"Brother Zhennan, let's work together to kill a son of the restricted area first, and they will naturally have no time to besiege my young master!"

"Well, the young master Xingyun is also the son-in-law of my Liu family. I will definitely protect him today!"

Liu Zhennan nodded in agreement. The two of them obviously had a long-standing friendship. At this time, they faced the enemy side by side, and did not forget to turn around and tacitly transmit the message to the crowd of onlookers.

"Everyone! It's rare that there are no foreigners disturbing us at this time. Why not take advantage of the situation to kill these sons of the restricted area!"

"Anyway, they will not sincerely help us fight the enemy, so it's better to kill them directly and divide up their magic weapons, emperor blood, and great emperor inheritance!"

The message from Liu Zhennan and Lin Chun was like the sound of war drums, making all the cultivators present feel excited and unable to control themselves!

In addition, with the two saints of the immortal family taking the lead, everyone was even more courageous!

"What these two saints said makes sense!"

"If we don't kill them today, they will come out to cause trouble in the restricted area in the future, and these people will be terrifying enemies!"

"Then kill them! I have long wanted to try what the blood of the emperor tastes like! Hehehe!"

"Can you evil cultivators restrain yourself? We are fighting for the future of the people in the fairyland!"

"Oh, good! For the people in the fairyland! Hehehe!"

After the cultivators on the scene discussed for a while, they could no longer tolerate it, whether for justice or self-interest!

Soon, an old man in a black robe took the lead in flying out, and the black robe on his body turned into a group of crows, screaming and cutting through the sky, rushing towards Cang Luo who had just been injured, and actually wanted to kill him first and harvest his treasures of the emperor's son!

With someone taking the lead, the heroes on the scene immediately responded in droves. For a while, countless magical powers and magic weapons smashed into the people in the restricted area, all wanting to take advantage of the situation to kill these emperor's sons in one fell swoop, and then fish in troubled waters!

"Damn it! A bunch of lowly ants, do you really think you can turn the world upside down?!"

Cang Luo had already stabilized his body. Seeing that the immortal realm cultivators actually dared to besiege them, he was instantly furious. The aura in his body burst out, and groups of green light burst out like stars, and the black-robed old man's crow magic was instantly annihilated!

But Liu Zhennan and Lin Chun had already come down side by side, and they all used extreme moves to attack him. The wooden man and the green dragon were like a mountain pressing down on him, so he had to be exhausted for a while!

And Qin Ji saw that the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and the other princes could not break through Chu Weiluo's barrier at all, so he couldn't help but get a little anxious for a while.

He flew up and came to Jin Lingtian, who always closed his eyes proudly, and asked carefully.

"Brother Jin, the situation is not optimistic! We still need you to take action to suppress the situation———"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Jin Lingtian interrupted him with contempt and indifference, not treating him as a person at all, which made Qin Ji's face turn pale.

"Brother Jin, save me!"

But the next moment, Cang Luo's urgent cry for help came, and it turned out that more than ten saintly cultivators from the Lin and Liu families were besieging him together. He had been severely injured by Lin Xingyun, and it was even more difficult for him to cope with it at this time, and he quickly developed multiple injuries!

And his followers were besieged by more immortal realm cultivators, and they couldn't get out to rescue him!

Ants bite elephants to death. Even if the people in the restricted area are strong, they are facing a huge disadvantage when facing the siege!

"It's so hateful! Stop it, kill these ants first!"

"That's right! Let them remember forever that the forbidden area cannot be insulted!"

Seeing this, Bai Wuyou and the other five princes were also furious. They immediately abandoned the red barrier and turned around to kill the fairyland monks who surrounded them!

But Bai Wuyou just transformed into a huge bone dragon, ready to devour the fairyland monks.


Suddenly, after a loud bang of metal, he felt a sharp pain on his back. One of his bone wings was cut off by a sword!

He looked back and saw that Lin Xingyun had walked out of the barrier without knowing when, and was holding a sword in the air, looking at him with an evil smile on his face.

"Lin Xingyun————!"

Bai Wuyou roared with resentment and turned around immediately, and shot countless white bone thorns all over his body to attack Lin Xingyun!

"He's out of the barrier, catch him!"

"As long as we can catch him and threaten that woman to remove the barrier, they will be lambs to be slaughtered!"

The other four princes in the restricted area all showed excitement and murderous intent. They had been bombarding the barrier for so long but it was useless. They were already furious!

The four of them immediately used their own imperial methods, and countless Dao forces surged like lightning, attacking Lin Xingyun together!

But when Lin Xingyun saw this, he stepped on the silver-white fairy light and returned to the barrier in one step.

Then Chu Weiluo immediately controlled the barrier to open an entrance tacitly, allowing Lin Xingyun to enter and close it in an instant.

The offensive of the five princes once again bombarded the barrier, like an egg hitting a stone. Except for smashing a large spiritual power storm, it was completely useless!

"This beast! He has retreated into his shell again!"

"His movements are too strange, and it is difficult for us to capture him. Let's kill all the ants in the fairyland first and then deal with him!"

The five princes were so angry that the three corpse gods jumped up and down, but they still had no way to deal with it. They had to turn around and deal with the siege of a large number of fairyland cultivators.

However, the next moment, one of the princes felt a fright in his heart and immediately dodged and defended with all his strength!

But he still felt a sharp pain in his neck. He was actually cut by a shocking sword light. Although he didn't separate his head and body on the spot, he also made blood spurt out of his neck like a pillar!


He retreated thousands of feet away and looked up. It turned out that Lin Xingyun jumped out of the barrier again with the Daluo Dao Sword!


The five emperors couldn't bear it anymore, and they roared in unison and attacked Lin Xingyun. They didn't even plan to capture him, but wanted to kill this beast on the spot!

However, before their magical powers could reach them, Lin Xingyun's feet bloomed with silvery-white fairy light. He once again escaped the five-man attack and flew into the barrier.

Then he turned to look at the five emperors and showed a bright smile.

Then, under their helpless and furious gazes, he took another step outside the barrier!


Bai Wuyou, who had the deepest grudge against Lin Xingyun, finally couldn't help but curse when he saw how arrogant he was.

At the same time, he finally had no choice but to look at Jin Lingtian and yelled with a bit of anger.

"Brother Jin, if you don't take action, we will have to retreat today!"

Chapter 357 God King Body takes action

"They're all trash!"

Jin Lingtian, who had always been indifferent to everything, saw that the battlefield situation had evolved into a situation where he was surrounded by enemies from both sides and faced a dilemma. Finally, it was difficult to contain his anger.

A golden divine pattern gradually lit up between his eyebrows, and he was dressed in a noble golden robe without wind. His powerful spiritual power was like a volcano about to erupt, making the surrounding space tremble!

The next moment, his tall body trembled, and dozens of golden divine rings appeared behind him. The sky seemed to be inspired, and immediately the wind and clouds gathered, and bursts of loud and breathtaking sounds of dragons and phoenixes came from the clouds.

Then, the phantom of a god-king who has traveled through the world emerged from the clouds. Their bodies were all shining with golden light, their clothes were extremely ancient, and their spirit was magnificent and vicissitudes of life. It was as if they had manifested themselves and descended into the world again after experiencing many calamities, but they were all heading towards the world together. Jin Lingtian bowed and worshiped!

And after the visions of the gods appeared, Jin Lingtian's own momentum also skyrocketed, and the billowing spiritual power surged out like a hurricane, making all the immortal monks present feel shocked and even wanted to kneel down and surrender uncontrollably!

"This is... one of the top ten physiques in the Immortal Realm, the physical abnormality of the God King's body, worshiped by the gods!"

"He is the god-king body rumored to be in the Tianyuan restricted area?!"

"This aura is so terrifying and boundless, can we really kill him?!"

"Come together! Now it's a fight to the death. He may not be able to kill all of us before his spiritual power is exhausted?"

The monks looked at the magnificent vision that covered the sky and Jin Lingtian, who was as majestic as an abyss. They were all horrified and felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy!

And Jin Lingtian did not disappoint them at all. When the physical phenomenon unfolded, he took one step forward, like a god king patrolling the world, and instantly arrived in front of Cang Luo, facing the siege of a group of monks on his behalf!


He shouted, and thousands of sacred lights with divine patterns immediately fell like a curtain from the sky, suppressing Lin Chun and others who were besieging Cang Luo.

I saw that the people who were attacking fiercely were instantly as if they were being crushed by mountains. All the skills and magical powers they exerted were suppressed and obliterated. Each of the monks was even more difficult to move. They were suppressed by the holy light of divine patterns and were unable to fight back. !

Jin Lingtian waved his robe sleeves, and the torrential spiritual power turned into a torrent and poured out, sending everyone flying backwards like rubble!

Except for Liu Zhennan and Lin Chun, who only suffered injuries and vomited blood, the others even had their bodies burst apart and turned into flesh and blood and died on the spot!

Then Jin Lingtian snorted coldly, raised his hand to seal the secret, and the gods in the sky immediately turned towards the Immortal Realm monks and worshiped together. Immediately, endless golden light fell like stars.

Each ray of golden light was so powerful that it was difficult for everyone in the Immortal Realm to resist, and they were killed and injured in an instant!


"It's too scary! This can't be defeated by just the number of people!"

"Fellow Taoists! This is still a battlefield between two realms. Let's deal with the foreigners. These emperors' ideas in the restricted area are too tough!"

"Ha! Didn't you just say that you wanted to taste the blood of the Great Emperor? Jin Lingtian is right there, why don't you go and taste it!"

"I'm just kidding, brother!"

Some people defended with all their strength, but were still blasted by the golden light until they vomited blood and retreated violently. They finally managed to save their lives, and their fighting spirit was immediately reduced.

The other monks also had the idea of ​​retreating and immediately withdrew from the battle.

After Jin Lingtian's offensive, everyone in the Immortal Realm no longer dared to act rashly, and there was no pressure on the restricted area.

He stood with his hands behind his back, looking in all directions, his expression still arrogant and indifferent, as if the murder just now was just done casually by him!

"If you dare to be arrogant again, these people will be punished!"

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