Yuan Pi said and retreated behind Ye Huang, trying to use Ye Huang as a barrier to hold Qin Diyao and Lin Xingyun back to buy time for him to escape.

But just as he was about to leave, Ye Huang turned his hand and took out a drop of dark blood from his body, and unprecedented determination burst out in his eyes!

"Yuan Pi, if I want to kill this woman, I need to borrow your head!"

Chapter 370 A drop of black blood, don’t worry

"Lend me your head?!"

"Brother Ye! Don't...don't be joking! Even if you kill me, what will happen -"

A strong ominous premonition arose in Yuan Pi's heart, and he felt the real murderous intention in Ye Huang's body. He was so frightened that he backed away and wanted to run away!

But his pupils suddenly shrank and he noticed the drop of black blood that Ye Huang took out.

After careful inspection, relying on the rich experience of their Yuangui clan, they were finally able to identify its origin with great horror!

That drop of blood was said to be blood, but it was more like the purest incarnation of darkness in the world. It was so dark that it almost swallowed up all the light. He just glanced at it and felt that his soul was about to be absorbed into it!

His internal organs were surging, as if his own blood was being stirred by the drop of black blood and began to boil!


"Is it the precious blood of that Lord?! You actually have such a gift?!"

Yuan Pi was so frightened that even his desire to escape disappeared!

In his understanding, the supreme being in the deepest part of the foreign land is an existence older than myth and more noble and powerful than the emperor!

Only the top emperor-level experts can go to see the other party, and it is even more difficult to obtain the other party's gift!

And this great opportunity was actually given to Ye Huang, who had not reached the Saint level!

"It is indeed the precious blood of the Lord. Although it has been diluted by me thousands of times, it is still very effective."

"you do not need to worry."

"After you die, I will report that you died gloriously in order to kill the Immortal Realm people."

Ye Huang looked at the precious blood in his hand, with a bit of fanaticism and admiration in his eyes.

Then he said coldly to Yuan Pi, making Yuan Pi completely lose hope of survival!


He subconsciously screamed in pain, but Ye Huang was unmoved at all. He immediately poured spiritual power and Tao into his hands to urge the precious blood in his hands, and began to exert its terrifying properties!

I saw that drop of black blood emitting waves of strange fluctuations on its own, spreading rapidly like a wave!

Yuan Pi was the first to bear the brunt, and the black energy in his body and the mysterious black Dao patterns all over his body rose up from the ground, as if he was being summoned by the emperor, and quickly separated from Yuan Pi's body!

When the black energy completely left the physical body, it also took away all of Yuan Pi's cultivation, spiritual power and power of Taoism. It was as if it had completely drained him dry!


Yuan Pi screamed in agony, but he was also powerless. He could only watch as everything about him was forcibly taken away by the black energy and poured into the drop of black blood!

After a while, Yuan Pi was completely stripped and turned into a mummy!

And everything about Yuan Pi was like the first dish of a banquet. After the drop of black blood absorbed it, it did not show any satisfaction. Instead, it continued to emit evil waves, spreading to all directions in the sky and underground!

The foreign monks who felt the call of the black blood, although they did not know the origin of the black blood, still burst out from the depths of their souls with the will to awe and obey!

Then the black energy and black Dao patterns in the body rioted, and with all the cultivation, spiritual power, and Dao principles, they broke away from the body and rushed towards the drop of black blood!

Like Yuan Pi, all the foreign monks were quickly deprived of everything and turned into mummies, leaving everyone in the Immortal Realm shocked and terrified.

As the instigator, Ye Huang, while controlling the drop of black blood to violently plunder the foundation of the foreign monks, streams of extremely pure spiritual power and power of Tao were also poured into him from the black blood, allowing his broken body to The body is repaired and healed, and the breath is rising rapidly!

"Anyway, you can't kill Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao, so why not come and help me succeed!"

"The Lord knows and will approve of my actions!"

Ye Huang's eyes showed a look of fanaticism without any guilt. Instead, he stared at Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao not far away.

This drop of precious blood was a gift he received when he was the Great Emperor in his previous life, but now he had to use it against the enemy.

But as long as he can kill these two freaks from the fairyland, he still thinks it's worth it!

Chapter 371 Two swords unite, black blood revives

While Ye Huang was extracting the black energy and cultivation of the foreign monks, Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao didn't take it seriously.

"Yao Yao is awesome, I knew you could do it!"

Lin Xingyun looked at Qin Diyao, who exuded a mysterious Taoist charm and felt incomparable, stretched out his hand to hug her into his arms, and kissed her forehead lovingly.

Qin Diyao was stunned for a moment. The cold and murderous demeanor before quickly faded away, and red clouds rose instead. She was not at all like the female slayer who casually slaughtered the emperor's sons in foreign lands and restricted areas before.

A pair of soft-furred cat ears appeared unconsciously on his head, trembling slightly, as if to hint to Lin Xingyun to take pity on him.

Lin Xingyun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he subconsciously opened his mouth to hold one of the cat ears, slurping it in his mouth.

"Nebula! Don't... don't do this!"

Qin Diyao dodged to resist, but her pair of cat ears kept swaying, and she gently penetrated Lin Xingyun's mouth, seeming to enjoy this wonderful feeling.

After a while, she vaguely remembered something, and suddenly raised her face from Lin Xingyun's arms, anxiously saying.

"By the way! Willow!"

"Xingyun! Willow hasn't escaped yet!"

"Yaoyao, don't worry too much, Willow will be fine, her ability is far beyond your imagination."

"Let's get rid of this troublesome guy first, and then try to rescue Willow."

Lin Xingyun stroked her head to comfort her, and then pointed to the distance, like a demon god, madly killing his compatriots.


Qin Diyao nodded gently, and his eyes regained his determination to fight again.

The two immediately separated from the hug and prepared to fight the enemy side by side.

"Here, it's for you."

Seeing that she had no weapon, Lin Xingyun handed over the Daluo Dao Sword.

Qin Diyao held the sword in his hand, feeling the rarity of this sword weapon, and felt a strange familiar feeling rippling in his heart.

The Daluo Dao Sword was also lit up with divine patterns all over, as if it preferred being used by Qin Diyao to the beast Lin Xingyun!

"Yaoyao, I'll go first."

Lin Xingyun looked at the two and nodded with satisfaction.

In the past, he could only fight side by side with the Feixian Divine Embryo. Now this was the first time he joined forces with the original body to fight the enemy!

A trace of warmth rose in his heart, and he immediately held the Blood Killing Sword, stepped on the fairy light and took the lead in attacking!

"Lin Xingyun, die!"

Ye Huang spoke coldly, his voice seemed to come from the netherworld purgatory.

At this time, not only had his body recovered by most of his injuries, but his dark wings behind him were also spread out. The excessive power made his body much stronger than before. His pale muscles were like a dragon with bulging veins, and his posture was more than ten times more fierce than before!

At this time, he raised his claws and waved them, and five dark green claw shadows almost tore the sky, and slashed towards Lin Xingyun with the sound of a sonic boom!


Lin Xingyun held the Blood Killer and chopped off countless sword grasses, breaking the claw shadows while approaching Ye Huang. The immortal light burst out from the heart bone, fully blessing everything of him. The sword in his hand became sharp and invincible, and he fought with Ye Huang in an instant!

At this time, after killing hundreds of foreign monks, Ye Huang was much stronger than before. With the help of that drop of black blood, the power accumulated in his body was completely at the level of the Great Saint Realm!

Lin Xingyun continued to strike out with the sword, but could not cause obvious injuries to him for a while.

But the next moment, Qin Diyao appeared on the other side of Ye Huang like a flying fairy.

First, she slapped down with a palm, making Ye Huang unstable, and even the absorbed black air was partially wiped out and dissipated by her Tao!

Then she and Lin Xingyun combined their swords, like a pair of sword immortals, each performing the Wanhua Sword Art and the Sansheng Sword Art, cooperating with each other in a natural tacit understanding, slashing Ye Huang back again and again, and a large area of ​​wounds quickly appeared on his body!

But a moment later, just when the two of them had a clear advantage, the last foreign cultivator below was finally drained of his black energy, spiritual power, and Dao principles in pain and despair, and fell to the ground with a scream, and was killed by the immortal cultivator.

And with the influx of this last black energy, the drop of black blood in Ye Huang's hand seemed to be finally satisfied, and it made a burst of evil and boundless hissing sounds!


The drop of black blood burst out with divine power, and boundless black energy rolled out. A burst of extremely terrifying pressure was released, which seemed to freeze the world in place, and everything in the world suddenly stopped!

Even Lin Xingyun and Qin Diyao were frozen, and their bodies stiffened in mid-air!

"Master?! Is it you?!"

Ye Huang felt the breath that made him fanatically worship in his previous life, and immediately knelt in the air and saluted the drop of black blood.

"Kill him first!"

"Bring back everything he has!"

An old and decayed voice came from the black blood, with strong hostility directed at Lin Xingyun, as if he was extremely afraid and disgusted with him and something in him!

Then it suddenly rushed into Ye Huang's body, causing his aura to surge again, and his body was almost burst by the majestic and vast power. If it weren't for the black blood's protection, he would have exploded and died!

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