern, her breath was still strong, and she didn't show any injuries.

After taking the body as the Tao, the incomparable and powerful power of the Tao was bestowed on her, which increased her attack, defense, body skills, soul and many other aspects to an incredible degree!

"It's not a big problem."

"But he is really strong!"

While Lin Xingyun mobilized the Xuanhuang mother energy in the Qiankun Ding to repair the Xuanhuang Linglong Armor, he stared at Ye Huang in the distance with a serious look.

"I can only use the War Immortal Dao Clothes!"

He felt that many of his current means were not enough to kill Ye Huang, so he had to sacrifice the set of ancient heavenly tablets!

Fortunately, since the big kill in front of Zhenliang Pass, his War Immortal Dao Clothes have absorbed a lot of foreign black energy.

"Although the total amount may not be enough, the three armors have not revived the spirituality in them..."

"But as long as the Daluo Dao Sword takes action, all problems will be solved!"

Lin Xingyun thought about it and no longer hesitated, and took out the three armors from his body.


But when the three armors appeared, the drop of black blood in Shang Yehuang's body instantly responded, and he was extremely angry on the spot!

It burst out with infinite black light with its own great power, and even the sky and the earth turned into darkness. Countless halos formed a prison, and instantly enveloped Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao!

"Not good!"

Qin Diyao suddenly had a sense of alarm in her heart, because the suppression at this time was thousands and tens of thousands times stronger than before!

She was like being stuck in a quagmire, unable to even move a finger!

Lin Xingyun was also unable to move. At this time, even if the three armors were revived and worn by him, he could not make any attack at all!


The old roar of the drop of black blood resounded through the sky and the earth, and countless people fainted with fear. Even Ye Huang was shocked to the point of bleeding from his eyes!

"Yes, sir!"

But he still burst out with all his fighting power, rushing towards Lin Xingyun like a black meteorite, with a pair of sharp claws like the sickle of the god of death, trying to chop Lin Xingyun with force!

Lin Xingyun also rarely felt a sense of life and death threat in his heart. Obviously, the other party was different from others, and he really had the ability to kill him here!

The Daluo Dao Sword burst out with spirituality, and suddenly flew out of his hand, cutting a gap in the prison, and a ray of light was revealed!

But Ye Huang was controlled by the black blood to attack, and his claws danced, and in an instant, eight layers of prisons appeared one after another!

There were nine layers of prisons, and the suppression force surged tenfold again, locking the Daluo Dao Sword tightly!

The Daluo Dao Sword made an unwilling sword sound, but could no longer break free!

Ye Huang, like the devil of the abyss, flew forward and passed through the prison cell easily like a ghost.

Ignoring the Daluo Dao Sword, he went straight to Lin Xingyun, wanting to kill him first!

Seeing this, Qin Diyao also spared no effort to activate the power of the Dao in his body, trying to break free from the prison and go to Lin Xingyun to resist him, but it was useless.

"Heaven is unfair!"

"We can't beat the foreigners after all!"

The immortal cultivators in the distance watched this scene, and the dark emotions were extremely strong. Most of the female cultivators were in tears and couldn't bear to watch.

They all knew that if Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao really died in this battle, they would have no chance to escape.

They would definitely be easily hunted down and killed by that monster!

And just when everyone was crying in despair, Ye Huang was about to attack Lin Xingyun and tear him into ashes from his body to his soul!

A loud and clear, mighty and arrogant female shout suddenly resounded in everyone's heart!

"No regrets in this life, fight all the immortals!"

This shout seemed to have crossed the eternal time and space, and Ye Huang and the black blood in his body were moved and shocked, and suddenly paused for a moment.

Then a deep black fist light, like a pillar supporting the sky and a beam across the sea, suddenly burst out from the sky!

This fist light seemed to split the sky in two, and hit the nine-layer prison with a force that penetrated everything!


The next moment, the indestructible nine-layer prison that was enough to trap Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao to death was shattered like colored glass!

Amid the flying fragments in the sky, as if locked in the dark, Ye Huang was also accurately hit by this fist light!


He was hit and flew backwards on the spot, like a deflated skin bag, with black air and black blood gushing out crazily!

Finally, he was blasted thousands of miles away and fell heavily on the ground!

A mushroom cloud composed of black gas also rose up, and the terrifying vibration caused the earth of the entire small world to collapse and shatter!

After the black fist light dissipated, the people in the fairyland, whose brains were blank due to the shock, could see clearly.

Above the sky, there was a huge space crack hundreds of feet wide, which was blasted open by someone!

A petite girl in red was rushing out of the space crack in a hurry.

She was wearing a black armor on her slender left arm, which had been adapted to the shape of her small arm, but it was dim and seemed to have exhausted its strength after one blow.

After Chu Weiluo rushed out of the space crack, she raised her left arm with sweat on her head and panted.


"Too...too tiring! It's so exhausting to use this thing!"

"But fortunately, I finally got out!"

Chapter 373 Chu Weiluo escapes and kills everything

At this moment, all the immortal cultivators present were shocked into silence!

The unparalleled spirit of that fist light had already made them feel dizzy, and the invincible Ye Huang, who was like a demon god, was actually knocked down from the sky by a punch!

After being stunned for a long time, everyone looked at the source of the fist light.

"Is that...the goddess of the Chu family?!"

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