Everyone looked over in amazement, only to see Chu Weiluo laboriously taking off the left arm armor and putting it back into her body.

She wiped the sweat off her face and subconsciously began to look for and call out.

"Husband! Yaoyao!"

"Ah! There!"

Chu Weiluo looked carefully, and after finding the two figures, she immediately flew into the air.

The nine-layer prison had been completely blasted to pieces, and Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao naturally regained their freedom.

They saw with their own eyes that the arrogant Ye Huang was hit to an infinite distance by a fist of light, and even his breath was almost completely gone, and they were all amazed!

"Wei Luo!"

But after seeing Chu Weiluo appear, Qin Diyao was still overjoyed and immediately flew forward to greet her.



"I was trapped in a space just now. It was dark and quiet inside. It was so scary!"

After a while, the two sisters hugged each other, and Chu Weiluo hugged Qin Diyao and cried coquettishly.

"Don't be afraid, Weiluo. It's all right now!"

Qin Diyao rarely showed some maternal love and gently rubbed Chu Weiluo's little head.

Lin Xingyun also came closer and took a closer look. He saw that Chu Weiluo was not injured at all except that her spiritual power was almost drained. He felt much more relieved.

He turned to look in the southwest direction where Ye Huang was blown away. He saw that the huge mushroom cloud towering into the sky had not dissipated yet, which made him gasp.

"The fist light just now was fired by the Zhanxian Daoyi!"

"The armor that Senior Chu Wudao got back then was indeed inherited by Wei Luo!"

He didn't have time to sigh, so he gently patted the shoulders of the two women and said.

"Yaoyao, Wei Luo, let's talk later."

"That foreigner is not dead yet."

"Well, okay!"

Qin Diyao responded, and his eyes regained their determination.

Chu Wei Luo quickly saw the situation clearly, and immediately took out a large amount of holy pills, pouring them into her mouth like eating candy beans, quickly recovering her own spiritual power.

The three of them then went side by side to the southwest, Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao took Chu Wei Luo in the middle, like a family of three, so that she could recover with peace of mind.

In just a moment, the three of them approached the black mushroom cloud.

Chu Wei Luo then opened the domain of the Dao of Control, and the red barrier spread out, firmly protecting the three of them, and going straight into the deepest part of the black cloud.

The front had been smashed into a bottomless black abyss, and the breadth was boundless, as if the entire Wandao Small World was included in it!

The three of them went all the way down to the deepest part of the abyss, where the underground magma was boiling and rolling, and finally saw Ye Huang who was already in a very embarrassed state!

At this time, he was lying on a piece of lava, his body had been mostly destroyed, and a large amount of black gas was still escaping from his body. His black pupils were empty, like a living dead.

No longer the noble and transcendent when he commanded the foreign army!

"Well, although he is not dead, he is already exhausted!"

"Let's go!"

Lin Xingyun raised his hand and flipped it, and the blood killing made a series of thirsty sword sounds, and he was about to raise the sword to kill Ye Huang!

Qin Diyao also waved the Daluo Dao sword, and Chu Weiluo punched again!

Ye Huang felt the terrifying offensive of the three people and knew that he was doomed!

But at this last moment, the drop of black blood in his body was countless times weaker than before, and it was still spewing out black gas!

Chapter 374 The war is over, return to Zhenlong Pass

"There are actually two people in this life who hold the immortal war robe?!"

"And this girl who takes her body as the way..."

"They all have to die————!"

The slightly surprised old voice came from the drop of black blood, and the killing intent towards Lin Xingyun and the other two became stronger!

But at this time it was really exhausted. Facing the joint attack of the three people, Ye Huang's body was almost instantly blown into ashes, and the spirituality in the drop of black blood was also wiped out!

The thick black gas also erupted, and Lin Xingyun raised his hand and put Ye Huang's body into the palm pot, leaving it for later devouring.

The drop of black blood and the black gas in the sky were all absorbed by the three immortal war robes he took out!

The three pieces of armor had already absorbed a large amount of black air before, and now they were like a whirlwind, especially after absorbing all the black blood, their own divine patterns were all lit up, and they had obviously recovered their spirituality!

"Ah! Husband, you also have these treasures?!"

"Right arm armor, right leg armor, left leg armor! And they are all full of energy, and can be used!"

Chu Weiluo's big eyes sparkled, and she covered her mouth in surprise.

"Well, it was a fluke."

"Wei Luo, you should also take out your left arm armor to absorb the black air."

Lin Xingyun smiled and ordered Chu Weiluo, and put away the three pieces of armor, intending to keep them as a trump card in the future.

"Yeah! Good!"

Chu Weiluo did not mean to hide it, so she took out her left arm armor, and after absorbing all the remaining black air, she also showed a trend of reviving spirituality.

Suddenly, Chu Weiluo remembered something, and she held the left arm armor in her arms and handed it to Lin Xingyun reluctantly.

"Hubby, are you collecting this set of armor?"

"Here, I'll give it to you!"

Lin Xingyun saw that she was reluctant to give it to him, but she still wanted to give him the treasure. She couldn't help but laugh at her and comforted her by touching her head.

"I already have three pieces, and I'm not in a hurry to get them all at once. You should keep it for self-defense."

"Really?! Thank you, husband!"

Chu Weiluo was overjoyed, jumped up and hugged Lin Xingyun's neck, and kissed him on the cheek.

After the three of them were affectionate for a while, they left the abyss hand in hand and flew to the front of the fairyland cultivator camp.

"Young Master!"

Lin Chun led the Lin family members to come to pay their respects first, and Liu Zhennan and other saint-level figures followed.

When the fairyland cultivators saw that Lin Xingyun and the other two were intact, but Ye Huang's aura had completely disappeared, they all understood and came to pay their respects in ecstasy!

"Well, brother, you did a good job."

Lin Xingyun first took out a large amount of healing holy pills from the Qiankun Ring and gave them to the Lin family members, and then poured out some Xuanhuang mother energy to Lin Chun, and then announced to the fairyland cultivators.

"Fellow Daoists, the foreigners have been killed!"

"We have won a great victory in this battle!"


When everyone heard Lin Xingyun's exact answer, they finally burst into a tsunami of celebration!

Everyone was cheering for surviving the catastrophe and marveling at the three geniuses who turned the tide.

Many female cultivators looked at Lin Xingyun infatuatedly, shedding excited and enthusiastic tears!

"Too handsome, too strong, too fierce!"

"I can't stand it, Jimei, I have to queue!"

"Mr. Lin! I want to sleep with you!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for saving my life. I am willing to repay you by working like a cow and a horse for you!"

"Mr. Lin! Look at me! I am Ji Ni who ascended from Xu Kun Sect in Fen Yan Realm!"

While a group of female cultivators were screaming wildly for Lin Xingyun, some insightful old saints were looking at the three figures in amazement.

"The fist light just now was too terrifying. It turned out to be thrown by the goddess of the Chu family?!"

"I have also had the honor of seeing the quasi-emperor take action. Although it is extremely powerful, it is far less terrifying than the power of the punch just now!"

"The goddess Di Yao should not be underestimated. Her power of the Tao is so strange. I feel that the Tao in my body has been suppressed to the lowest point!"

"And the young master of the Lin family was able to kill hundreds of foreigners by himself before, and he also killed the God King Jin Lingtian with one force. I don’t know how powerful he is!"

"And these three people...are only the perfect cultivation of the king realm!"

"Looking at them, I seem to see three future emperor-level figures!"

"Too small! The pattern is too small! These are obviously three future immortals!"

When everyone was discussing heatedly, bursts of nine-color halos suddenly appeared in the sky.

That was a sign that the Ten Thousand Dao Small Worlds were about to be closed and sealed!

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